My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 211 - Infamous Forest

Episode 204- Infamous forest

Unbeknownst to Levis, the clarification was not enough to stop the rumors but instead fanned the rumors even more. And true like what the head butler said, rumors have spread around the whole country by the end of the day. And by the next day, papers could be seen floating around and landing on the streets of every city in Xenperia. The paper mentioned that children spies had invaded the house of Veria and fatally stabbed the Duchess. This rumor continued to spread and eventually the rumors spread throughout the whole continent. 

This method of this announcement was like the organization's method of operation 6 and a half years ago. However, both the organization and the Great Nobles knew that this wasn't the work of the organization and neither was it the work of the Great Nobles. The reason why they had the same thoughts despite being on polar opposite sides was that there were no benefits to these rumors and only losses. 

Telling the world that child spies exist is a fatal loss for the organization. Now, any group of children walking together would bring people fear and bring attention to them. And bringing attention upon them meant having all their moves constantly watched. 

The same goes with the rumors of the Duchess being stabbed as was left in a critical condition. This information was nothing but damage to her reputation and social standings. Not only that, it brought people the question of the Veria mountain was easily breachable along with the question if the Duke was suitable enough to protect the whole country if he couldn't even protect his wife. Naturally, Levis didn't care about his rumors and only worried for Moniqua. He worried because this would be a rumor that will stick to Moniqua for a lifetime. After all, a woman couldn't be scarred. 

When Eugene found out this rumor, she was already lying in wait in Raden. She was surprised that there were no rumors about her, Ron, or Euria which thought was incredibly odd. If bad rumors were targeting Moniqua, she was sure that there would be rumors about her, Ron, and Euria. However, there were no rumors about them and no mention of any noble daughter being kidnapped or any noble daughter or noble son running away from home. 

Because of this, Eugene assumed that these rumors were made by the house of Veria to mask the truth of three noble children disappearing. But little did she know, the rumors would change with a twist an hour later. The twist was the passing of the Duchess of Veria. 

As Eugene was eating in the corner with Con, One, and his siblings, many people took turns to look and stare at them. The reason was that the rumors included a group of children spies with scary faces that were emotionally not intelligent. Luckily, One and his siblings did not look scary, hence the people did not report them and only gossips amongst themselves. 

And it was only now that Eugene was sure that the house of Veria did not spread the rumors about the Duchess. Because there was no way Levis would allow Moniqua to damage her reputation purposely for the sake of their reputation. Not to mention, this method wasn't something Levis would've ever used. 

"Do you think there is a third party?" Eugene couldn't help but ask as her eyes moved to Con. 

Con said nothing and only thought deeply.

"But even if there is a third party, we don't have the time to think about them." She shook her head softly and decided to throw the rumors to the back of her mind. 

"Be careful Comrade Eugeneia. Despite your height, your face still looks very young. You might be targeted if you are careless." Con warned seriously and Eugene nodded that she understood. 

After everyone was done eating, Eugene and Con parted ways with One and some of his siblings. And just as Eugene and Con were about to head to their accommodation for a meeting with One's siblings, a messenger bird flew to them quickly. Both Eugene and Con had a look of understanding as they went to the corner of the street to read the letter sent over by the guild.

"There are reports of unregistered people disappearing and appearing in Raden." This one sentence sent shivers down Eugene's spine. 

"It's already begun." Her voice was low as she muttered. Con's eyes also nervously flashed as he stared at the letter with a knowing look. 

"The bandits have also been spotted." Con read out loud for Eugene. 


In other words, if they wanted to retrieve Euria, they had to move now. Eugene motioned for One's siblings to go ahead and report this matter to One. She also mentioned for him to tell One to move their plan forward and commence their plan instantly. 

"We don't have other support do we?" She turned to Con who nodded. She inhaled and exhaled deeply as she stared at the sun setting. She continued, 

"But even if they are moving their plan forward, they can't bring Euria out today." 

When Con heard this he nodded. The reason why they wouldn't be able to move Euria out yet is that the organization with Euria was still in the guest hotel of Raden. They were not in the financial base where the gold was. The reason why there have been no movements on their side yet was because of the rumor that spread last night and today. 

"They will head to the base tonight and will arrive at the base when the sun is up," Eugene spoke while Con agreed. 

When they had arrived in Raden, they had gone straight to the teleportation center. This was to get the note Noelle left, and it was through this note that they received Euria's coordinates as well as the exact location of Exitium's financial base. When Eugene and Con had compared the coordinates they got from Noelle versus the coordinates they got from Ron, they couldn't help but break out into a cold sweat. This was because Ron's coordinates were completely wrong. 

Eugene sighed as she imagined the terrain of Raden that Noelle gave her. The map had already been ingrained into her brain hence, it was not impossible for her to visually imagine the map. To memorize maps and every aspect of maps was something every soldier was trained to do. This was so that, if the soldiers were ever ambushed or needed to hide, they would always be able to have places to hide at. 

"We will move today to the forest. The organization has no choice but to take the longer route if they don't want to be seen. On the other hand, we can take the shorter route to reach the base and arrive tonight." Eugene paused for a moment and then continued, "While we are on the way, we can ask the people to report it to the knights or soldiers in charge of Raden." 

Con was about to respond when Eugene shook her head, "No. Let's not do that. We let the guild warn the knights or soldiers tomorrow. Say that children spies from the rumors were spotted in the forest of Raden with the bandits and that they will be escaping soon."

Eugene stared at Con who nodded at her. Once they were prepped, they both ran across town and into the infamous forest. Why infamous? Because it was about to become infamous tomorrow. She knew there was no avoiding confrontation and that sooner or later she and Con would have to enter combat with the organization even if they didn't want to. 

This was also why Con and Eugene were rushing to the forest after the people in town went to sleep. They want to make sure they are one step ahead of the organization, get used to the forest and set their camp up. Because when Euria and the enemies arrive, they will not be able to sleep. Hence, they should take this chance to get a good rest before that time comes. 

Eugene exhaled as she breathed in the breeze of the forest, 'Hopefully, reinforcement from the guild arrives tomorrow morning.' They could use all the help they needed because things were about to get dangerous. It is not possible for both sides to leave the forest alive and only the winner can emerge from the forest. And the price? Euria. 

The sun had already gone down, leaving the silent forest with only a creepy and gloomy vibe. Everywhere was dark, with thick tree bushes blocking away anything and everything from above. There was no sweet smell used to describe the forest back at the Veria mountain, but only the smell of humidity and the smell of death.

This was a forest people wouldn't choose to enter and the guild even described it as being an abandoned forest. Eugene and Con didn't have to head in deep yet to feel the chill radiating off from the forest. Because they could already tell that countless people had died here in this place. 

Just as Eugene walked to one of the biggest trees in the forest, she paused, "... Is that a bone?" She pointed straight ahead. 

Con furrowed his brow and went closer to look, "... Yes. It's human bones."

"..." There was a reason why this forest was abandoned.

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