My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 154 - Episode 147- Propose Becoming One Family

Episode 147- Propose becoming one family

Previous ep: Eugene finds out the reason why the Imperial Palace was empty. Has suspicions that the incident back then was to test something out, and not to kidnap or assassinate the Crown Prince.



The tribal villagers were nothing but friendly and nice whilst keeping Eugene and every one company. It remained that way even until they left. They were begged to stay for longer and were also shoved whatever valuables the tribal people were able to save from the fire. All of the tribal men cried as they bid Eugene and everyone farewell.

Aernest sighed in the carriage, "They are good people." He was in tears when the tribal people bid them goodbye.

Moniqua smiled, "Yes. They are."

Aernest was silent for a while before he stared at Moniqua with a serious face, "Mother."

"Yes, honey?"

"When I grow up, I want to help people like them. I want everyone to live happily." There was something inside him that felt the need to protect these people. Visiting them today had inspired and ignited the fire in him he never thought he had.

Though his statement was big, especially for a three-year-old child, no one laughed and took him seriously. Everyone knew Aernest was serious because they knew how obsessed Aernest was with being beautiful and keeping himself clean like Eugene. He never liked getting calluses and also didn't like getting near swords, however, his words just now meant that he will do whatever he can to become stronger. Even if the results were getting hands full of calluses like Eugene, Louis, and Ramon.

Moniqua eyes widened at Aernest words however she calmed down and replied to him in an even more serious tone,

"There are many ways to help people and there are also many ways to bring happiness to their lives." Her meaning was that Aernest didn't have to sacrifice anything he didn't want to, for example, his obsession with cleanliness. He could find another method that will protect people and also bring happiness to them.

Aernest hesitated for a bit and nodded. Moniqua's words reminded him of what Eugene would tell him from time to time.

'Your ears are your biggest asset. Use them wisely.' He had never thought much of Eugene's words and always thought that she meant for him to use his ears to listen to other people's conversations. However, her meanings suddenly changed when with Moniqua's wise words just now.

Suddenly another fire ignited in him. 'Maybe… Maybe I can help a lot of people with my ears…' He reached for his ears as something in his core shook. He had always been self-conscious about his scarred ears, but now he believes he has a future in which he can live openly with them.

Aernest turned to his dearest sister and gave her a big grin, To our future!'

"....." Eugene blinked… She did not understand this curly-haired boy.




They headed to the capital city, back to where they had relocated to yesterday. The accommodation wasn't fancy because it was the only accommodation left that wasn't affected by the fire. But they didn't mind so long as it was clean.

But just before they reached their accommodation, the carriage suddenly stopped.

The coachman spoke from outside, "My apologies Great Duke, Great Duchess. There are two carriages up front that is blocking the entrance."

Levis pushed the curtain to the side to look outside and furrowed his eyebrows for a second, "It's alright. We will walk."

"Yes, Duke." The coachmen got off the carriage and opened the door for Levis and everyone.

'Who is it?' Eugene glanced at Levis and stepped down from the carriage last with Aernest.

The first thing Eugene noticed was an intact accommodation. However, if she looked at the building next to their accommodation, she could see that the other accommodation was damaged. The street opposite them had it worse as the building collapsed like domino tiles.

'The owner's luck is… incredible' She shook her head as she sighed. She didn't have to go out of her way to know that everyone must be envious of their accommodation owner.

"Good afternoon Great Duke Veria, Great Duchess Veria." Eugene jolted from an unfamiliar male voice and turned around.

The person who spoke just now stood with another person beside Levis. They both appeared to be in their forties, but they appeared incredibly noble and of high social standing.

Levis's pupils contracted for one split second and he replied calmly, "Good afternoon, Duke Cox, Duke Garcia." There was also nobility that shone in Levis' back that seemed incredibly unfamiliar to Eugene and the children.

'Dukes?' She did not recognize the two 'Dukes'. Not to mention, there were only 5 Great Dukes in Xenperia and no more. Which meant that the people in front of her were from Erich and had most likely accompanied the King of Erich over.

