My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 120 - Episode 114 - Fallen Lights 5 ‘Clear The Rats‘

Episode 114 - Fallen Lights 5 'Clear the rats'

Previous Chapter: Eugene and Euria play out a play to save the Nameless Musician from the Crown Prince and his pursuer. Closed the door on everyone after they were done with business.



Eugene brought her hands to her mouth as she leaned against the closed door, "We almost got caught!" Her heart was beating fast!

At that moment, her gaze drew to the transparent door which revealed the outside world, and without hesitation, she dashed there. She opened the big door and stepped outside however, the man that was supposed to be hiding outside was not present.

'Ah?' Not a single human was present.

Eugene glanced around the beautifully decorated balcony. Unlike the inner chamber, which was adorned and filled with diamonds, the balcony was more florally decorated, with a variety of flowers arranged along the curve of the railing.

She scratched her head, perplexed, as she walked back to the room. Her sight led to Euria, who was standing still and gloomily staring down at the floor. Eugene couldn't help but frown, noticing that the twit's mood reverted to one she was unfamiliar with again.

Eugene stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

Eugene assumed Euria was nervous of being caught, which was why Euria was unusually quiet in the hallway. However, when Eugene focused on Euria facial expressions now, she seemed to be sad and distressed. Not a strand of nervousness was on her face.

'Sadness?' Eugene shook Euria slightly. As the two made eye contact, Eugene couldn't help but frown, "Are you sick?"

To Eugene, expressing sadness was the same as showing that you are sick. She learned this psychological behavior pattern a year ago when Aernest got sick. Euria being sad one moment and being happy another moment correlated to Aernest's cycle of becoming sick, which was why she asked.

Euria glanced down and shook her head, "No…" she whispered in a soft voice.

Eugene tilted her head and frowned, "Then, what's wrong now?" If you're not sick, why are you sad?

Euria remained silent.

Eugene pursed her lips and took a step back, trying to remember what may have caused Euria to become upset again. Euria was emitting negative energy, which was abnormal and out of character for her!

If she remembered correctly, everything was fine until they went out. However, the moment they ran to people, Euria tightened her hold on her hands. If she wasn't acting along with her, then it meant that Euria at that moment was shocked. But why? She wouldn't be shocked to see knights or palace maids so that only person that leaves is...

"The Crown Prince?" Eugene muttered as she looked straight into Euria's eyes.

Euria's eyes that stuck to the floor at that moment flew up and stared at Eugene. Her eyes widened as if saying 'How did you know?' confirmed Eugene's suspicion.

Eugene raised a brow, 'Of course, I know.'

"So, you're like this because of the Crown Prince right?" Eugene repeated to make sure.

Euria remained still but didn't deny it.

Eugene's eyes widened as she realized something!! 'Of course, she would be somewhat shocked and sad! It was only 2 days ago when Euria saw the bruises on the Crown Prince! Euria wanted to leave the Royal Palace because she was upset seeing the state the Crown Prince was in! So of course, she would be feeling down and sad right now!'

'Haa…' Eugene looked at Euria and sighed softly, feeling somewhat guilty that she realized Euria's distress a bit too late.

In a soft voice, she asked whilst softly patting Euria's shoulders, "Are you afraid?"

Euria's eyes wavered as she nodded.

"Everything will turn out well.", She reassured Euria, "He will be fine, and we will be fine."

Seeing Euria not looking too convinced, Eugene sighed again. She didn't think Euria would feel this bad for the Crown Prince. 'However, it is impossible to help the Crown Prince. His situation is much too complicated.'

"Are you that concerned for him? Although he is in a tricky situation currently, everything will be better for him in the future. He's the Crown Prince, which means he'll be the King of Zene in the future." Eugene comforted Euria using sugary words, "By then, no one would be able to touch him."

Euria bit her lips and nodded, showing Eugene that she understood.

Just then, Eugene's detective radar activated! However, it wasn't her usual detective radar that activated but a tailored version fit for this ambiguous emotion she was picking up on!

The love detector!

Eugene's facial expression slowly changed into one of teasing. With an 'I-know-what-you're-hiding ' expression, her lips curved up, "Euria, be honest with me."


"You have a crush on him, don't you?"

Euria blinked blankly.

Eugene smirked proudly.

