My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 296: Take down the fortress?

Latest website: Zhou Nan discovered that the actual combat abilities of the Four Savage Kings were stronger than he expected.

This is mainly reflected in their moving speed.

Except for the ancient savage king and his **** brother, the other three savage kings and their **** brothers were simply culled, giving people a fanatical, ferocious, and savage feeling.

Zhou Nan put himself on the ground, fantasizing that he would meet such a savage, he would instinctively escape, but he didn't want to be close by them.

The monster lizard players in the fortress were hit by the hurricane and couldn’t get close to the gate for 100 meters at all. They would be blown away as soon as they approached. , But it will also be blown back in translation.

Therefore, the gates of the Devil's Fortress could not be closed at all, and the defensive cannons on the defensive turrets could not fire.

It can be said that the battle has been one-sided from the beginning.

"[Black Dragon Halo], [Fire Dragon Halo], [Ice Dragon Halo], [Nine Dragon Halo]... Or, make up nine certain dragon halo! There are just five flying savages, make them green Dragon halo, poisonous dragon halo, blood dragon halo, thunder dragon halo, etc.! No, [Kowloon halo] is special, I need ten savage kings..."

Zhou Nan thought silently.

In about ten minutes, the demon lizard player outside the city was actually killed.

The golden armor demon lizard player was the last survivor, he used several cards, but unfortunately he was targeted by the Black Dragon Savage King.

What was unexpected by Zhou Nan was that this guy was torn and killed by the Black Dragon Savage King and his three guard brothers. His body was directly torn into four parts, which can be said to be extremely tragic.

"Wait, is it still killing with a concerted effort? Is this a hidden setting?"

Zhou Nan's heart moved.

The Black Dragon Savage King has risen to nine stars, and he can directly kill units with a health value of no more than 270,000.

His younger brother also possesses the skill to kill, but he can only kill units with no more than 90,000 health.

If one king and nine guards can work together to tear and kill, can they directly tear a unit with a health value of 1.08 million or less?

Zhou Nan immediately decided to verify it as soon as possible.

After the death of the golden armor devil lizard player, he naturally went to the real black dungeon to report.

At this time the demon lizard player outside the city had been killed, Zhou Nan let the three savage kings and their guards enter the fortress.

Zhou Nan is also not idler himself. He is possessed by the sword butterfly, he is immune to magic, and the holy sword can block. It can be said to be invincible.

Soon, Zhou Nan released the smashing war beast card and the first-class swordsman card, and the killing efficiency was slightly improved.

In the end, the whole battle did not exceed 30 minutes, and this monster lizard fortress was taken down, but there were quite a few monster lizard players who escaped through the teleportation array.

Zhou Nan looked at the system prompts and his own attribute panel. In this battle, he only spent more than 40,000 racial glory points, but he added another skill point.

Next, Zhou Nan asked five smashing beasts to slowly demolish the building.

"Is this fortress taken down? Didn't hit the wall or gate?"

Yue Baiting rushed over, she couldn't believe the sight in front of her.

Zhou Nan said: "Yeah!"

[Jia Debiao] He changed back to his original appearance, and he said proudly from the side: "You are not a talented person, and the gate will open as soon as you beckon!"

Yue Baiting looked at 【Jia Debiao】 suspiciously.

Zhou Nan said: "He was right. In the future, when you attack the Demon Lizard Fortress, you can make him a door opener..."

"That..." Yue Baiting approached Zhou Nan, pulled him aside, and whispered, "Do you have any plans in the near future?"

Zhou Nan said: "Fighting and fighting monsters, combining cards, if the demon lizard player's base can be solved, I will go to work in the Council of Gods and Demons, or go sightseeing in other worlds, how about?"

"Well, if you are not busy, can you take me in the endless wasteland in these two days?"

"Do you still want someone to take the Master Moon?"

"I want to use your donkey cart!"


