Episode 158 - A decoy

"..." Did he mean he wasn't crazy enough to court her, or truly mean that he didn't want to court her because she is a child? There was suspicion in Eugene's eyes, however, she let him off. 

Ron turned back again and when he saw that he was clear from her beating, he lifted his shirt and voiced, "See! I am hurt! I was attacked!" He let go of his shirt and complained, "I don't know who it was but I was attacked as soon as I left the academy's premises. It was big guys with ta-"

"Comrade Eugeneia." a cold voice cut Ron off before he could finish. 

Eugene turned to Con and noticed that his facial expression was incredibly dark. And in an instant, she felt something was wrong and glanced around at their surroundings carefully. Something was off. What was off was there only being two people guarding Ron. 

The commanding knight was incredibly important. And there was no way the knights wouldn't know that the first thing the soldiers would do is try to expel Ron out of the simulation training. Hence, Ron having only two guards was… weird. 

Eugene turned to Ron, her expression incredibly black, 'This basta-' She wanted to outright cuss him. He knew that the first thing the soldiers would do is get rid of him. Hence, he willingly came out to be a decoy! 

Ron's facial expression showed only innocence as if he didn't understand why Eugene and Con were irritated. Unbeknownst to him, his annoying lips were slowly curving up. 

"They are attacking. Not defending." Con said quickly as he groped the thighs of the knights. They had thought that the knights would be defending because of their thick outlines. However, one could see from Ron's hands that the thighs of the knight were incredibly soft as if there were cushions inside. 

Eugene clenched her jaw hard as she stared at Con standing up. 

"Oh no… Was that what you were thinking all along?" Ron fake gasped as his palm covered his mouth. His eyes were twinkling as if he did not know the soldiers would think of such a thing. 

Eugene and Con did not respond, however one would know that the aura radiating off of them was scary. 

"Have you never heard of this saying? What was it again?" Ron turned to lie on his back as he tapped on his chin. Eugene and Con did not continue to stay and had already rushed away without waiting for Ron to finish his sentence.

"Ah, I remember!" He shouted, loud enough for the two to still hear, "The operation began the moment we said hello!"

The corner of Eugene's lips twitched as she cursed under her breath. After cursing, she began to pick up her pace. 

"You head to D2, I will go to D1," Con spoke from beside her and when she nodded, they immediately parted ways. 

She was currently 4 kilometers away from base D2, and it would take her approximately 13 minutes to get there. She had run 20 kilometers in 55 minutes with a log, and she would have been faster without it, but this was a forest, not a straight line without obstacles, hence 13 minutes was the best she could do. 

"Please hold on," Eugene muttered under her breath as she ran skipped past the trees and obstacles blocking her way.




15 minutes ago...

There was only one person in the defense team that had noticed the oddity of the situation and already reported the situation to Team D1 defense leader Argen however, on his way back to his defense team, he was attacked by the enemy team. The person who was attacked was Aernest. 

With his ears, he was able to evade the enemy and quickly jump up the tree to stall for time. 

"GET DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY… Sir." One of the knights shouted in annoyance, however before he finished what he was saying, he realized his mistake and added 'sir' to the end of the sentence. Aernest was after all a Paladin, not to mention, has a more noble background than him. 

Aernest stuck his tongue out, "NO WAY!" He sneered, "Do you think I don't know what you're going to do to me once I get down?" Please! He is 10 and knows better than to not listen to his enemies! 

One knight turned his head and mumbled, "But it worked last time…" 

Aernest's ears twitched as looked at the knight in shock! With his index finger, he pointed and accused, "Y, YOU! IT WAS YOU LAST TIME!" 

The knight jolted in shock and quickly covered his mouth. He shook his head to deny that it was him. But who was Aernest? He was 10-years-old! Old enough to not trust in the enemy's words. 

Anger quickly rushed up Aernest's face and he shouted, "I was 8 last time! OF COURSE, IT WOULD WORK!!" His curly hair stood up like one of a cat's whispers as he glared at the knight. 

The knight glanced down at the ground and mumbled again, this time, speaking in a voice that was barely audible even to him,"... I wish it was two years ago then…"

"YOU!!" He pointed at the knight, his ears completely red from embarrassment!

After many minutes of back and forth bickering, Aernest's ears twitched slightly. He kept his composure with his angry-cat-like face and continued to scream at the knights below him. 

"A special operation just for me? I am pleased! But I will stay in this training!"

"SIR! If you want to stay in the game, you have to come down! Sir..." The knights below kept pleading… politely. 

"Hm…" Aernest tapped on his chin, "I'll think about it."

"SIR!" The knight finally couldn't take it anymore, and shouted!

Yes, they had a special operation and it was to expel Aernest from the training simulation. Just Eugene and Con who teamed up to disable Ron, him and two of his comrade teamed up to disable Aernest. But who would have known that Aernest would immediately jump onto a tree to hide! NO ONE HERE COULD CLIMB UP TREES!

The reason why Ron Graeme ordered for a team to be made to disable Aernest was not that Aernest was strong, but because Aernest always played a key role in all of the training simulations Eugene and her comrades take part in. Over the years, Aernest had developed and grown so much that if Aernest was fighting alongside you, an operation will never fail. Or when it seems as if an operation was about to fail, Aernest will turn the tide over with his ears. That was how powerful Aernest was.

Despite that, Aernest only weakness was his inability to fight two on one, unlike his younger sister who can fight five on one. 

"Please come down, young master!" The knight begged on his knees! He truly did not want to fail his operation! If this operation fails, every plan Ron made would become useless in an instant!

The back and forth conversation Aernest had with the knight repeated a total of ten times. Aernest would pop his butt out as if he was going to come down, but then quickly change his mind and hug the tree tightly again. 

To the knights, Aernest's actions were incredibly painful to bear.

"Alright… I'll go down for real! For real this time." Aernest said again with a defeated voice. He no longer pops out his butt from the tree to tease but slid down. His slide… was slow. 2cm took him at least 60 seconds. 

The knights truly wanted to cry, however, they would rather Aernest take action to come down than to tease them. 

10 minutes later…

Aernest took out his victory pose as he stepped on the knight's back!

"MUAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed evilly as he turned to Con who was cleaning up the mess. 

"Thank you, brother Con! As thanks, I will give you my eldest sister, Eugeneia Veria. I will forever ship the both of you forever and even convince my parents to give blessing to your future relationship with my dearest sister!"

In the military, some people shipped Con and Eugene together. Of course, there was also a group that opposed them together. Initially, he had opposed even the slight mention of Con's name with his sister. However, today, he was willing. He was willing to give Con, Eugene, after seeing how heroic Con was! He was willing! Very willing!

Con's face was blank and he left Aernest alone without taking a glance at him. 

Aernest continued cheering for a while longer, before quickly heading over to D2; meeting Eugene on the way. 

"Sister! Sister! I am willing to give you to brother Co-" Before Aernest could finish, Eugene smacked him hard on the head. It wasn't that Aernest did not hear her clothes ruffling as if she was preparing to hit him, but that he could not react in time. 

"AHH!" He immediately stopped running and clutched his head. 

"One more word and you die." She had enough with Ron and his ex-fiance thing! Don't even mention Ron, one more word of love, ship, or fiance, and she will rage!

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