My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 204 - Enough To Last A Lifetime

Episode 197- Enough to last a lifetime

Everybody outside the room turned to stare at Eugene and Riel once they emerged from the room.  The rude man and the broken bookshelf on the floor had been cleaned up and no traces of whatever happened half an hour ago could be seen. 

Riel reached his hand over to Eugene for a handshake and smiled, "It is a pleasure to work with Lady." It was rare for Riel to acknowledge anyone, hence when everyone saw Riel treating Eugene with the utmost respect, they knew that Eugene was considered a top-tier customer. And to be put in this tier means she was someone who holds a lot of information and someone beneficial to keep as a customer to the guild. 

Eugene looked into his eyes before moving her eyes to his hands. After four seconds of contemplating, she reached and shook his hands, "My pleasure."

Eugene turned to the rest of the people who were in the hall and nodded to them before she left.

And the minute she left, she couldn't help but exhale loudly. Truth to be told, it was her first time walking around outside and going to places aimlessly in this world. It was also the first time she'd talk to anyone herself without her friend group which felt a bit odd to Eugene. 

When she first walked out of her lodge, she had expected to encounter more rude people but now she was glad that she didn't because she no longer had the energy to deal with something like that. 

She stretched her arms and her neck before walking back to the lodge slowly. Her head was now clear after she got some information about Exitium and was promised help to track Exitium and Euria down. With this, she reckons that she could fall asleep almost immediately once she gets back to her room. 

Eugene walked around past many streets and houses. Though it was dark, with the help of the moonlight and the stars, she was able to find which roads to take fairly easily. After walking for a while, she turned around a corner when suddenly she spotted someone leaning against the wall. The build belonged to a tall man, and he appeared to be staring at the ground. Eugene kept her eyes on the man and walked past him but just when she was about to take another corner, the man whom she walked past, spoke,

"Why didn't you help the woman?" The man's deep and low voice reverberated along the walls as it reached Eugene's ears and brought chill's down her neck. For some reason, her heart was beating very fast. She also felt a nauseating feeling inside her stomach, one that didn't exactly belong to fear but belonged to an emotion she couldn't comprehend. And because of this feeling, she didn't dare turn around to face the man behind her. 

She would've turned around if she felt that the man had bad intentions. However, she had been observing him before she walked past him and understood that he had no intentions of hurting her.

After a long while, Eugene replied, "Because it's a bother."

The man behind her was quiet and because of this silence, Eugene turned around. The distance between Eugene and the man wasn't far, however, it wasn't close either. The two stared staring at each other's cape for the next five minutes as no one said anything.

It wasn't that Eugene didn't want to say anything, or that she didn't want to leave, but that she felt something blocking her from saying anything and something blocking her from moving. There was something about the man in front of her that made her heartache with tremendous pain, a pain that felt familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. 

"Because it's a … bother?" he repeated as if he heard something he didn't want to hear. 

Eugene gulped her dry throat and replied, "Yes." Her voice was slightly hoarse. 

"You warned my men to be careful but didn't help the woman. Do you perhaps have a split personality?" The man asked. His voice didn't sound sarcastic however, his words were pretty sarcastic. 

"..." The right hand of Eugene twitched the moment the man in front of her said 'my men' however she didn't reply to the man because he accused her of having a split personality. 

When the man didn't hear Eugene reply he chuckled before he turned around, "We will investigate the two groups. Please don't worry, Dear customer. May we meet again one day." His voice slowly became inaudible the further he walked away leaving Eugene to watch as he blended in with the darkness.

'Strong…' If there was one aspect she took out of this conversation, it was that the man who spoke to her was strong. He was spine-chilling strong, however, he did not have the same horrible feeling she got from Commander Kal. She was confident about her abilities to a certain extent however right now, she felt that she was weak. She felt powerless, especially against the man just now.

'Don't tell me that guy has Occul?' She thought suddenly as her gaze still lingered at the place he disappeared to. She was rooted to the floor, and her body had felt uncomfortable. 

"Ha…" Eugene shook her head as she dismissed the thought quickly. 'That's not possible.'


After another corner, she was once again stopped by another person. This time it was a man, but a woman. 

Eugene felt one thing. She was never going to make it back to her lodge to sleep today. Just as she calmed herself down because of the encounter with the man, she was once again flustered. The woman who had her wallet stolen was waiting for her at the street where they first encountered each other.

"Thank you, lady! Thank you so much, lady!" The woman thanked her repeatedly as she grabbed onto Eugene's hands. 

"...." Eugene stared at the woman blankly and blinked. 

"Thank you so much, Lady! I didn't know… I thought that Lady didn't help me. Thank you so much, lady." She thanked Eugene with tears streaming down her face. 

"... I didn't do anything," Eugene replied gently before attempting to shake her hands off of the woman's grip, only for her hands to be held tighter. 

"Lady did! Lady helped me! Lady was the only one who could do it!" She insisted as her eyes showed nothing but gratitude. 

"I.. I only realized it after Lady left. Which was why I waited for Lady." She said through her sniffs.

Eugene didn't say anything and only looked at her awkwardly. When the lady asked her for help, she truly didn't want to exude energy to go after the man who stole her wallet. Not to mention, she didn't want to run because she couldn't be bothered to. However, hearing how distressed the lady was about her sick child, she slipped her purse filled with gold coins into the Lady's jacket. This was enough money for the lady to last a hundred years and more than enough for her child. 

This was also the reason why she didn't go after the man in the first place. Because the woman's money had already been replaced by hers. 

"Thank you so much, lady!" The woman was loud, loud enough for people to glance over. 

"..." Eugene closed her eyes and sighed. Once she reopened her eyes, she immediately glared at the people looking her way and turned to the lady, "If you shout like this, your money will be taken away again." Also, why did the woman wait for her? Was she not afraid to have her money stolen away again?

"...Ah!" The woman's eyes widened in realization and she didn't dare shout again. 

Eugene sighed again, 'It is a little bit too late for that.' She looked at the woman with a knowing look before sighing again for the third time. 

And there goes her chance to go back to her lodge and sleep.

"Where do you live?"


Eugene repeated, "I will bring you back home. No, let's put the money in the bank." If this woman was robbed again, she wouldn't be lucky enough to meet another aristocrat to give her money enough to last a lifetime. The woman was only lucky because she met a lazy person like herself.

The woman wanted to refuse Eugene but when she saw Eugene's glare, she shoved the words back down her throat. And like that, together with Eugene, they both went to the bank and put money in there for security. 

"Remember, only take cash out when you need it," Eugene warned as she watched the woman go back inside her house. Don't ask why Eugene ended up here. She just ended up here very naturally. 

The woman nodded, "Thank you, lady! Thank you so much!" 

Eugene motioned with her hands for the lady to head in before she turned away and headed back to her lodge.. No, she didn't walk back this time. Instead, she ran with all her might to her lodge in case she was stopped again! There was no way she was going to allow herself to be stopped again!!

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