My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 107 - Episode 101- Brewing Storm ‘Will You Marry Me? X2‘

Episode 101- Brewing Storm 'Will you marry me? x2'

It's been quite a while since tension like this arose. The last time everyone felt this solemn was when the big incident happened three years ago at Xenperia's Imperial Palace. It was a summer afternoon, yet, the atmosphere felt cold. It was the kind of day everyone fell apart without drifting away from one another. Possibly because their hearts could feel a storm slowing brewing in silence.

The lodge was utterly still, except for people walking by now and then. Eugene drank her steaming tea in silence as she watched the outside world from the tiny window of her bedroom. Unlike the heavy tension inside the lodge, the world outside lived on; the sun seemed to be warm for them. Now and then, people would walk past by their lodge playing random instruments. Kids were running and laughing around playing the catch me game.

"Elder Sister!" Euria's angelic voice spoke out from behind Eugene.

Turning around, Eugene was greeted with the usual stupidly happy face of Euria. This did not blend in with the atmosphere at all and seemed to be a happy world of its own.

Raising her brows, Eugene couldn't help but chuckle. ".... You're a strong medicine." She whispered, to Euria's confusion.

Euria is a weird creature. Together with her thick face, she can cure any solemn atmosphere. The proof is Eugene's room. It was a gloomy room until it was brightly lit up by the massive amounts of stars and hearts sprouting out from Euria's happy-go aura.

The happy day lost during day time was already recovering.

"I'm a strong medicine?" Euria's nostrils flared up, questioning Eugene's choice of word.

Eugene motioned for Euria to leave with her hand. "Go. Go run around the lodge and then come back." Go spread your happy-virus.

Euria stood there dumbfounded before pouting. Only when she heard Eugene's third 'go' did she run off to run around the lodge. It took her 10 minutes to run around before she popped back into their shared bedroom.

And before she could complain, Eugene already popped a piece of walnut-chocolate into Euria's mouth. An action that conveyed many words; Job well done!

'Yumm!' Euria rubbed her protruding cheeks with both her hands in happiness.

Eugene shook her head before drawing the curtains together to change out of her comfy wear in privacy. On the bed laid two options of clothing style. A training gear, or a cute stylish semi-formal dress. It was obvious to say that the latter was not in Eugene's favor; training gear all the way!

'If that woman was here, she'd look at me with eyes that kill.' Eugene sighed lightly, thinking back to her afternoon classes about nobles. That teacher in particular was very adamant about the noble ways and how noblewomen should act.

Hearing rufflings of clothes, Eugene turned back only to see Euria changed out to her training gear.

Flabbergasted, Eugene jumped. "What's wrong with you?!" She asked, her eyes widened tremendously as she stared at Euria as if she was an alien. A creature of another world!

"....." Euria blinked. Scratching her head she returned Eugene's question with a question.

"Sister… Don't you think I would look weird if I were to wear a dress alone?" She said in a half complaining voice.

Eugene's expression blanked. Her eyes shook slightly. 'Did Euria hit her head? Is she finally awake? And don't you always wear dresses even if no one wears them anyway?'

Eugene raised her hand and touched Euria's forehead. 'No fever…' She tilted her head in confusion. Unable to take it anymore, she questioned.

"Euria did you… hit your head when you were running around?" With two hands, she twisted Euria's head around to check for any bruising and/or possible cracks.

"..." Euria stared at Eugene blankly. Her lips forming into a straight line.

'This too! Is an odd expression!' Eugene stared at Euria in shock!

"Euria don't tell me…" Eugene whispered as if she discovered a huge secret. Her eyes traveled from Euria's pair of boots to the top of Euria's hairstyle.

"You… You!" She pointed at Euria in astonishment!

Euria smiled widely. Her face showed a 'So, you have noticed!' look! "Mehehehe" Crossing her arms, she tilted her chin high.

From head to toe, her hair included, Euria dressed as Eugene's replica. Today, they will be twin sisters with the same outfit! They will be the perfect carbon-copy except for their eye color!

Clothes? I got it!

Hairstyle? I got it!

Expression deficiency? Difficult, but I absolutely got it!

"-Ahem-" Euria coughed. "Today, I will be Elder Sister! Until the end of the day, I will be Elder Sister! There will be no Euria today!" Euria laughed happily before suddenly stopping.