Duke Garcia smiled, "It has been a long time, it's a surprise the Great Duke remembers this one." His voice had a slight sarcasticness to them. His hair was black and slicked back. He looked like Clyde Akler, who looked like a playboy, but more mature.

Levis didn't respond to his provocation and turned to the other Duke, "Have Duke Garcia and Duke Cox accompanied His Highness King Erich over?" He asked politely.

"Yes. We finished our meeting with His Highness King Erich and His Highness, King of Zene, and thought to stopover." His eyes moved downwards until they reached two girls with similar appearances except for their red and grey eyes.

Eugene did not stare back and looked at the ground like a noblewoman should do. She, however, was puzzled when Moniqua suddenly moved in front of her. Moniqua looked to be blocking the Dukes from staring at her and Euria.

Duke Cox shifted his eyes to Moniqua and gave her an unfathomable smile before turning the other way.

Eugene turned to Louis who was beside her and asked him seriously, "Do I look weird today?" The Dukes were staring at her weirdly. Not to mention, Elder Gres also stared at her weirdly. Yes, she knows both she and Euria were unique and rare, but she couldn't help but feel that the stares she got were beyond her status of being born a twin.

Louis blinked, "You always look weird."

"....." The corner of her lips twitched. She was unwilling to accept his answer!

She turned to Aernest and asked, "Do I look weird today?"

Aernest shook his head, "You look, cute sister!" His face was filled with smiles as he replied.

Aernest response gave her goosebumps however because his response wasn't terrible like Louis's response, she reluctantly accepted, "Then why is everyone staring at me like I am an alien?"

Aernest was about to reply when he paused and tilted his head in confusion, "What's an alien sister?"

Eugene replied as if it was a matter of fact, "Green monster with jelly-looking horns."

"....Ah. You do look like that." Louis who was listening in to their conversation nodded and responded to Eugene in Aernest's stead. What she said, he approved.

Eugene gaped at Louis's sudden attack.

At this moment, the atmosphere around them turned chilly, cold, and uncomfortable. Eugene couldn't see Moniqua's expression but she could see that Moniqua was angry from her back. It might be the first time she saw her this angry. The uncomfortable atmosphere lasted until Levis spoke up.

"Are there any important matters we need to discuss?" Though his face remained the same, elegant and beautiful, there was a thorn in his voice as if condemning them for being rude to visit without prior notice.

Duke Garcia smiled venomously and stared at Levis straight in the eyes, "Erich would like to propose becoming one family with Xenperia."

At this moment, Eugene could swear she saw ripples in the air form from heat and coldness radiating from both sides. What did his sentence mean? Eugene didn't think much of it and his words only registered when Levis, Moniqua's and Louis' faces turned incredibly sour. Louis stepped closer to Eugene and like Moniqua, blocked Eugene from the stares of the Dukes.

Moniqua's veins were visible on her tightly clenched fists, "Are consanguineous not a thing in Erich anymore?"

Duke Garcia's eyes snapped to Moniqua, "Please mind your words, Duchess." His eyes didn't contain much emotion but at the same time, there was intense pressure radiating from his eyes.

"Our children are their individual," Levis spoke out amid silence. There was no need to dissect his words as 'no' was the only meaning in his answer.

Eugene stared blankly. All she wanted to say was 'What-the-flip', however, she remained silent. She was so shocked that words got stuck in her throat.

Duke Cox's eyes narrowed down as he rubbed his fingers, "I see. However, Duke must know how Erich cherishes offspring born at the same time and of one gender, right?"

Levis replied nonchalantly, "I am aware."

"I see…" Duke Cox smiled gently, and motioned for Duke Garcia to come over, "Well then Great Duke Veria, Great Duchess Veria, may we keep in contact."

Levis and Moniqua didn't reply nor did they bother bidding farewell. They didn't even stay to watch the Duke's head to their carriages and brought the children back to the accommodation. Once everyone was in and the door was closed, Moniqua exhaled out in anger and relief.

She stayed frozen for a while before she turned to Eugene and Euria sharply, "Don't believe a single thing the Royal family of Erich says." For the first time, she spoke in an authoritative voice to Eugene and Euria.