"Do you remember that I started the Titan King's serial mission? This mission requires errands. The mission location is in the depths of the endless wasteland. Your donkey cart is fast. Take me with you. Maybe something strange will happen! "

"What wonderful things can happen?"

"You know?" Yue Baiting cast a wink at Zhou Nan.

In the distance, [Jia Debiao], who craned his neck to watch, saw this scene, and thought sourly: "My mother, they all say that the red card leader is an iceberg beauty, so he will wink! There are circumstances, she and La Could it be that the donkey cart... alas, I feel so uncomfortable!"

In the end, Zhou Nan agreed to Yue Baiting.

But only promised to spend six hours a day to take her on the road.

Zhou Nan has a lot to do, and it is impossible to stay in the endless wasteland forever.

In fact, there are many benefits of exploring in the endless wasteland, such as scavenging waste.

There are mad lich and blacksmith Thunder Tuo, wasteland withered bones and scattered equipment, they are extremely precious treasures.

Of course, for ordinary players, that is really rubbish.

"Zhou Nan, help people to the end and send Buddha to the west. My Hydra cards are now all five-star. You can help me quickly rise to nine-star!"

"How to help you?"

"Give me the best materials!"

"Think beautiful!"

"I teach you how to fencing!" While speaking, Yue Baiting took the initiative to put his arm on Zhou Nan's shoulder, and then cast a wink at him.

"Beauty tricks! Hahahaha, I'm not fooled..."

Zhou Nan held Yue Baiting's waist in cooperation, and Yue Baiting resisted for a moment, showing panic on her face, but gritted her teeth and endured it.

[Jia Debiao] saw this scene and felt even more uncomfortable. He said, "In broad daylight, the eyes of everyone are in full view, what kind of style! Show love, die fast, I curse..."

After a while, the main buildings in the Demon Fortress were blasted down. Since the defensive cannons of this Demon Fortress were intact, 600 reduced defensive cannons were the trophy.

Zhou Nan kept 549 frames by himself, and gave 50 frames to Yue Baiting, and one frame to [Jia Debiao].

But if you want to completely destroy this monster fortress, you need to destroy the city wall and the city gate.

"Jia Debiao, I performed well this time. Without your business, you can move freely!"


[Jia Debiao] Desirous of leaving, he released a bald eagle and immediately rode off the road. After running far, he threw the [Defensive Cannon] that Zhou Nan assigned to him.

Zhou Nan also returned to the family camp at this moment. He asked Lan Mage to fill up the mana, and then went to the forge to extract a batch of Hardman Alloy, Zhenjin, Neya Metal, Flow Gold and Super Silver.

After a while, Zhou Nan returned to the "01-05" Demon Fortress with the help of Xindie. He threw the Hardman alloy, Zhenjin, etc. beside Yue Baiting, and said: "If you can see these materials Go on, then use it. If you don’t like it, I can’t help it!"

After that, Zhou Nan released two ancient siege behemoths.

The ancient siege behemoth has greatly changed its appearance compared to the siege beast

The original siege beast looked like a giant ape, but the ancient siege beast resembled a rhinoceros. It was not very big, and its height was about twenty meters.

Zhou Nan’s two ancient siege behemoths are slightly different. Their skins are both blue and black, but Ussamidira possesses the power of thunder and fire, sparks and electric light shine on its body, while Titanmidorogen possesses ice collapse. Power, there are snowflakes and icy debris on his body.

Zhou Nan let them hit the city wall, Ussamidira sparked with lightning all the way, and hit the city wall with a boom, like a missile exploded, bringing up smoke and flames, and the strong explosion effect directly caused it to crash for a while. The city wall is more than fifty meters long.

And Titan Midoro's blonde hair hit the wall, that is, snow and ice **** all the way, hitting the city wall without explosive effect, but the city wall burst quickly like porcelain, and finally collapsed nearly more than fifty meters long.

In general, the two giants of the ancient Communist city hit the wall with the same strength, but the "back shake" of the hit wall skill is still there. They both hit the wall and smashed themselves into the city wall. It took three minutes to wake up.

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