"Sister?" Euria scratched her ears, thinking she heard wrong. 'Li...Like?'

Eugene scoffed and shook her head at Euria's reaction. With a crooked smile, she repeated, "You. Like. Him. I. Know."

"..." Euria was at a loss for words as she stared at Eugene's proud face that was satisfied at the result of her revelation.

Euria's lips trembled slightly, and when she couldn't take it any longer, she burst out laughing. Eugene was so shocked by her laughter that she placed her hands over her chest in surprise!

"Wh.. Why are you laughing?" Eugene frowned, 'Am I wrong?'

"Hahahahaha!" Euria clutched her stomach as she laughed her guts out, "Sis... Sister! Sister, are you jealous?!"

Eugene's eyes widened as she looked at Euria like she was an idiot!

"Sister! Don't you know who I like?" Euria wiped the corner of her eyes and chuckled.

Eugene scrunched her brows and shook her head innocently.

"You!" Euria's mouth curled up into a big smile, "I will only love you!"

"....." Eugene blinked.

Her hands reached for her head as she sighed, 'You idiot. I obviously meant 'like' as in 'You fancy him' type of like...'

Eugene turned around, not wanting to communicate with this 'twit' any longer.

'Why would I be jealous' Eugene pouted, 'Clearly, I was excited!'






At the same time...

Somewhere along the silent hallway, someone stopped to look back. The person's hands reached for his heart which was throbbing with indescribable pain. It was soul-crushing as if to tell him to go back.

He sighed deeply as he brushed over his dark hair.

'Impossible. This isn't a dream.'



Later that night….

Clouds drifted slowly to cover up every last bit of the twilight stars. Stars high up in the sky were nonexistent tonight, as clouds sheltered them as if hiding them for what's to come. Then, another cloud drifted over slowly to cover the moon but failed to do so as the moon's shine was brighter than the cloud's density.

The moon wanted to watch over its children during the night no matter if it was watching them sleep or watch them as they breathe their last.

'The humidity feels suffocating tonight. The figure thought as it hoped through the silent night.

Already, the figure could sense another person approaching, but the figure had no intention of stopping or doing anything to deter the person from following behind.

Darkness was a part of the figure's life so it had no problem moving around in the dark. The figure and the person following from behind jumped from palaces to palaces until they reached their destination. The greenhouse.

'Such low taste.' The figure scoffed as it looked around. The greenhouse was located in an abandoned area inside the palace ground, and it took some patience to finally arrive at this place.


The figure cracked its neck as it reached for a branch that lay beside its foot. It spoke some unfamiliar sets of words before hurling the branch with great force towards the person that followed it.


Before the person noticed the figures' action, it was already too late, having to jump down from the tree and dodge by exposing herself. The branch the figure threw at the person struck the tree with half its branch embedded in. The person did not expect this much strength coming from the figure and before the person could recover from shock, the figure was already standing in front of her, sending her shivers down her spine.

The figure started at the person and in a low voice it asked, "Whose order do you follow."

The person, still shocked, was unable to answer. Sweat was trickling down her forehead as her lips trembled, "H… How.." Why are you strong?

The figure's lips curved up displaying her young persona, "No matter." it shrugged.

"Since you work for me anyway, you must only follow my orders...Whatever you see today, or rather...Whatever I do from now on mustn't be relayed nor told to anyone. Whatever I allow you to say, you can, whatever I don't, you can't say."

The person's eyes trembled as she stared into the cold eyes of the figure.

"Answer." The figure threatened in a low, cold voice.

The person dropped to her knees as she bowed down, "Yes, Master." her voice was firm and full of resolution, unlike her shaking self.

The figure's lips curved as it turned around to dash toward the entrance to the greenhouse. "Well then, let's clear the rats."

As soon as the figure reached the entrance of the greenhouse, two guards jumped out ready to fight with their swords.

The figure raised its head and smiled. 'It's been a long time.' With its lips licked, the figure slowed down and ceased her run. Instead, it started to walk to the guards slowly.

The 2 guards raised swords and just when the swords could touch the figure, a force repelled the sword away.


The person following the figure from behind crept up behind the guard to buy their attention, whilst the figure raised both its hands on each of the guards' abdomen. Before the guards could guard against the figure, a strong force shook their core and rendered them unconscious.

