My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 173: Excited

Chen Ling really didn't have much experience in public welfare. After hearing Mr. Li's words, he felt that they were very reasonable. It seemed that Mr. Li had some good ideas, so he asked anxiously.

"I originally planned to bring some excellent teachers to do a public welfare class. As far as the current situation is concerned, although children in mountainous areas can learn, the knowledge they learn is very simple. It is nothing more than the knowledge in textbooks. They are very Lack of attainments in art, so I want to bring some art teachers to bring the wings of dreams to poor children." Mr. Li said his plan.

After Chen Ling heard it, she agreed with Mr. Li's words. Poor children are only focused on learning, and ignore knowledge other than textbooks. There may be many children who are talented in this area, but because there is no opportunity for Qu Jiechu , and missed it. So Chen Ling decided to join the project.

"Okay, just tell me what I should do." Chen Ling cut to the point in one sentence, he wanted to know what he could do.

At this time, Mr. Li smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, you are really a warm-hearted person. If there are more people like you in public welfare undertakings, it would be great to do too much. We Weian have always In the past few years, it has not affected too many people, and I hope that this cooperation will bring different results." Mr. Li began to say that he agreed with Mr. Chen's words from the bottom of his heart. They, Wei'an, chose to cooperate after seeing Chen Ling's strength, but after the cooperation, they discovered the essence of Chen Ling. For them, this was even more rare.

"Use the donated money to hire teachers." Mr. Li began to talk about his thoughts

"Okay, what else?" Chen Ling agreed.

"There will also be some funds for hiring teachers, and what we have to do together, we need to recruit some volunteers, first follow us to do this public welfare activity, and then hire teachers to teach on the spot. Maybe we hired The teachers here are all caring young people, but we all know that the conditions are really tough, so we can't treat them badly. In terms of salary, we must also be reasonable, not even lower than their current standards~~ "Boss Li started talking again.

"I understand. Another point is that the reputation needs to be publicized. Let's hold a press conference first." Chen Ling put forward his own suggestion.

"Yes, we also have this plan. Once the news is released, more or less people will join us. It doesn't matter if we gain fame, no matter what, the more funds and the greater the noise, the more beneficial it will be for this matter." Mr. Li said with certainty.

At this time, Mr. Li couldn't help feeling Chen Ling's personal charm in his heart. Not everyone is willing to do public welfare. Who would think he has too much money. He also liked Chen Ling more and more.

After talking so much, the two of them finally formed a preliminary plan. In the blink of an eye, it was time to eat, so Mr. Li began to say: "Haha, it's great to talk so speculatively. It's been a morning, and it's time to rest, there is a nice restaurant downstairs, let's go, let's have a meal together." Mr. Li showed his friendship as a landlord.

So the two of them came to the restaurant, and then they ate and chatted.

After leaving the company, the atmosphere became much milder, without the sense of formality of the company.

When the two of them chatted about life, they were surprisingly similar. The more they chatted, the more addicted they were.

In this way, it took them more than two hours to complete a meal in less than an hour. In these two hours, they reached a bond. Sometimes the friendship between people is so simple. Individuals thus become friends.

"Okay, brother, it's time for me to go back." At this moment, Chen Ling finally realized that he had been here for a long time.

Mr. Li looked at his watch and found that it was past two o'clock. "Here, with you, time flies so fast." Mr. Li lamented the passage of time, but Chen Ling also shared the same sympathy

In this way, Chen Ling bid farewell to Mr. Li and prepared to go home. Thinking of their public welfare, Chen Ling felt that this might be an important moment in his life. Looking back on the time when he first went to Sichuan, he felt that it was a dream. So he was going to share the next thing with his sister.

"Hey, let me tell you something. I have something important to do." As soon as the call was connected, Chen Ling couldn't wait to speak out. The joy in his heart really couldn't be concealed. After Chen Xiaoqi heard Chen Ling's words, if it was before, she must have felt that her brother was bragging, but after what happened a while ago, she also saw his brother's strength. , as well as the earth-shaking and well-known buildings a while ago, she knew that her brother had been doing a lot of big things.

"What's the matter, brother, that makes you so excited." Chen Xiaoqi has long recognized Chen Ling's tone, and his voice is full of vitality. Chen Xiaoqi didn't need to see it with his own eyes, but he had already imagined that kind of elation. .

"I'm going to do a public welfare activity. This activity is aimed at children in poverty-stricken areas. I want to focus on the artistic attainments of children in poverty-stricken areas." Chen Ling talked about his plan.

"Then can I participate? I can also teach the children." After Chen Xiaoqi heard about it, she also wanted to join. First of all, she could use her talent to help those children. More importantly, she also had a star effect. Her talented fans, do these things (Wang Lihao).

After Chen Ling heard about it, she thought it was a good way. His sister is also good at singing and dancing. These are naturally a trivial matter for her, and this will greatly improve the publicity effect.

As a result, Chen Ling's mood became even more enthusiastic, and he quickly asked Chen Xiaoqi when he was free, and he was going to take Chen Xiaoqi to meet with President Li to talk about this matter.

"There are arrangements for these few days. It will take three or four days. I will contact you when the time comes." After hearing Chen Xiaoqi's words, Chen Ling was about to fly. He quickly agreed, and then said to let her be busy first.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Chen Ling returned to the company. Today, he is very excited, and the expression on his face can tell his state of mind at the moment. So much so that when he walked, he felt like he was floating.

At this time, Chen Ling had returned to the company. .

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