In an instant, she froze her facial expression into one rid of emotions. 'My sister has a defect in the emotional department. I shall not smile. I shall not laugh. I! Lack! Emotions!'

"Let's go." Euria's voice deepened as she said expressionlessly. She then proceeded to slow-walk out of the room, leaving Eugene to blankly stare at her back.

"....She hit her head didn't she?" Eugene asked Aedelak and Aeselak who were both waiting outside her bedroom.

The two brown haired sisters put on a surprised look as well as a look that show. 'How did Eldest Miss know?'

Shaking her head, Eugene sighed deeply. "How hard?" She asked. How hard did that twit hit her head?'

"Very hard. Youngest miss saw that Eldest Miss and Eldest Master was hugging and in shock, she twisted her ankle and hit her head on the tree behind her. The tree… slightly cracked from the impact." Aeselak confessed. Naturally, they had someone come in to check Euria's condition when they arrived at the lodge. However, the doctor said that nothing was wrong and that Euria's head was completely fine.

Aeselak gulped. "Youngest miss was fine until…"

"Until I told her to run around?" Eugene finished Aeselak's sentence.

Aeselak and Aedelak nodded.

"..." I knew it. I just knew it. Eugene shook her head.




The children rested for about one hour before they departed to the promised place; the Grand plaza of Zene.

Because their lodge was located in the capital city, they were able to easily travel to the Grand plaza; arriving within 10 minutes of departing from their lodge. The view before them, again, was grand and luxurious just like its name.

The ground of the Grand plaza was covered in white stones. With a marble-like-texture. In between the stones, mini-rivers of water flowed from the fountain located in the middle of the plaza and covered the wide area of the Grand plaza. The water fountain was as big and tall as any mid-sized building in Zene. Beds of grass and flowers lined up along the mini river, giving the plaza a fresh smell of nature everywhere they walked to.

Because this was a public area, groups of people either sat on benches admiring the view or sat on a big stairway located at one end of the grand plaza. Here, people were playing instrumental harps, flutes, kalimba, or singing songs in their angelic voices. They were harmoniously one, enjoying the peaceful beautiful day.

This mindset affected the Paladins and Duke Rodriguez as their hearts went along with the happiness of the people around them. They were riding together with the citizens of Zene in waves of peace. And not long after they arrived, the freshened-up Zene's knight trainees, now graduated to new best friends, arrived.

The 5 dressed in white like their fellow locals. Even the mid part of their chest parted a bit depending on the way they walk. Naturally, the paladins, the soldiers, and Duke Rodriguez stood out like a sore thumb because of their training gears and formal wear.

"Where is Sir Ario and Duke Marleigh?" Arie, the older brother of the twins asked and looked around.

"They have to enter the Royal Palace and will come later." Duke Rodriguez replied in everyone's stead.

"I won't disturb you children anymore. But, I will be guarding you close by along with our guards so you don't have to worry about anything." He assured the children before he walked away and blended in with the crowd.

"You sure have many guards" Argen, the long hair pretty twin teased. He looked around and saw many soldiers watching them with eyes that can kill.

'There are more. But hidden away from the public eye.' Eugene sighed.

Ron Graeme laughed, "Haha! Yes, our parents are quite overprotective!" He replied.

"At times like these, you esteemed guests look very noble. However, when we trained earlier today, you are an entirely different person. How weird!" Aren, the bald twin scratched his head.

Ron chuckled."We are normal people like you. We also strive to become knights and soldiers to protect our country like you! Naturally, we have to take training seriously." He scratched his chin. "So don't treat us too differently." He replied honestly.

Towards Ron's honesty, everyone including the paladins looked at him in shock. They didn't expect Ron to carry around these words of wisdom as he almost always goofs around! But what he said is the truth. Everyone here is striving to become someone who will protect their own country! Distinguished family or not, they are just normal people at the end of the day!

"Hmm." Arie scratched his chin. "You say such pretty words that it sometimes flabbergasts me, best friend." He said as he swung his arms around Ron's neck.

"Hehe," Ron laughed.

Taking his hands off of Ron, Arie slightly bowed his head."Ron's words completely woke me up! My sincere apologies for being mean to everyone when we first met. I have a bit of a complex towards esteemed people but that completely dispersed by meeting you today. Sorry, and thank you!" He said with all honesty.

