My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 228 - Through Gaining Emotions, I Lost The Ability To Feel Pain.

Episode 221- Through gaining emotions, I lost the ability to feel pain.

Why wouldn't he be surprised? He knew how sensitive and secretive this topic was and knew that no soldiers had such knowledge. That's why he was shocked when Eugene presented him with a self-made bomb. It was weird only for a few minutes before he accepted reality. The reason why he accepted it so fast was that during the past few days, not to mention, the past few years he's been comrades with Eugene, the extent of her knowledge never ceases to surprise him. Her agility and her ability to adapt were so exceptional that it is what attracted everyone to her. It was what made everyone look up to her as a fellow soldier.

Eugene and Con both covered their ears. The bandits who were below them were naturally confused and didn't bother to get away from the gourd Con threw when suddenly a loud explosion could be heard!




As the enemies got blasted away and injured by the explosion, many cries of terror and sheer horror could be heard. Eugene and Con were unable to see anything below them because of the smoke produced by the black powder.

Only when the smoke dissipated did they see the horrifying sight of what occurred as a result of Eugene's self-made bomb. The bandits closest to the explosions had their bodies ripped apart and their limbs sent flying far away. Those furthest from the explosion did not get as badly injured but were still injured by the debris in the bomb that went flying everywhere. 

It took 5 seconds before Eugene and Con recovered from their ringing ears. After they recovered, they jumped down and went on a massive killing spree. They didn't care about the cries and begs of the enemies, and slaughtered everyone that they could see. 

Eugene's red-stained hair turned slightly dark from the smoke of the gunpowder that fell on her as she slaughtered the enemies. Not only that, her whole face was dirtied as if she had been rolling in the ground. 

Eugene was about to kill off the last few people when suddenly she glanced around and noticed that something was off. 

Con furrowed his eyebrows, and also turned to look around, "I will go after them." He said with his eyes narrowed down. 

"Go." Eugene nodded briefly. 

After she was done clearing the bandits, she decided to help Con and went to look for the bandits who escaped. According to the numbers, there were only three people who escaped. The numbers weren't the only reason why she knew they had escaped. The bandits who escaped were bandits who she specifically remembered and engraved inside her memories. They were the bandits who tortured the old couple in the basement and they disappeared after the bomb went off. 

Most likely they realized what she and Con were going to do and escaped beforehand. Eugene walked slowly, as she observed the area carefully. Her ears did not pick up on a sound until she heard something being dropped. Her eyes turned to the source of sound and immediately chill began to crawl up her spine. There was no hesitation in Eugene as she began to sprint as fast as she could.


However, it was too late. She didn't manage to get far and was caught in a big explosion that lifted and threw her body far away onto a tree. 

"Urgh." Eugene's ears were already bad following the first explosion and got even worse after the second explosion. She coughed out the smoke she inhaled as her hands moved to her stomach which was bleeding from the flying debris. 

"It's karma, little girl." One of the bandits jumped down, while the other two surrounded her. 

Eugene's vision was blurry. She could feel her body falling due to shock, however, she nevertheless calmed herself down and attempted to stand up. Her balance motor inside her body was malfunctioning from the trauma the explosion inflicted on her when she crashed into the tree, so it took her three tries to fully stand up.

"Does it hurt little Miss?" One of the bandits asked. 

Eugene's ringing ears calmed a little as she dizzily turned to the bandits. Her entire face, not to mention her appearance, was covered in blood and dirt, making her psychotic-looking. What's worse was that her lips had curved into an awful chilling smile, as if she found this situation amusing. 

"Ha... Hahaha!" Eugene laughed out loud as she swept her hair back. 


Seeing Eugene laugh caused the bandits to step back unconsciously. 

'Karma? What a joke.' Eugene tugged on her sword and raised it to the bandits. 

"Well, isn't it too bad? I was born with a disability to not feel pain." Her smile was dazzling and in a flash, she arrived in front of one of the bandits. There was no time for him to react as two of his arms were already sent flying, while the bandit himself was down on his stomach. 

"Hurt? Karma? What's that?" Eugene said over the excruciating screams of pain from the bandit who's now missing two limbs.

She turned to the two bandits who were staring at her with a pale face. Their entire body trembled in front of Eugene's presence as they realized that they had provoked a monster. A monster who had been sleeping inside the little girl this whole while. Monster known as a psychopath. 

"Through gaining something, you lose something." Eugene held her left palm up as she smiled. 'Through gaining emotions, I lost the ability to feel pain. To feel touches. To feel anything physically. It's a blessing, yet… a curse.' 

These were the last words one of the bandits in front of her heard before he saw Eugene upside down; his body plopping into the ground. Though he was long gone, Eugene's facial expression burned into his eyes and embedded into his last memory.


The bandit below Eugene was unable to finish his words before leaving for the afterlife. 

"Demon. You're… a demon." The last bandit trembled in fear as he stepped back. Eugene arrived in front of the guy in an instant and this time sliced his leg off. 


Eugene didn't care about the screams behind her. Her physical body heard it, however, it did not register in her mind. She continued to slice off any parts of the bandit's body that were sliceable and continued on without stopping. Her blade cut through her enemy like butter; as if her enemies were made from soft materials. 

It was a gruesome and bloody scene. Worse than her completely red appearance, there was a chilling smile on her face. And to anyone seeing this, she seemed like a demon. 


The more Eugene moved, the worse her wounds got. Her body was covered in wounds and injury and because she was already bleeding, she decided to wish for something. And that something was for the people who tortured that poor old couple to feel the pain they've never experienced before. Pain that they've never felt in their whole entire life. 

She was like a god of death, seeking for more blood even though the enemies had already long passed. The more she continued, the louder her heart was beating. Maybe it was because of excitement, or maybe it was because her body was losing so much blood that her heart was pumping hard in order to generate blood to compensate for her blood loss. 


All this while, she could hear voices trying to stop her, calling for her to keep her hands off. But for some reason, she put these voices to the back of her mind and told herself that she was simply hallucinating. That these voices weren't real. 


Three bullets shot out consecutively. The loud sound made Eugene snap back to mother earth within 0.1 seconds and she moved in a way to avoid the bullets. It took her another 0.1 seconds to pick up a random head, to deflect one bullet that she couldn't avoid by just moving away. 


Eugene was kneeling on the ground as she observed the group of people carefully. After a while, she stood up slowly with both her hands raised. Of course, without the random head. 

'You already shot me. It's too late for the warning.' She took one brief glance towards the bandit she cut up before moving back to the soldiers. At least she got her job done and got revenge for the old couple. 

At this moment, 50 soldiers surrounded her. Though she had wished they would come earlier, she knew that this was the earliest they could come because of how complicated the terrain of the forest was for those without maps.. Con told her not to place her hopes on the soldiers and that there was less control here.

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