"Your answer?" She demanded.

Eugene nodded quickly, and Euria nodded seriously.

"You're lucky you were born into this household. If you weren't born into this family, you guys would have long been gone," said Louis who seemed to be laughing but at the same time looked very serious.

Aernest frowned and asked, "What do you mean, Eldest Brother?"

Louis paused for a few seconds and answered Aernest, "If your sisters weren't your sisters and were born into another house, they would've long been engaged to the Crown Prince of Erich by now."

Aernest, Ramon, Aeselak, and Aedelak stared blankly, "....What."

Ron popped out from behind and answered, "In Erich, twins born of the same sex are considered treasures. They are usually married into the Royal Family of Erich. Many Kings in Erich marry their relatives who were born as twins." He shrugged, "Twins have a special meaning there."

"... Wha…" Aernest's mouth gaped open. 'Rela… Relative?!' His brain felt heavy as if they were being blocked by a huge wall as he comprehended but at the same time couldn't comprehend Ron's words.

Louis added, "Oh, and if twins are born of the opposite sex, they are to be killed."

Eugene stared blankly. Words were stuck at the back of her throat again. What… What is this weird superstition?!

No one thought the twins would be proposed to today so they felt incredibly tired all of a sudden.

Eugene walked in front of the group when she suddenly stopped walking. This caused everyone to look forward and like Eugene, stop walking.

"Arie!" Ron yelled out in surprise as he ran past Eugene to an awkward Arie.

"Ron…" He called out weakly.

Ron didn't dare to smile widely and could only ask, "What are you doing here?" He didn't think he would be able to see Arie for the last time today due to the hectic situation.

"Aren and Argen are taking care of Dea and Con. I didn't have anything to do so I thought of visiting for the last time."

The moment Arie said the word 'last' the atmosphere around Ron and Arie dimmed a bit.

"Let's talk." Ron disliked the atmosphere and dragged Ron to the dining room. Eugene and the children glanced at Louis who motioned for everyone to follow them as well.

The atmosphere was still even after they came to a different room. Ron appeared to be deep in thought, and Arie was looking down at his feet in a solemn mood.

Suddenly Ron glanced up and with a serious face and voice, he asked, "Why don't you just come with us?" The solution was simple. If no one wanted to part, all they had to do was leave with them.

Arie's head snapped in Ron's direction and he stared at him in shock, "Wha... What did you say?"

Ron had inquired about Arie's grandparents' situation with Levis the day before but was informed that their grandmother had most likely passed away. If Arie's grandmother was still alive, he wouldn't have asked, but because she was not, he dared ask. The reason was that Arie and the others had no reason to stay in this country anymore so why not move to Xenperia!

"Come with us to Xenperia. You have no reason to stay here." Ron smiled.

"....." Arie looked at Ron in speechlessness. He had come here to bid goodbye but it was also because he felt lost and wanted to see his friend no matter what. Everything that had happened to them, to him in the past 2 days made him feel so weak and unmotivated. He felt that he could no longer become a knight because he didn't trust this country anymore.

"If you feel lost, take a trip."

Arie turned to Eugene who spoke just now.

Somehow, Ron and Eugene's words made him feel light and at ease. Something he hasn't felt since yesterday. His heart was trembling the more their words register in his heart.

".... I."


Duke Marleigh smiled as he leaned against the open door. Everyone was surprised as they hadn't seen Duke Marleigh since the incident yesterday.

"The King of Zene is willing to grant you any wishes for all the pain he has caused you. You don't have to worry about anything if you wish to come to Xenperia."

Duke Marleigh's words made everyone's eyes widened and everyone turned to Arie with expectation.

However, Arie hesitated. He was afraid that leaving would mean betraying his country.

Ron smiled and understood Arie's concern, "No one would blame your decision to leave your country. It's the country's fault for not treating you better."

"Xenperia is more advanced than Zene in the medical field." Duke Marleigh mentioned. His words made Arie's concern disappear like smoke. Right now, his brother's health and recovery were the most important. With straightened back and serious eyes, he answered,

"Please. Please bring us to Xenperia."