Ron Graeme waved his hands around, flustered. "It's alright, it's understandable!" He said as he pulled Arie up.

"-Ahem-" Dea coughed, trying to diffuse the weird atmosphere.

"So… Where will we head to again?" Ramon asked, taking Dea's hint.

"To get our customized Bow and Arrows" Louis replied.

"Oh yes! How did I forget about such an exciting event! I know where to go! I know where the shop is!" Arie jumped up and dragged Ron to walk with him.

Towards Arie's uncivilized actions, Dea could only shake his head and motioned for the rest to follow after.

The large group of 13 children/teens walking around town brought many eyes to them. Mostly out of curiosity because 8 of 13 people dressed in clothes that looked uncomfortable. Little did they know, these were the most comfortable daywear outfits they have.

Outside the people who thought that what the children were wearing was uncomfortable, some were eyeing them as if they saw something very pleasing to the eyes. Some 'wooed' the group, and some brought out their harps to play to convey that the group was good looking.

This can't be helped as the children were taller and looked more mature than kids their age. Louis was as tall as Arie and Con, the 16-year-old teens. Aedelak was as tall as the Aren and Argen twins who were both 15 years old. Aeselak and Ron were a few centimeters shorter than Aedelak. And Ramon was a few centimeters shorter than Aeselak.

Only Eugene, Euria, and Aernest look their ages. Although Eugene was the taller one of the bunch.

"The lady with her hair in a ponytail, yes you!" A teenage boy who looked to be 14 years of age shouted excitedly at Aedelak.

"...." Aedelak, Eugene, Euria blinked.

"Will you marry me?" He happily cheered!

Some people walking by even began to rile him up. "Go for it, dude!"

"I bless your marriage!"

Aedelak blinked speechless at the commotion. "....." Her face was filled with black lines as she walked past the man.

She has been in situations where people would confess their temporary feelings of affections to her, however, they would do it in secrecy! This was her first public confession!

"....." Eugene's lips twitched as she watched the whole spiel. She wanted to laugh but ceased as she needed to be on Aedelak's side.

Just before she was going to walk to Aedelak, Argen and Con walked up to Aedelak. Argen beside Aedelak, and Con behind her.

"Aww, she already has a boyfriend!!" The man who fancied Aedelak sighed as he walked away. Just like that, the public proposal ended.

"....." Eugene blinked. That's it? You're giving up?

".... Thank you" Aedelak whispered to Argen, the pretty gay twin, and Con, the quiet teen.

Yet, just when everyone thought this would end. A new group appeared from across the streets.


"Hey, beautiful white hair man over there! Or is it grey hair? Anyways! You beautiful man! Are you owned? Will you marry me?" This time, a girl with a pretty voice shouted to Louis. Her friends behind her cheered for her as she wooed Louis.

"...." Louis walked calmly.

'Even women are wild' Eugene's lips tugged up! Although she couldn't publicly laugh at Aedelak, she can definitely laugh at Louis!

"What about the tallest man over there? You look a bit old, but you're good looking as well! Do you want to date?" The friend of the friend of a friend of the group of women asked Dea.

Upon hearing that, Dea, the oldest of the group blushed red. His face, his ears, his neck became as red as an apple in an instant.

Whistles, singing, and commotions around Eugene and the rest soon started to become a bit unbearable. Although they weren't physically harassing them, it was still hard to move forward to their destination.

Unable to take it anymore, Arie shouted! "We are becoming knights!"

"..." The Paladins

"....." Everyone.

"....." The 'new best friends'.

From loud commotions, silence finally filled the road. Everyone put on a blank look before stepping away.

"We should have known." Someone whispered loudly.

"Look at how buff some of them are!" Another whispered.

"And that bald dude."

"...." Aren scratched his bald head.

"Brutes brutes, let's walk away" Everyone dispersed as if nothing ever happened.

"....." Eugene stared at the empty road blankly. That's all it took?

The 13 children/teens stood still as dried-up leaves flew over, around, and/ or hit their faces. Most of them, unable to comprehend what just happened.

It wasn't until Euria slightly coughed that everyone woke up. "Let's go." She said dully, as she walked ahead; still roleplaying Eugene's character.

"....." The soldiers who were preparing to take action stared at the 13 lone children blankly.

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