My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 239 - Confessing Her Past To Louis

Episode 232- Confessing her past to Louis

"... You won't give me time to rest won't you?" Louis's words repeated in her mind and she couldn't help but blush in shame. She accidentally fell asleep and took over Louis's bed before he could rest. 

Eugene got up slowly and walked towards the coffee table. She sat opposite of Louis when he spoke suddenly, 

"Are you sure you want to 'move' out of bed?" His voice sounded sarcastic and Eugene was about to refute when she remembered the ladies' conversation from earlier on. 

'... He's just worried.' She pursed her lips as she concluded. She then decided to shake her head 'normally'.

"No, I think I am fine now." She replied before observing Louis who was automatically pouring another cup of tea. The moment she saw that she had another deep realization of how ignorant she was. 

Somehow she never realized how many people cared about her. Even Louis. She never thought he cared about her and overlooked his subtle actions that were so obvious that he cared for her. Though he loved arguing and poking her, he still took care of her like an older brother. Was it because she was emotionally stupid that she didn't realize? 

Or was it because she noticed but didn't want to admit that he cared. Because looking at Louis now and the Louis in her memories, it was fairly obvious Louis didn't hate her and took care of her. Before she turned one, Louis would be the one to change diapers for her whenever Aedelak was busy trying to calm Euria down in Aeselak's stead. And until she was three, Louis would carry her from place to place even though he didn't have to because she could walk.

Back then, she was too lazy to walk so she took advantage of him. No matter if she kicked him or teased him, all she had to do was raise her arms up for Louis to carry her. 

Would someone who didn't care clean up her poops and pees? Would someone who didn't care look nonchalant when he changed her diapers or carry her even though he knew she was taking advantage of him? 

"Eugeneia?" Louis called out to her when he saw her staring at him for a long time and in a daze. 

Eugene didn't reply for a moment because she was too caught up in the overwhelming emotion that just rushed to her. She swallowed hard to control her emotions. 

"Louis…" She was quiet when she mumbled. This sent shivers down Louis' spine who almost wanted to kick her out of the room. But when he saw how serious Eugene was, he too became serious and watched her. 

"I'm sorry and thank you." I'm sorry for everything and thank you for everything.

"..." Louis raised a brow. He didn't say anything for a long time and instead picked out 4 sugar cubes and added them to Eugene's cup of tea before handing it to her. 

He didn't say anything and only said one word, "Drink."

Eugene nodded as she was grateful that Louis had poured her tea. She took a huge sip when she gagged and almost vomited. Her eyes became teary in an instant from holding back from vomiting as she glared at Louis. 

'You mother f-' This tea is poisonous!! It was poisoned with sugar! How dare he! Just when she was being serious and thankful!!

"Being serious doesn't suit you." He said as he leaned back.

Eugene reluctantly swallowed the disgusting tea and she gagged again, "Doesn't mean you should poison me!" 

Eugene clicked her tongue and didn't even want to look at Louis anymore. He completely destroyed her good feelings for him and the emotional scene she set up. 

"I have to tell you something. But for now, please feed me." Her arms were crossed as she glanced outside. Her attitude wasn't the attitude someone would want to cater to, however to Louis this was an attitude he was satisfied with hence he got up immediately. 

Before he left his room completely, Eugene shouted,  "I want to eat everything! And I mean everything! Minus sweets!"

"..." Louis turned to her and stared at her with a disapproving look. He shook his head at her in resignation before heading out. 

"...." Eugene stared blankly at the dining table that was filled with food. Now she understood why Louis had a disapproving look. The guest house they were staying at had way too much food on their menu! 

There were at least 40 dishes in front of her… 40. Even Eugene wasn't confident about being able to finish the food however she gulped, "I am someone who does not waste. I am someone who does not waste." She chanted as if she was reading a Buddhist script. 

Louis only watched her as if he was watching a comedic play. It was funny how a small girl, well small in Louis's eyes, could fit 30 dishes into her body. It has been a good 3 hours since food was served and she was still going despite her stomach being as big as two basketballs. 

"Are you a parasite?" Louis poked Eugene on her stomach who was staring at the ceiling dazedly. She had cleared off 35 plates on her own and left Louis 5 plates to clear. Her body was in a food coma so she couldn't be bothered to slap away Louis's finger. 

She was half sitting half lying on the chair and this sight astonished Louis so much. In the end, he carried her up to his room because Eugene had no signs of moving even though it had been 30 minutes since she cleared off 35 plates. She looked as if her soul had passed and that her soul had already left for heaven. 

"You are already 10. Learn to not go over your limits." As soon as Louis set Eugene down, he nagged her here and there. Unbeknownst to him, Eugene was so full that her brain couldn't take any of his preachings and completely cut off his voice. 

An hour later...

"I need to tell you something." Eugene woke up from her food coma and turned to Louis who was sitting opposite of her, staring outside. 

"Say it." He said without turning to her. 

"This is my one thousand something life." She said nonchalantly. 

"..." Louis rolled his eyes in his head and continued to not care. 

"This isn't my first life." Eugene stared at Louis with a serious look, not knowing that her 2 basketball-sized stomach made him unable to take her seriously. 

"Sure," Louis replied nonchalantly. 

"..." It was at this moment that Eugene realized that he was not listening to her. Eugene was pretty offended and was about to punch him when she thought of a great idea. 

"... Look here."

'What now?' Louis thought in his mind and he turned around without any expectation. But what he saw shocked him greatly. The person in front of him wasn't… Eugene, but was Euria. 

He furrowed his eyebrows, 'No, this is Eugeneia.' This creepy smile and aura of confidence did not belong to Euria. 

"What did you do?" His voice was low, and there was a hint of threat in his voice. 

Eugene pursed her lips, as she changed her eye color back to grey in front of Louis. There was only silence between them and she said again, 

"This isn't my first life. Nor is it Euria's first life." She repeated again.

This time around Louis took her words seriously even though he couldn't comprehend them. After about a good 10 minutes, he motioned for her to go on as he listened to Eugene seriously.

After what seemed to be an hour-long of conversation/ confession, there was another great silence. 

"... You sure you're my sister?" Louis asked with a brow raised. 

"..." Eugene pursed her lips, "Who knows? I sure hope not." She turned away and dismissed him. 

"And this little thing was what held you back?" He asked her which prompted her to turn to him. 

"Held me back?" Eugene turned back to him with an eyebrow raised. 

Louis took a few seconds to reply, "You've always been holding back. For the things you do yourself, and for others. Keeping a polite distance from objects and people. As if you were going to disappear one day. Holding back."

Eugene's mouth parted however she wasn't able to say anything and stared at him dazedly. Not because what he said was offensive, but because what he said hit the spot. 

It was true that she purposely didn't get close to people and kept a polite distance from everyone. At first, it was because she didn't want to become close to people, especially her family because she had felt uncomfortable, but later on, it was because she didn't want to hurt them with the truth and didn't want to break it out to them that she wasn't their real daughter. She was scared.. Scared that her kind family wouldn't accept her.

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