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[The Covenant: Plot props, a book with an obvious religious color, which records some fables, strange rituals and mysterious information, which does not seem to have any power. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test instructions: Use on special occasions to guide the plot. 】

[The sheriff's trial book: The plot props, the trial book issued by the church, which records the various crimes of the sheriff in the Mystery City. Through reading, we can find that the sheriff's Valkyrie Lin Yun has conducted a lot of brutal and inhuman experiments in the dungeon maze. Using this item, you can trigger the trial plot against Lin Yun, the warlock goddess of the peace officer, and weaken her power by 80%. 】

Zhou Nan put away the two plot props and showed them to everyone.

[Valkyrie Lin Yun] said: "That's it! I'm so disappointed. I thought it was a boss and could produce something good, but I didn't expect to give only two pieces of useless garbage."

[Outrageous] said: "Why don't we put the Valkyrie on trial, cast a vote, choose to fight, and then use my teeth and guns to sentence him!"

[Dream Builder Xiaomei] said: "This tooth gun is really fun..."

Zhou Nan chatted with the four of them casually. He didn't use the [Sheriff’s Judgment Book], and soon proceeded with the maze demolition.

Not long after, Zhou Nan dug through a hidden cell and obtained the second bottle of [Secret Angel Potion]!

"Haha, this potion should always be mine."

[Valkyrie Lin Yun] I'm overjoyed, the last bottle of [Secret Angel Potion] was used by Zhou Nan. His role of force is not worthy of the name. Now I found the second bottle, and naturally wanted to take it over and take it.

It's a pity that his movements were a step slower. Just as he was shouting, [Running fast when we meet on a narrow road] had already stepped forward and picked up the potion bottle, raised his head and poured it all.

"It's boring, just like boiled water."

[Running fast when we meet on a narrow road] Licking his lips, a circle of light quickly appeared on the top of his head, and angel wings grew behind him.

"You guy, don't speak martial ethics, and engage in sneak attacks!"

[The Valkyrie Lin Yun] yelled: "A certain kind of hard work for many years is useless, otherwise you can still **** it? Okay, the next bottle of angel potion is mine. Stop snatching it. It is really uncomfortable not to come out."

"Just grab it! Who can't show it all at once?"

[Li Dapu] whispered...

Zhou Nan continued the violent demolition, and after another three minutes, he found another bottle of [Secret Angel Potion].

[Valkyrie Lin Yun] This time, she has eye problems and quick hands. She immediately rushed forward and grabbed the potion bottle in her hand.

Zhou Nan was busy: "Wait a minute, after taking this potion, I can only choose to fight. Me and running fast are already like this. If you are added, then all the following plots can only choose to fight!"

[Valkyrie Lin Yun] said indifferently: "Fighting is fighting. We are not without the strength. We have arranged the gear turrets in advance, plus the head of your ancient mechanical puppets, and our three powerful angels. Clear customs directly with violence!"

After that, he took the medicine directly and quickly turned into an angel. He flew into the air with flapping wings, quite proud.

[Dream Builder Xiaomei] At this moment, he said: "Team commander, digging a wall in front is the execution room."

"Okay, then let's continue."

The large prop excavator made a sensation and easily dug open the front wall, and then a dark room appeared in front of Zhou Nan and others.

That is of course the "execution room", one of the rooms highlighted on the map.

When everyone entered it, they saw a large number of torture instruments. At the center was a blood-stained torture bed. There was a suture monster half stitched on the torture bed. There were many suture needles as long as palms and iron hooks on the edge of the torture bed. , Iron ropes, deboning knives, sutures and other items.

The whole room gave people an extremely depressive feeling, and just as [Valkyrie Lin Yun] flew into this room, the narration sounded: "The five people came to a mysterious room. The **** and rancid smell made them feel bad. It was unbearable. Suddenly, the sheriff's Valkyrie Lin Yun hugged her head with her hands, and his eyes widened..."

"I, I remembered something! The sheriff made a low, dry voice. The moment he entered this room, he recovered some memories."

"I am the magistrate of the Mystery City. I punish the evil, imprison the villains, and maintain the order of the Mystery City. I enjoy honor, I am a hero, and I am the master of this dungeon..."

"The sheriff shouted loudly, and he remembered that this is his execution room! He brought the prisoners here, skinned them and transformed them into ghouls and stitch monsters..."

"I actually made those monsters? This is impossible! I am the sheriff of Mystery City, how could I do such a cruel thing..."

"The sheriff couldn't believe his memory. His nails plunged deeply into the scalp, and blood flowed to his face. When the other few saw such a sheriff, they all moved away..."

At this moment, a plot selection window popped up in front of Zhou Nan and others at the same time.

[Running fast when we meet on a narrow road] said: "No choice, fight!"

Zhou Nan sighed and said, "It seems I should be ready to use the trial book!"

[Valkyrie Lin Yun] Fuck, he didn't have a choice.

How to choose the remaining [Outrageous Spectrum] and [Dream Builder Xiaomei] is no longer important, because more than half of the players have chosen "battle".

[Dream Builder Xiaomei] Instead, she used divination and said: "You should not fight, you should live together in peace!"

[Outrageous] laughed and said: "What's the use? There are already three battle tickets..."

The follow-up plot immediately unfolded, [Valkyrie Lin Yun] shouted depressed and shouted: "I just got the angel potion, this is the villain? Can't you choose peaceful coexistence?"

"Do not live by yourself!"

"You cast yourself out!"

"Let's take the trick, a certain yin leg that has been training for many years finally has a place to be used..."

After some battle, [Valkyrie Lingyun] turned into white light and disappeared.

The narration sounded: "The player [Valkyrie Lin Yun] exits and completes the personal ending. The surviving player has unlocked part of the sheriff's plot, please keep working hard!"

"This guy, just leave like this!"

"Is he a pitfall? Except for grabbing a small dagger at the beginning, he didn't make any contribution. Now he can't play it by himself."

"What if he kills us here?"

"Next, there are only four of us left. The team leader and running fast can only choose to fight... I don't know if there are more plot choices, what will happen if two votes and two votes do not fight?"

"It should be a plot~www.readwn.com~, that is, a choice must be made before the plot will continue."

"How does this copy count as a clearance?"

"It should be that the five of us have reached a personal ending. Everyone's final destiny is clear, and the story is over."

Zhou Nan was quite depressed at this time. He inspected the surrounding ground and said disappointedly: "The Valkyrie has failed too much. Nothing has fallen out. There are so many things in the execution room, all of which are decorated. He really got nothing to die."

After thinking about it, Zhou Nan said again: "It is estimated that in the future, when you encounter ghouls and suture monsters, without the deterrence of the Valkyrie, the fight will really start, let's continue!"


[Dream Builder Xiaomei] Nodded, and said: "Leader, go forward to the end, and dig through two walls to the left. This is the cell of the plague giant rat, and there is a treasure chest inside!"

"Then prepare to fight, to be on the safe side, I will clear the obstacles first and let the Gear Bear build a fort for you!"

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