My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 194 - Meeting Ron After Saying Her Goodbyes

Episode 187- Meeting Ron after saying her goodbyes

Eugene's heart stopped the moment she saw Moniqua. The person laying down on the bed looked lifeless. Moniqua was as pale as white blanket and the only color that existed on her face at the moment was her dark eye circles. 

"Ha." Eugene exhaled softly before taking a seat by Moniqua's bed. Like with Aernest, Eugene watched Moniqua sleeping with deep thoughts. 

'Wish for something before using your blood.' These words repeated in Eugene's mind. She glanced at her palm whilst clenching and unclenching them. To use her Occul, she had to wish before using her blood. Though it wasn't mentioned in Euria's letter, she realized that the elder of Occul island and herself had the same Occul. Does this not mean she could manipulate people through their blood and suck their vitality away as well?

Euria did say not to use her Occul and only use it when it was an emergency. Towards Euria's warning, Eugene decided to put her warning to the back of her head. She shook her head and focused on Moniqua.

'Isn't this considered an emergency?'

'I hope her old injuries and new injuries heal completely.' Eugene wished. And though she didn't know if she had to close her eyes to wish for it or not, but she did so anyway. After that she reached for her dagger, and poked her index finger lightly.

She titled Moniqua's chin using her free hand before dropping her blood into Moniqua's parted lips. And after about 10 seconds of doing this, she seemed to discover a problem. Not a biggest problem in the world, but nevertheless a problem.

"..." Eugene's lips pursed into a straight line as she stared into the space with a blank look. 

'How… How much blood am I supposed to give?' So far, 10 slow drops have been administered. But… When was she supposed to stop?

She was so distracted by this major problem that when she turned around to Moniqua again, she was stunned and completely flustered! In shock, she pulled her fingers away whilst her eyes moved back and forth between the room not knowing what to do!

Moniqua… Moniqua was no longer dead but! But! She was completely alive and red!!! Her entire face… no, her entire body was tomato red, and oddly enough, her entire skin looked incredibly glossy! She looked like a teenager who had yet to hit her puberty!

'Was… Were 15 drops too much?' No matter how much she looked at Moniqua, Moniqua looked too brimmed with vitality! Maybe a little bit too much!

Eugene hopped off Moniqua's bed and paced back and forth between the bed and the door before stopping, 'Being too alive is better than being too dead!' She nodded in order to convince herself that… 15 drops of blood wasn't too much.

She walked to Moniqua again and her lips curved up slowly, "Thank you for saving me. I'll be back." She whispered gently. Before leaving, she gave Moniqua a big bow of gratitude and then left without looking back. Eugene left through Moniqua's window because she did not want anyone to know that she left just yet. 

Before long, Con appeared by her side and they walked down the Veria mountain together without a single glance back. They went through a pathway that was uncommon for people to go through and that was how they managed to almost leave the mountain without anyone noticing. 

Everything went well and according to plan until…

"Eugeneia?" A familiar voice belonging to a teen spoke out from above. 

In shock, Eugene and Con glanced above only to find a young boy hanging upside down. The boy was stuck in a net and he appeared to have struggled against the net very much. 

Seeing Con and Eugene stare at him blankly as if they weren't looking at him but what's beyond him made Ron laugh awkwardly. It was scary already scary when it was just either Eugene or either Con, but with the both of them combined? God bless him. He felt that his soul was about to pass over to another world.

They looked apathetic as if they weren't going to help him and sure enough they didn't help him. Both Con and Eugene, as if they were in a tacit agreement, walked forward without a single word said to him or even another look at him.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Miss Eugeneia?! Lady Eugeneia! Please don't leave meee!!!!!!" Ron reached out to Eugene in the midst of hanging upside down as he tried to wiggle his way out. 

"WAAAAAAIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" He shouted as loud as possible, from the bottom of his guts!




"..." Eugene stared at Ron as if she was bored to death as he kneeled on the ground in a sorry state. 

"I'm showwy." He apologized cutely as he poked the ground with his index finger. He glanced back up at Eugene and was startled that she was looking at him with a gaze that he couldn't bear and moved his gaze back down again. 

Everyone stayed like this for another 5 minutes before Eugene sighed. Her sigh signaled that she had forgiven him and he immediately shot up and gave her a 90-degree angle bow. 

"Thank you very much, Comrade!"

"... Who's your comrade?" Eugene looked at him with a questioning gaze. From her recollection, the only people she swore to be loyal to were her military comrades. Not the people in the knight division.

Ron scratched his head awkwardly as his gaze moved back to the ground, "We are both… paladins you know?"

Eugene raised a brow, 'Doesn't mean we are comrades. At most, we are allies.' She thought but didn't say it out loud. 

Ron pouted and glanced back up at Eugene, "... I'm showwy again."

Eugene's eyebrows twitched. She didn't know why this man was attempting to act cute towards her. It was disgusting let alone fake! This was not his usual style or manner of speaking at all. He was someone who was sneaky, conniving, and scary. Someone who knows how to play with people using his high IQ.

"Why are you doing this?" She couldn't help but. Her face was scrunched up while she asked. 

Ron looked at her surprised, "Because you like cute things. And If I'm cute, you will be more likely to forgive me." He blinked innocently. 

"...." Eugene's lips twitched and pursed into a straight line. She blurted unintentionally, "And you think you're cute?" She said it in a tone that sounded as if he was a complete joke. 

"...." It was Ron's turn to be silent. His confidence hit rock bottom.

Eugene turned to Con who was being incredibly silent and staring at nothing before turning back to Ron. She wanted to do nothing but to hurry up and leave but Ron, however, seemed as if he still had a lot to talk about. 

'Fine. First, exchange pleasant conversation and then make him leave.' She didn't want Ron to know about her plans or snitched on her too soon. 

"... Why are you all the way over here?" She asked even though she knew the answer. Who didn't know in this continent that Ron Graeme's terrible with direction!

"I got lost!" He said it as if he'd said the most obvious thing in the entire world.

".... Then go. Go in that direction and you will find the way back." Eugene flick her palms towards the direction she came from. 

Ron turned behind to look at the direction Eugene was pointing to and turned back to her. He nodded, "Okay." Not a second later, he walked away. He didn't thank her, didn't bid her goodbye, and simply walked away.

5 minutes later...

".... Why are you here again?" Eugene blinked as she stared at Ron who somehow managed to walk from the front towards her direction.

"...." Ron scratched his head. He did go in the direction she pointed okay? He really did! He didn't want to say the truth because he was embarrassed and looked away instead. The minute he looked away, he finally noticed something odd. And that was Eugene and Con didn't appear to head back to the estate.

"Where are you going?" He glanced at Eugene and noticed a small bag slung over her shoulders and weapons tied on her waist, "You have a lot of bags as well..." He pointed.

'... So he came back for this…' Eugene's eyes narrowed down as she stared straight into Ron's eyes. Little did she know, he was simply lost and didn't notice anything until he found her the second time.

"..." Eugene didn't say anything. 

Who was Ron? He was a ditz for five minutes and a genius for the rest of the day. He did get amazing genes from his parents after all. 

Ron watched Eugene carefully before turning to Con.

"Something happened?" His high-pitched voice disappeared in an instant and what replaced it was a deep bass voice.. His eyes that had been playful stared at Eugene seriously and seemed to be on the lookout for her change of facial expressions.

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