My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 20 - Episode 20 - Euria In Pain! 2

Episode 20 - Euria in Pain! 2

Moniqua had just finished writing a reply to the Imperial palace and was about to seal the letter when 2 people rushed in without even so much as to wait for her to answer them in! Seeing the 2 girls rushing in looking anxious, she had a bad premonition.

"Aeselak, Aedelak, where are your manners!" The head main sternly warned the two girls. Aeselak and Aedelak's mother was the head maid of the family therefore was always beside and served the lady of the house, Moniqua at all times.

Shocked by their rudeness they paused their steps. But before the Head maid can scold them, Aeselak pinches her older sister's arm to quickly relay the bad news!

"My Lady! Youngest miss has been stung by a bee! Eldest young master asked for my ladyship immediately!" Due to the nature of her job, she wasn't able to report the things she clearly saw, like Euria hyperventilating or looking out of the sorts. She could only briefly report and get Moniqua to Louis as soon as possible.

"What!" Moniqua stood up in shock, dropping her letter. She then nervously rushed out to look for Louis and Euria. Moniqua ran towards the twins' bedroom but on the way went to get her husband, Levis. Only to realize Euria was already with her husband. Rushing towards the crib and grabbing Louis by his shoulders, she nervously asked.

"What happened!? What Happened!"

"Mother, Euria has been stung by a bee. But... "

Louis moved over so his mother could see the state Euria is in.

'....How?' Moniqua felt her head throb with a headache. They had made sure to get pest control workers to get rid of all insects and bugs that are deemed dangerous to ensure their children safety. Although bees weren't included in the dangerous category, they made sure all hives were removed anyways. So why?

A sudden thought came to mind, "We scheduled for the doctor to come, has she arrived yet?" Moniqua turned towards her husband and quickly asked.

"She should arrive soon. Dear, please calm down."

"How can I calm down when!…" Moniqua raised her voice to get her point across but halted because she didn't want to take out her fears on her husband. Seeing Euria in such a condition made her heartbreak into pieces. Euria was already considered very pale, but she was now as pale as a blank sheet of paper, enough to see her veins protruding.

Not wanting his wife to feel even worse than she already feels, he quietly wrapped his arms around his wife's small waist and stroked her gently. His action conveying that everything will be okay. All they can do at this point was made sure Euria's neck was elevated high enough for her to breathe.

Louis couldn't help but clench his already clenched fist tighter. He was there right from the start and saw the changes turn from bad to worse. But what can he, a 7-year-old child do. There was nothing he could do to take the pain away from Euria. He started getting cold sweats from thinking about what could possibly happen if the doctor didn't arrive soon.

"Euria!" Ramon finally arrived with Eugene in his arms, panting, falling down onto his knees. He looked like he was going to collapse at any given moment. Throughout the journey to reach his father's study room, he felt like pressure and nerves were weighing him down making him run really slow. It felt like he was running with chains tied to his ankle. With Louis' help, he reached the crib, handing Eugene to Louis, who with Levis' approval, laid her next to Euria. Euria seeing Eugene might help at least ease and calm her down.

'Euria…' Seeing the state Euria was in made her feel like her heart had stopped. Seeing the pain reflecting onto Euria's face reminded her of when she was forced to watch herself getting choked in her former life. This… It wasn't her intention to make Euria feel the immense pain of not being able to breathe, nor did she ever intended to hurt her…

'Heehuu' Euria's rapid breathing slowed down when she saw her sister. She unconsciously grabbed her sister out of fear, wanting to cling onto her for support.

"Eu.." 'Euria....' For the first time in over a decade, she felt a new small feeling budding into her heart but before she could fully understand the new emotion, a shout woke her up, bringing her back to reality.

"Euria! Open your eyes! Euria!"




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