Everyone smiled at Arie's words of promise, even Eugene. The sense of loss everyone felt was no longer there and they parted ways with a big hug. Because Dea's surgery had just finished, it would take weeks before they could move to Xenperia. Duke Marleigh and Levis gave words that they will take care of the migrating procedures and make sure there will be no problem with moving to Xenperia.

And now, it was time to go home…

Eugene and everyone waited one more day before they left Zene. However, before they left, they entered Zene's Royal Palace one more time. They met with the King who was already very different from his first and second impression.

The King expressed his deepest gratitude and apologies to the children. The change naturally shocked the children so much as they didn't realize that Commander Kal's control of the King was this deep-rooted.

The atmosphere was warm and anyone could tell that the King was a good King. He was simply unlucky to have met and been tricked by two people whom he kept close. And though the atmosphere between the King and the Crown Prince was still awkward, there was no hostility and the King treated the Crown Prince with the respect he deserved.

The King didn't seem to care about matters involving the Crown Prince's origin, especially seeing how the Crown Prince and the King were standing side by side most of the time. Everyone was happy seeing the Crown Prince and the King's relationship and the bond they were forming and felt relieved for them.

As they parted ways, only one person stood still on the road as he watched the carriage ride away. The boy reached for his heart, as he had done four days before when he came to a halt along the silent corridor after seeing 'that' person for the first time. It was so excruciatingly painful that he felt that he could die. It hurt so much to see 'that' person for the first time but also to part with 'that' person.

A voice called out to the boy who was crouched over.

The slight breeze, combined with flower petals that blew in the wind, made the boy look even more pitiful. The guard by his side couldn't help but call out to the boy,

"Crown Prince? Is Your Highness alright?" There was only concern in his voice as his eyes moved to the place the Crown Prince was staring at dazedly.

Due to his hair covering his eyes, the knight couldn't see the Crown Prince's face, but he could see a water-like substance dripping down his face and into the ground.

The knight immediately stepped back to give the Crown Prince personal space.


"Dream?" The knight could only hear muffles. The word 'dream' was the only word he could make out.

"Euria..." More tears flowed from the Crown Prince's eyes as he muttered the person's name.

"..." The knight's eyes widened in shock!

'Is that not the younger twin who left just now?' The knight realized as he turned to where he had followed the Crown Prince's gaze just now. It wasn't the carriage the Crown Prince was looking at but the place the youngest twin stood last.

But why? Why did the Crown Prince look as if his heart had been gouged out a few thousand times?



While Eugene and the others were leaving to return home, word spread about Commander Kal's true identity and the plot he orchestrated against the white-eyed tribe. Both commoners and aristocrats went frenzy from the news. Not only did Commander Kla steal someone else's wife, but he also hypnotized the King, and tricked the people!

All of his bad deeds were exposed to the public and his family history was dug out.

The citizens, and even the King himself, were taken aback by the truth and that was that only one of Kal's parents was from a different continent. The person who wasn't from this continent was Kal's mother who had married Kal's father who was of Zene's origin. A child conceived from such parents would normally be bound to Promissum however Kal wasn't. That was when the King and the people discovered that Kal's mother had had an affair with a mercenary from another continent and that Kal wasn't even a person of Zene's origin.

The people went into another shock when the King announced three important news. The first edict was the repeal of a law that required the white eye tribe to be executed if they injured a Zene citizen.

The second news was that the King will personally head to the white-eyed tribe village and apologize to them. This made the citizens think through their decision and follow after the King to apologize and ask for forgiveness from the tribal people.

The third edict was Musician Hal's official position appointment as the Crown Prince's aide. No one objected and everyone apologized and heartily welcomed Musician Hal as Crown Prince's aide.

Naturally, the Crown Prince being the child of Kal and Lea was kept in utter secrecy and he will continue to become the next King of Zene. When the situation was settled down, that day, the country was covered in a rainbow-like light. People swore they heard melodic instruments playing even though there was no one playing instruments. Rumor has it that Lady lea had descended from heaven to forgive them.. Or that, Lady Lea, could finally descend to heaven.

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