My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 172 - Emergency Level III: The Flares Of Deaths.

Episode 165- Emergency Level III: The flares of Deaths.

"Ha…" Eugene quickly shook her head and walked away. This time, she had a set destination, her study room. Aka, Louis's former study room that Eugene had taken over. 

Louis's study room -cough-. Eugene's study room was big. It was bigger than Moniqua's study room because the room kept expanding due to the number of books this study room contained. Louis already had many books but with Eugene's books added to the collection, it became a whole library. 

Once you enter the study room and go past all the books and simple decorations, you will see that there are two extra rooms inside. Years ago, when Louis returned home from his vacation and discovered that Eugene had truly "stolen" his room that she said she would, he had servants renovate two rooms. One room to the right and one room to the left of this room. 

Hence, making the original study room 3 rooms instead. The room from which you entered was a common room, which was basically a library. The room deep to the right was given to Eugene while the room to the left was given to Louis. 

When Eugene found that two extra rooms were being made, she was incredibly happy! She had thought that Louis would burn all her things or kick her out, but he didn't. He organized and arranged everything very well in terms of Eugene's standards. 

And the reason why she insisted on wanting his room at all cost? Because she did not want to spend money on books that were already here in this house. Louis had many knowledgeable and interesting books which were what Eugene covet. But to buy it herself was something Eugene was reluctant to do after a copy of it already exists in this house! So why waste money and buy it?

The smells of the books immediately wafted into Eugene's nose as soon as she opened the door. She walked past the rows of books expertly and sat by the window side where cushions were placed for people to sit by the window. Just as she was about to reach over to push the windows open, her eyes locked onto a bracelet tied on the handle of the window opener. 

Her brows couldn't help but twitch as she thought back to the shock she received when she first saw this bracelet here. She wasn't shocked over the fact that Louis had a bracelet and had tied it on the window handle but shocked from having frequently seen this bracelet before. 

The bracelet was a good luck bracelet Aedelak wore 24/7. The exact color, design, materials, and everything, except a bit stretched to fit the door handler. Naturally, she was shocked that the same bracelet could be seen in Louis's room? After all, from what she could tell after three years of living with Aedelak and Louis, their relationship was as icy as ice.

Okay fine, she was exaggerating. Aedelak's attitude towards Louis was the one that was as cold as a block of ice. It was so cold that it was weird. From what she's heard around, Aedelak was Louis's playmate and caretaker however who knows what happened but Aedelak got assigned to become Eugene's caretaker instead. She is aware that Aedelak and Louis had this form of history together; however, it probably ended up very badly due to Aedelak's attitude towards Louis.

Louis' demeanor toward Aedelak was one of indifference, but there was more to it because he jabbed her from time to time. There was also concern he would show Aedelak from time to time, especially in cases when Aedelak got hurt. In fact, there was one time where Aedelak and herself were in a predicament, but instead of worrying for her, Louis worried for Aedelak. This mini-incident occurred when Eugene and Aedelak were taken to have an audience with the King of Zene. 

She thought that that incident was a bit weird, and never fully understood their relationship but after discovering this bracelet, she felt a bit enlightened. The first thing she came to realize was that Louis's and Aedelak's relationship ran very deep. And the second thing she realized was that Aedelak's bracelet wasn't a good luck bracelet but was most likely a friendship bracelet both Aedelak and Louis got when they were still playmates. 

Being the curious person, she tried to probe around Moniqua to understand what went wrong with the two but all she got was an incredibly weird reaction. Hence, adding to her theory that something major happened which led to a falling out of Louis's and Aedelak's relationship.

As to what happened, the whole house was hushed, about it so she couldn't find out. 

Eugene tapped on the bracelet briefly before shaking her head and moving her gaze to the beautiful garden visible from above. Though the sky was cloudy, anything beautiful will always have its way around to show off. 

Just as she was in deep thoughts a red flare suddenly went off into the sky. Just before her body could react, two more red flares went off one after the other, making her eyes widen in alarm. The sky that was just dark and bleak a moment ago was now stained red.

Four years ago, when all of the children in the House of Veria gathered, Levis and Moniqua made them memorize the meaning behind the different flares and what color it represents. It was the first time he made such a request hence everyone took it especially seriously. 

Yellow- Emergency, there is a problem. 

Red-  Emergency Level II, There is an intruder in the vicinity/ this direction.

Just as Eugene was about to get up, multiple black flares could be seen going off in many different directions. There was no time to think and she stood up and ran out of the study room. The moment she came out of the study room, she could see many workers running around in panic but not disorderly. The moment they made eye contact with Eugene they froze. 

"Don't panic. Calm down." With her palms raised slightly, she attempted to reassure and calm everyone down. The effect this had on the people was immense and they immediately calmed down. Most likely because Eugene looks so calm that it affected everyone else. 


The hallway was quiet, with only the ticking of the master clock and the high-pitched sound of flares audible. Everyone's gaze was drawn to the window, where the sky had turned pitch black. Though everyone was calm, the pit of their stomach churned from terror. 

Black flare- Emergency III, the flare reporting death. 

Eugene gazed at the groups of workers silently before leaving towards the stairs to head downstairs. The workers weren't frozen, hence followed behind her very calmly. Eugene was the perfect example of how to act whenever a major incident happened, hence they followed along. The workers thought that Eugene was calm when in fact, she wasn't. She wanted to run downstairs, but she knew that panicking wouldn't help anything or anyone, so she tried to keep her emotions as stable as possible.

The moment she arrived down, the head of butler who saw her from the corner of his eyes rushed towards her, 

"Eldest Miss, please evacuate to the basement with the servants." His voice was calm and to the point, however, his face was filled with anxiety. It was a first for Eugene, as well as the workers, to see the old man in such a state.

"What's happening?" Eugene asked. The look on the head of butler showed her that the situation might be worse than it seems.

The head of the butler did not hide any details and began to explain, "Groups of intruders have invaded the mountain of Veria. The intruders are getting closer to the mansion and many knights have been deployed to ward them off."

Eugene furrowed her eyebrows, "Seeing the flare of deaths go off many times at once, there is no doubt that the enemies are stronger."

The head butler nodded. 

Eugene's face was incredibly ugly as she complained to herself, "What was security doing at the bottom of the mountain? How did they get this close so quickly?" Her voice was harsh, "There was not even a warning." 

This was the Veria mountain. A territory exclusive to those of the Veria family or the workers of the Veria family. This area was owned by one of the Great Nobles! The guards and knights they have are strong. But to fail this terribly? 

The head butler wiped off his sweat as his voice trembled nervously, "That is… they were discovered in the middle of the mountain." 

Eugene released the furrow on her brows reflexively, and speechlessness and shock replaced it, "... You mean to say the intruders didn't come from the entrance but… were already here?" Disbelieve could be heard in her voice. 

The butler hesitated to answer. To be found in the middle of the mountain means that the intruders must've walked up the mountain.. However, there were no signs of an invasion, intrusion, or anything at all.

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