My Building Has Attributes

Chapter Two Hundred And Second

After Chen Ling returned to the car, Liu Yuyang also walked over. At this time, just as Liu Yuyang got into the car, he heard Chen Ling say: "Go back to the company." After hearing what Chen Ling said, Liu Yuyang started the engine without saying a word.

The two were silent, neither said a word, and their anger became a little weird. At this moment, Chen Ling coughed to clear his throat, then looked at Liu Yuyang, and wanted to say something, but closed his mouth again.

Liu Yuyang had long looked at Chen Ling from the corner of his eye. Looking at his expression, he found it funny. He didn't know when Chen Ling became as cute as he is now. So Liu Yuyang snickered in his heart, he wanted to see how long Chen Ling could hold back, and if he was not allowed to speak, then he would not speak. The two of them quarreled and quarreled all the way. After returning to the company, the two of them didn't speak.

Seeing this, the people in the company felt that the atmosphere was very strange. They didn't know if something had happened again, so they speeded up and were busy with the work in hand, and they didn't dare to chat anymore. "Boss, this is a contract from the hospital, why did it just get sent today?" Shen Ningxue asked again after putting the contract on the table. "There were some problems with the last contract. It's fine. The previous payment has already been paid. Don't worry about 07." After hearing this, Chen Ling explained again. Seeing this, Shen Ningxue didn't say anything more.

When Shen Ningxue was about to go out, Chen Ling suddenly said: "Do you want to get married?" Shen Ningxue looked at Chen Ling who was asking herself, thinking about what this sentence meant? Can she get married if she wants to, think about it Forget it, so he shook his head duplicity and said: "I don't want to, what's the matter." After Chen Ling heard Shen Ningxue's words, he said: 11, it's all right." When she heard that it was all right, Shen Ningxue went out.

Chen Ling felt tired when he thought that his mother would come to ask the teacher again after returning home. So I sent a message to Liu Yuyang and said, "Go to a bar at night."

After a while, Chen Ling looked at his phone, but Liu Yuyang didn't reply to him, so he sent another emoticon, but Liu Yuyang still didn't reply to him, which caught Chen Ling's attention, and then continued to send.

Chen Ling had already sent a lot of emoticons, but Liu Yuyang didn't reply to him, so he called Liu Yuyang, and after the call was connected, Liu Yuyang waited for Chen Ling to speak without saying a word. Seeing this, Chen Ling said, "Come to my office." Not long after hanging up the phone, Liu Yuyang walked over, and after entering, he still had a blank expression on his face.

At this moment, Chen Ling began to think of a way to make him speak. I saw Chen Ling began to say: "Laugh if you want to laugh, hold back what to do." Looking at Chen Ling in front of him, Liu Yuyang naturally found it funny, but he didn't eat the steamed buns to save his breath. Liu Yuyang doesn't intend to reconcile with Chen Ling, even if they reconcile, Chen Ling must show sincerity. "Go to the bar tonight." Chen Ling started talking again.

After Liu Yuyang heard it, he just nodded, but remained silent. "Liu Yuyang, don't go too far." Chen Ling looked at Liu Yuyang in front of him, and his temper began to rise. I thought Liu Yuyang was really spoiled by him, and became so reckless. He never thought that Liu Yuyang would go out directly after hearing what he said, and Chen Ling would be pissed off now.

Seeing that Liu Yuyang had just left Chen Ling's office, he burst into laughter. The colleagues in the company looked at him with stunned expressions when they saw it, thinking to themselves, I don't know what the boss told him, how could he do this? happy. After work, just as Chen Ling walked out of the office, Liu Yuyang was already waiting there. Chen Ling took a look at Liu Yuyang and started to walk forward.

Liu Yuyang saw that Chen Ling didn't talk to him, so he wanted to continue teasing him, so he didn't leave, and stood motionless. When Chen Ling saw this, he said to him angrily: "I'm not going to talk to you yet. Come up." After hearing what Chen Ling said, Liu Yuyang followed. The two soon came to a nearby bar, and when Liu Yuyang had just had a sip of wine, Chen Ling began to complain: "I don't want to get married."

Liu Yuyang looked at Chen Ling who was annoyed in front of him, and let go of his suspicions, so he asked: "Why do you hate marriage so much? Isn't marriage a good thing?" Chen Ling started to say after hearing Liu Yuyang's words: "What's the point? Ah, there are so many things, how good it is to be alone, free and unrestrained, can you be as reckless as you are now when you are married? Go out and drink all night?" Chen Ling is right, after getting married, there will be a lot of life Trivia in . "How do I feel that the relationship between you and Goddess Shen has become estranged?" Liu Yuyang expressed his doubts. He saw that Chen Ling didn't go on a date with Goddess Shen after work, so he asked.

"Yes, the relationship between people is really strange. We didn't quarrel, and we drifted away. I felt it today. I wanted to ask her, but I resisted it. Later, I asked her if she wanted to get married. She Shake your head."

After Chen Ling heard Liu Yuyang's words, she resonated with her, and recalling what she asked Shen Ningxue today, she hurt her body and said to Liu Yuyang. At this moment, after Liu Yuyang heard it, he began to say again: "Then I don't understand, you two agree so much, how can there be differences?" After hearing Liu Yuyang's words, Chen Ling also didn't understand , He couldn't figure out what was going on. 913

So Chen Ling shook his head, letting himself stop thinking about these things. Then he said to Liu Yuyang: "Stop talking, drink." Seeing Chen Ling, he started to drink with the wine. Looking at Chen Ling's situation, Liu Yuyang wanted to get drunk, so he thought that he should keep his head clear so that he could bring Chen Ling home.

Chen Ling drank one bottle after another, Liu Yuyang looked at Chen Ling in front of him, and couldn't figure out what it was for. He just looked at Chen Ling, not knowing what to say. At this moment, Chen Ling began to let Liu Yuyang drink the wine. "Drink, brother." Liu Yuyang took the wine from Chen Ling's hand and drank it in one gulp.

I saw Chen Ling saying, "It's even more worrying to use wine to relieve your sorrow!" Liu Yuyang looked at the wine bottle on the table that Chen Ling had emptied, and couldn't see how much it was, and then persuaded Chen Ling not to drink it. up. But how can a drunk person listen to these words, so Chen Ling ignored Liu Yuyang's dissuasion and drank heavily.

Liu Yuyang didn't say anything anymore, since he was unhappy, let him have a good drink.

After getting drunk, Chen Ling fell asleep after a while, and Liu Yuyang found two more waiters to carry Chen Ling back to the car, so he drove Chen Ling home. .

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