My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 392: Egg of the Star Behemoth

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"Black card? Dragon card? Three unnatural deaths can be exempted!"

Zhou Nan's spirit was shocked, isn't this exactly what he needs?

The auction item appeared, and Yizhihua quickly gave the reserve price: one thousand Void Coins.

However, not many bidders.

After all, these players are deeply trapped in the chaos and void, and the dragon card is not very useful.

Zhou Nan hurriedly said to the shipwreck ancestor next to him: "Brother Shipwreck, do me a favor, I want this black card!"

The ancestor of the shipwreck said: "Are you sure?"


"Well, I'll try, but I don't have much money."

The ancestor of the shipwreck was a good man and did not hesitate to help Zhou Nan bid on the spot. In the end, he received the three-star black card [Equipment·Dragon Card] at the price of 1,500 Void Coins and handed it over to Zhou Nan.


Zhou Nan was overjoyed, he played cards on the spot.

The dragon card is a special piece of equipment, shaped like a badge. It is the size of a baby's fist. It is a sculpture of a flat dragon. Zhou Nan can easily equip it. It appears on the right chest of the "space suit".

Yizhihua said at this time: "Congratulations to the shipwreck ancestors for taking the dragon black card, oh, depending on the situation, this was taken for someone else, the new one, my sister envy you, there is a big guy willing to spend money for you. !"

The ancestor of the shipwreck got up, folded his hands around, and introduced Zhou Nan to everyone.

Zhou Nan followed up and said, "I am here for the first time, please take care of you!"

Yi Zhi Hua chuckled, and cast a wink at Zhou Nan, and said, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say, if little brother is free, when the auction is over, you can come to the task hall to find sister, and sister will hold a welcome ceremony for you..."

The big head of the dinosaur player can actually speak Mandarin, and he shouted: "A flower, be professional, make a little white face, continue to auction!"

"Deadly cold-blooded!"

Yizhihua glared her head, and pointed to the second treasure chest next to her. A barren player immediately opened it to reveal the contents. It was an egg the size of a watermelon, with an emerald green shell and glowing light. , There are extremely complicated patterns on the eggshell.

"The second auction item, an unknown beast egg! This beast egg was picked up by the big head in the chaos void. It has no attribute information. I don't know if it can be hatched. The reserve price is just one thousand Void Coins!"

Yizhihua said indifferently.

The big head of Tyrannosaurus rex immediately got up and continued to introduce: "Everyone, this egg is definitely a treasure. I saw with my own eyes that it was laid by a giant star beast, so it is 100% the egg of a giant star beast, and it can definitely incubate a giant star beast. The hatched starry sky behemoth can definitely be used as a mount! What is the most precious in the chaos void? Of course it is the mount. The starry sky behemoth mount is the best of the best. Once possessed, there is hope to leave the chaos void, so If you buy this egg, you will earn it. Let’s make a crazy bid!"

"Er Leng" immediately shouted: "One thousand and one hundred void coins, the egg of the star behemoth, I must buy it!"

"San Liuzi" also shouted: "One thousand and two hundred Void Coins, good things, you make them when you buy them!"

"One thousand three, don't grab anyone with me!"

"Four thousand and four, is there no one else bidding?"

Er Leng and San Liuzi shouted prices one after another, and both of them actually spoke well in Mandarin, but apart from the two of them, there was no other player shouting prices. …

Zhou Nan looked at the green egg carefully, his [Insight] skill did not take effect on it, and it was impossible to determine whether the egg was valuable, but it looked like a good thing.

After thinking about it, Zhou Nan said, "Brother Shipwreck, or else, you help me take this egg down."

The shipwreck ancestor was taken aback for a moment and hurriedly said, "Brother, don't be fooled by the three fools of the Galaxy. This thing is not the egg of a star behemoth at all. The big head was picked up in the cracks in the rock above the base. I saw it with my own eyes. As you can see, maybe it's not even a beast egg, it's probably an ornament. Erleng and Sanliou are supposed to drive up the price. You can't see it, right?"