The person opened the door to the greenhouse and allowed the figure to follow from behind. Unlike the outside, the greenhouse was somewhat lit up, and unlike the silent night outside, the laughter of children could be heard.

Unbeknownst to the children, a monster that will invoke their fear and terror has arrived.

Sensing something strange, a child looked behind and noticed 2 strangers wearing clothes the child has never seen before.

"Oh! Who are you?" the child asked with a pure voice.

The child looked to be someone who knew nothing of the dark would and seemed happy to see a friend!

Another child with a girlish voice tugged on the sleeves of the older child beside her and asked, "Brother? Who's that?"

The older brother followed her gaze and immediately became alarmed! Despite the fact that the children's ages were similar, he lived longer and was not as naive as his younger siblings. Strangers with odd clothing at this time of the night meant nothing but danger!

"Get behind me!" he shouted and without hesitation got up to his feet to stand in front of his siblings. The non-resonant sound of two metals striking could be heard every time he moved. It was the sound of chains.

The older brother moved as much as he could with his chained bound feet and allowed for all his siblings to hide behind him.

"....." The figure smiled at the sight of 20 children in front of her.

The children appeared to be of similar ages, but when comparing the older brother, who appeared to be about 5, to the youngest, who appeared to be about one year old, one could see a significant difference.

The figure sighed, "How unfortunate that that man can only have 20 children. I would have rather had more to kill." it shook its head.

The older brother took a step back, his arms spread out to protect his siblings behind him.

"Wha.. What are you going to do!!" He shouted in fright.

"Didn't you already hear me?" the figure replied calmly, taking a step forward.

"Wh.. Why? WHY!" His eyes teared up from fear as he stared at the figure. But though his eyes were filled with tears, he never once took another step back.

The figure raised its brow and sighed, "Must you cry? Don't you think your lives would be better off sleeping forever?" the figure's voice sounded very convincing as if the figure was here for everyone's good.

The older child's shoulders trembled violently as he looked at his bounded feet. It was true that sleeping forever will be better for them. It was true!


The older child's knees gave in as he fell in front of the figure. He was powerless and useless. Everyone is better off...

The older child covered his eyes, "You're right. What's the point in living when it's better to sleep forever. To sleep without feeling pain." So that his little sisters and brothers will no longer be in pain.

The 20 children here are siblings that shared the same father but have different mothers. This was something all the children knew. No one here knows anything about their birth mother and knows only a few things about their father.

And that is, tortures and pain are the only way to vent off his insatiable anger.

"...." The figure frowned at the child's answer.

"Are you not yet infected?" It muttered softly.

The boy raised his head to look at the figure. His eyes showed deep confusion.

"Me! Me! I'm infected! Look, the wounds on my knees are infected!" A two-year-old girl cried out!

From the start, all she could do was glance back and forth between her older brother and the new friend that popped out from nowhere! She could not understand what they were talking about and was only able to join in once she heard a word she recently became acquainted with!


"....." The figure blinked. Its eyes followed the girl's eyes to her knees.

It was… infected.

The older child grabbed his two-year-old sister and hugged her to his chest in fear, "My... My apologies! My sister only turned two! She doesn't understand what's going on! Please.. Please forgive her!" He was scared that the figure will torture his younger sister out of anger!

"..." However, the figure remained silent.

The figure tapped on its elbows as if it was deep in thoughts. And just when it made its decision, the figure flashed before the youngest child; the one-year-old.

"Hn, not infected." The figure hummed slowly and backed away.

The boy trembled in fear as tears streamed down his eyes. He knew that death was the best option, but when it came to it, he didn't want to die! He doesn't want his precious siblings to die. He wants them to live! He wants them to smile and grow!

"It'll be painful. Be careful not to scream too much." The figure sighed before its silhouette moved as sleek as water and danced inside the small cage.

With every step she took, screams erupted and vanished.

Whilst everyone else in Zene slept peacefully, only it was awake and fulfilling its task. As black began to surpass every child in the greenhouse, the person standing behind it couldn't help but shake from fear and watched as all lives dimmed one by one it.

The figure didn't stop until all screaming stopped.

After the ordeal, the figure took a step back and yawned from tiredness.

The person standing behind the figure trembled, "Ma... Master.."

The figure glanced at the person and smiled.





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