My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 222 - My Whole Life, The Main Skill I Picked Up Was Running.

Episode 215- My whole life, the main skill I picked up was running.

The bandits attempted everything they could to open the door, but it would not move. This was due to the thickness of the door as well as Pelle's exertion in pushing the door so that no one could enter.

Just when Pelle couldn't hold out anymore due to many people attempting to break the door, Euria opened her eyes and stood up. There was a small ball of air condensed in Euria's palm as she stood in front of the horizontal light. The ball was rainbow-colored and floated out when Euria moved her palm closer to the horizontal light. However, just before Euria could send it flying, a red substance began to crawl into Euria's hands and cover the rainbow ball. The substance was in huge amounts so it shocked Euria a lot. 

Euria knew it wasn't from the enemy hence she turned to Eugene with widened eyes. Eugene only shrugged and kept her silence. Back when she cracked the greenstone under the flooring, she decided to add in a little something extra last minute. Which was for her blood to increase and enhance Euria's attack when she was going to attack the enemy behind the horizontal line. 

It was her hidden surprise. Of course, she wanted to wish for her blood to kill the person behind the teleportation portal, however, she still had a job. A job that required her to get Euria out of this place, which is why she couldn't afford to get weak or wreck herself just yet. Not to mention, she had confidence in Euria's ability hence she simply added a little tweak. A tweak of revenge. 

Though Euria was pale and appeared wrecked, she smiled softly at Eugene. Her smile however returned back to its neutral place when she turned back to the horizontal line and sent the red ball away. Immediately after that, the horizontal rippled slightly, followed by the green stone on the ceiling and under the groundbreaking. The greenstone under the ground caused the whole area to cave in slightly, but it wasn't too dangerous and avoidable.

Euria sent her powers the second time and this time completely crushed the green boulders from above and under into ashes. But using her powers the first time already brought her close to fainting so when Euria used her Occul the second time, she really did fall unconscious. Luckily, Eugene noticed Euria's state and caught onto Euria before Euria could fall into the caved-in area. 

"Good job," Eugene whispered softly. Euria's eyes trembled as if she was conscious one moment and unconscious the other. 


"Huh?" Eugene leaned in and tried to listen to what Euria was saying. 


"..." Eugene stared at Euria blankly. "How am I supposed to have candy?" She said out loud but reached in for her inner jacket anyway and felt around. 

"....." Eugene took out her palm and stared at the small circle wrapped in a wrapping paper blankly. 'Damn it.' She did have candy!

Eugene took out the wrapper and fed it to Euria, hoping for the best that Euria wouldn't accidentally choke to death on the candy. 

Before Eugene picked up Euria, she tied a cloth she made over Euria's nose. Though it was too late for Euria as she already bathed in the herbs, it was still better than nothing. It was something she should've done a long time ago but forgot to. She only remembered when Euria fell unconscious and thought that it might be possible that the herbs aided in Euria's current state. 

"No wonder I feel weaker than… usual," said Euria softly without opening her eyes. The moment Eugene put a cloth over her face, she knew that Eugene must've done something. As for what it was, she didn't know exactly. 

Eugene carried Euria and turned to Pelle, "Take Euria. I will distract the bandits."

But Pelle shook her head and denied Eugene's request. "No Miss. I will distract the bandits. Miss should take care of Miss Euria."

Eugene was about to refute when a loud bang could be heard. The sound belonged to a heavy object striking against something.

Eugene furrowed her eyebrows and nodded, "Alright. I'll take Euria. Try to be safe." Before she walked away, Eugene said, "Remember this. 3, 5, 9, 2, 4, 3, 6, 7, 3, and 5."

Pelle stared at Eugene confused, however right at this moment, she found an opening. Without hesitation, Pelle pulled open the door that was about to be struck the second time, causing the people holding the heavy object to come crashing forward. 

Eugene hid with Euria in the corner and watched as Pelle began to engage with the enemies. 

"SHIT! He broke the teleportation stone!" One of them shouted as he swung a chain at Pelle. 

"I don't see the girl! Did the miss go through safely? Where the hell did this woman come from?!" Shouted another bandit. 


Pelle fought with swords whilst the bandits fought with whatever weapon they had. Everyone was so distracted that they didn't realize their bodies were becoming weaker and weaker the more they used their energy. 

"Why? Why am I so tired already?"

"Must be the years in prison!"

Eugene watched as the bandits became more distracted and more weak before making her move! Holding Euria, she ran really fast towards the direction of the underground basement. But of course, no matter how distracted or weak they were, this was a 2-way hall. Eugene popping out of nowhere startled them but when they saw a figure slung over her shoulder, they naturally chased after her. 

Pelle also made her move which was man hunting every enemy following after Eugene. 




'Dead end? Psh.' Eugene snickered as she pushed one side of the wall which slid the wall open. Making an entrance appear like a miracle. 



People were shouting after Eugene as she ran downstairs with Euria slung over her shoulders. The enemies didn't care about anything and only kept pursuing after Eugene. Because the enemies only cared about Euria, they did not block Pelle who was man hunting every enemy from behind. 

Eugene paused when she reached the end of the stairways. 

She glanced behind her at the bandit who was rushing downstairs. Because of the traps on the left side of the hall, the bandit grinned and appeared to be snickering at her. However, when Eugene smiled back, the guy's face immediately dropped, as he instinctively felt that something was wrong. 

Eugene proved the bandits' instincts right as she flew past the traps as if the traps were never there in the first place. Eugene was so fast that the bandit who followed after her stopped completely. That was because there was only one person in this base who knew where all the traps were. And that person was their leader who was currently out. 

At this moment, Pelle stopped attacking and ran past everyone to the left hallway as well. Like Eugene, she flew past the traps as she avoided the stone palette that Eugene numbered out to her earlier on. 

'My whole life, the main skill I picked up was running. I was always running to Elder, and later running away from Elder. That was how I lived my life.'

A quote from Euria's letter appeared in her mind the more Eugene picked up her pace. Maybe because she felt very desperate the moment that she could relate to Euria. All she wanted to do right now was to get away from the bandits, from Exitium, and head to safety with Euria. And there was nothing in her mind besides that. 

'How did you do this for years, Euria.' Eugene's stomach has been twisting nonstop ever since picking Euria up. It felt as if there was a hole in her stomach that was constantly reminding Eugene of her reality. 

"Eldest Miss."

Eugene turned behind and nodded at Pelle. She reached for the button on the lamp and pushed open the door to the gold cave of the bandits. And like this Eugene and Pelle proceeded to escape using the shit map Ron mapped out as well as the map the guild combined and put together.

The light shining through the forest was vibrant. Possibly because they weren't in an area where the trees are thick and a lot in amount, however, navigating through the forest was much easier than when she entered yesterday. 

"How are you? Are you hurt at all?" Eugene asked without turning around as she rushed to one of the entrances Ron told her about. Though she couldn't trust his map, when she compared it with the maps the guild gave her, she could make out where this entrance and exit was. 

The entrance was an odd one, which explained why Ron was able to check out the gold cave once a year without the bandits finding out.

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