"I think this egg is pretty, and it's not bad to buy it as an ornament!" Zhou Nan said, "Is it hard to earn Void Coins? Isn't a thousand Void Coins a lot? Or, Brother Shipwreck lend me some more, When I change money in Kangtian City, I will pay you back together!"

"Void coins are of course difficult to earn, but you have a mount that can fly in the chaotic void, maybe you can earn it faster!" The shipwreck ancestor said, "No matter, since brother, you like it, I will take it for you!"

At this time, Erleng was calling the price of "Two thousand and five." The ancestor of the shipwreck said two thousand and six. The big head of Tyrannosaurus rex excitedly rushed to the auction stage and said directly: "The deal, congratulations to the shipwreck brother for photographing this precious starry sky. Behemoth’s egg, come, let’s trade on the spot!"

The shipwreck ancestor seemed to be quite rich, and he randomly shot 2,600 star coins, and soon the emerald green egg arrived in Zhou Nan's hands.

Zhou Nan discovered that the egg could not be stored in the storage space.

He said novelty in his heart, and felt that this egg was a bit unusual, but he couldn't find anything famous for a while, just hugged it in his arms.

Next is the third auction item, which is actually the material [Infinite Gloves], with a starting price of 1,000 Void Coins.

[Infinite Gloves] is the star-rising material of Slap Ares. It is definitely a rare item in the card world. It occasionally appears in the trading line. The star-rising of Slap Ares is now stuck on the lack of [Infinite Gloves], although there is an [infinite] Gloves] Not very useful, but Zhou Nan would naturally not let it go when he saw it.

"Brother Shipwreck, take it for me again!"

"What's the use of you wanting this thing?" The shipwreck ancestor was puzzled, but he still helped Zhou Nan take the [Infinite Gloves], and the final transaction price was only 1,300 Void Coins.

Then the fourth auction item turned out to be another card.

This card is provided by Erleng, it is a one-star black card, and its name is [Porcupine·Star Crown]. UU reading

This card is also a special card. It is common to all races. There is no level limit to use, and no magic is required to use it. It depends on the card attributes. The attributes of the Porcupine Star Crown are very general, but it is a mount that can fly in the chaotic void.

The starting price of this card is 3000 Void Coins!

Zhou Nan didn't have much interest in this card. After all, he didn't lack a mount, and other players on the scene were not even interested in this card. Seeing no one bidding for a long time, he shouted, "I'm out of two thousand and nine!"

He slapped Sanliozi and slapped Sanliozi for a while, and shouted, "I'm out of two thousand and eight!"

"I am two thousand and seven!"

"I am two thousand and six, is there any lower..."

The two actually left there and shouted.

Zhou Nan couldn’t understand a little bit, and the shipwreck ancestor explained with a smile: "These three fools! Brother, you don’t know that a porcupine is a porcupine. This thing is not big, it can barely carry humans, and it’s delicious and lazy. It’s extremely slow, and it’s not necessarily able to run two miles in an hour. If you don’t feed it, it won’t run. It’s a very inferior starry sky mount. There used to be one of Dandan, and he was so angry that he threw it away. , You can buy a small Pegasus for two thousand Void Coins, which is a thousand times stronger than this porpoise, and the three fools are also amazing. These cards are all sold out, and they bid on the contrary, thinking that someone will buy it if the price is low. ?"

As the ancestor of the shipwreck said, except for the "Three Stupid Stars", no one shouted at all, and within a moment, the price of this card was shouted to 30 Void Coins.

Zhou Nan moved a little bit, thinking that it would be good to buy it as a card material, so he said to the ancestor of the shipwreck, "Brother Shipwreck, would you like to bid me the next price?"

"No, do you want this card too? I just told you that if the porcupine doesn't feed or run away, it can eat you poorly!"

"I wonder, isn't this cheap?"


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