"Please all the captains of the teams to assemble in Building 3 in half an hour. Liu

Wen and the others were eating, and the radio in the dining hall and dormitory suddenly sounded, reminding the captains.

Liu Wen coincidentally swallowed the last bite of food, looked at the radio in the corner, and blinked his eyes.

"I'll talk about the props when I come back in the evening, you should go to Building 3 first, maybe it has something to do with the rules of the game. Teacher Shao was still drinking the soup leisurely and said with a smile.

Liu Wen nodded, and at this time, many people in the restaurant began to walk outside.

Building 3 is a large flat building built on the edge of the dormitory, and there is a staff member at the door to guide you into a conference room.

Liu Wen casually found a chair to sit down, and at the front of the room there was a staircase platform, with a total of four floors, and a camera was set up in front of the platform.

Liu Wen is familiar with this link, and there was also a group photo session during the previous exchange meeting of the captain of the Huazhong Alliance selection competition.

Soon the captains came in one after another, but there were not enough chairs in the room, only a dozen, and the later captains could only stand.


, Liu Wen!" heard someone shouting his name, and before Liu Wen could turn around, Zhong Wudi's big face had already come over.

"Long time no see. Luo Xin followed closely and said hello.

"It's been a long time. Liu Wen nodded, looking at Zhong Wudi and Luo Xin's eyes with a little ambiguity.

During the time that he left Qianlong City, the two of them were not less than hot searches on the ground in pairs......

It can't be a feeling in the secret realm, right?"

"It's worthy of being my brother, it's really awesome! As soon as you left with your front foot, we heard you punch the vice captain of the ancient capital and kick the feat of the captain of the fourth capital!" Zhong Wushu laughed.

"Liu Wen, we meet again. Yan Ziji also happened to come to the room at this moment, and naturally stood beside Liu Wen.

Immediately afterwards, the captains of the remaining three capitals also arrived one after another, and they all looked for Liu Wen's figure at first sight.

"Hey, hey, get out of the way......" Tai Yan was the last to arrive, impatiently pushed everyone away, and squeezed into the small circle around Liu Wen.

"The Great Demon King is so magnificent, and the captains of the four capitals revolve around him. Whispers erupted in the venue.

"Those people must know more than us, it seems that the rumors are true, Liu Wen's strength may really be above the four capitals. "

I'd like to learn how the Great Demon King moves. "

Come on, you're not as handsome as he fights, and no one will cheer you on." "


Although these people deliberately kept their voices down, the whole venue was so big that if you listened carefully, you could still hear what they were talking about.

However, Qiu Songbai and the others didn't care at all, and still stood quietly next to Liu Wen.

This made Liu Wen feel very embarrassed.

"Everyone, be quiet!" the

meeting instantly became silent, and everyone stopped talking in tacit agreement, and looked at the place where the sound came from.

The four staff members walked into the venue, and the strong aura that vaguely exuded from their bodies made the players present breathless.

"Good evening, everyone, the task of gathering everyone here today is very simple, now please go to the platform in front of you, let's take a group photo, and then you can go back. One of the female staff members smiled.

"Where's the standing chart?" asked the captain with a raised hand.

"Everyone wants to stand wherever they want, as long as the people around them agree, the players can arrange it themselves. The staff maintained a professional smile and continued, "But I want to remind everyone that the group photo will only be taken once, and it will be pasted on the streets and alleys of Xingdu as a promotional poster for this league, and the camera has set up an automatic shooting with a countdown of ten minutes, and the players who do not enter the camera within the specified time will be eliminated directly."

As soon as the staff finished speaking, everyone present couldn't help but change their faces slightly, and their eyes couldn't help but become dangerous when they looked at the people around them.

The 36 captains under the platform in front of me should be just right, and everyone is struggling with nothing more than the problem of location.

Since it will be pasted as a propaganda poster in the streets and alleys of Xingdu, the higher the position, the more likely it is to represent your team and the city.

Soon, a number of people rushed up and took the second row.

There can only be four people standing in the first row, and you don't have to think about who it is reserved for, so the second row is naturally the most platoon position under the four capitals.

"What kind of crooked melons and cracked dates are they, just go to this position?" a one-eyed captain wearing an eye patch suddenly sneered as he looked at the mess on the platform.

After speaking, he stepped forward with a cold face, a big-backed Pu knife wider than a human head was held in his hand, and taking advantage of the chaos, he suddenly lifted several people on the stage out.

"I don't care about the other rows, the position of the second row, if you want to come up, I have to see if you have the qualifications first.

"Mu E, the captain of the Eagle Ling Alliance, is indeed very arrogant because the rumors are true. Qiu Songbai smiled and moved the chair that Mu E was sitting on before, becoming the second person in the circle to have a chair.

"Hey, arrogant fart!I'll meet him!" Zhong Wushu sneered, stretching his muscles and walking up.

Among this group of people, Tai Yan and Zhong Wushu were the most unprovoked, but Tai Yan was not within the scope of the other party's ridicule.

"It's good!" Mu

E laughed fiercely, Pu Dao turned into a point of light and dissipated, and he pounced down with both hands into tiger claws, wanting to use the most primitive method to compete with Zhong Wuving.

Seeing this, Zhong Wushu immediately smiled contemptuously, and raised his hand to meet him without hesitation.

"Compared with strength, Lao Tzu has never been afraid of anyone!" The

two clasped their hands tightly, and in an instant, the uniforms on their bodies were swollen by the explosive muscles, Zhong Wushu stepped up the first step with one foot, directly ignoring Mu E's pressure, and steadily climbed to the first row.

Immediately after that, even if Mu E bit out the blood from his gums, he couldn't stop Zhong Wushu from arrogantly ascending the second step of the stairs.

"The rumors are true, your strength is really great!" was slapped in the face by Zhong Wushu in public, Mu E didn't feel ashamed at all, but laughed.

"Hahahaha...... I think I'm awesome, too!" the two of them laughed with their hands around their chests, their chests up, and their heads raised.

"I went up first, too. Luo Xin said softly, and then walked to the second row.

As for the "test on stage", Luo Xin was also very relaxed, using ice element magic to freeze Mu E for a moment, and then easily took the stage.

After a while, the platform was about to be filled with people.

During this period, many captains wanted to challenge the front row position, and several battles broke out in the small room.

However, there are staff members on the side to maintain order, and they only dare to stop at the moment.

After a while, an unwritten rule was inexplicably formed among these captains, that is, the loser should be punched in the face, or stepped on.

Many people on the stage have more or less a fist mark or shoe print on their faces, especially Mu E.

There were only two minutes left before the photo shoot was taken, and only Liu Wen and the five captains of the four capitals were left in the room sitting on chairs.

And right now, there is one spot left in the second row and four spots left in the first row.

"It's time for us to go up too. Qiu Songbai chuckled.

The four of them stood up in unison, but Liu Wen was still sitting.

"Liu Wen, don't you want to grab it?" Wu

Jiao covered her mouth and chuckled, Tai Yan's eyes were full of war, and she couldn't wait to fight Liu Wen now!

"You first, you first." Liu Wen said in a very indifferent tone, as if he didn't care at all.

There was only one minute left before the shooting, and although the four of them were a little disappointed, they still walked to the first row together.

"Harm...... I thought there would be a fight, but alas. "The hope was disappointed, and everyone felt a little bored.

"Liu Wen can't be afraid, right?" someone sneered, "Speaking of which, most of the remarks that boast about him on the Internet are just obscenity, maybe people don't have this strength at all." "

It's hard to say, most of the remarks about Liu Wen's strength are made by Tai Yan, do you think Tai Yan will praise others?"

Qiu Songbai and the four of them stood in the first row, and now, there was only a vacancy on the edge of the second row on the platform.

Everyone looked at Liu Wen, wondering what he would do next.

Will you really give up fighting for the first row and stand on the edge of the second row?

In the last 30 seconds, Liu Wen slowly got up and walked towards the platform, but unlike when others came to the stage, Liu Wen still held a chair in his hand.

Kicking his legs and dragging and rubbing on the ground, there was a "bang" sound, and everyone looked at him, not knowing why.

In the last ten seconds, Liu Wen stood in front of four people, because they were all standing on the stage, so Liu Wen needed to look up at them.

"Is it finally coming?" shouted in the hearts of the people.

The shooting was imminent, but everyone completely forgot to look at the camera, and their eyes fell on Liu Wen.

The atmosphere has come to this point, and even the staff are a little nervous.

In the last five seconds, if Liu Wen chooses to break out at this point in time, then everyone is destined to fail to take this photo.

In the last three seconds, in the shocked eyes of everyone, Liu Wen directly placed the chair in front of the entire platform, and then turned around and sat up!


Xiao Gu judged the situation in the mental space, and the staff inlaid with the undead orb was now in Liu Wen's hand, cocked Erlang's legs, and supported the staff with both hands as a crutch, showing a standard smile.

At the same time, Xiao Gu was summoned out, standing beside Liu Wen, kneeling on one knee, and the "Holy Flame Crown" condensed out and floated above Liu Wen's head.

The armor was dressed, the armor mode was activated, the flames ignited the seat, and the red dragon hovered around the seat like a national protection holy beast.

If it weren't for the king's will not be revealed, he would have summoned his invincible throne ......

None - the enemy ——!


Before everyone could react, a white light flashed, and everyone's expressions were frozen in the picture of the camera -

Liu Wen was like the patriarch of a big family, or even the king of a country, sitting majestically in front of everyone, and the captains behind him looked at Liu Wen with different eyes, surprised, puzzled, puzzled, and angry.

"When the shooting is over, you can all go back. "

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