My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 247 - Is He So Important That You Got Distracted?

Episode 240- Is he so important that you got distracted?

These neutral attacks went on for 10 full minutes when there was a noticeable difference between Euria's and Elsm's attacks. Euria was becoming slower and slower while Elsm was becoming faster and faster. Because of this difference, Elsm's attack landed on Euria, while Euria was unable to land an attack back.

In the end, Euria backed off and took a breather. 

"..." Elsm stared at Euria with a look of knowing. She tilted her head and stared at Euria with impatience in her eyes. 

"You keep getting distracted. Is there something behind that you don't want me to see?" For the first time since reuniting with Euria, her voice was low and cold.

"No." Euria denied immediately. 

"..." Elsm gave Euria a look that said she knows her well enough to know when she's lying, so deceiving her was pointless.

"Do you think I wouldn't notice you glancing behind from time to time?" Elsm's expression was dark. And before Euria or anyone could react, Elsm was long gone from her sight.

"NO!!!" There was only sheer horror in Euria's voice as she shouted after Elsm. She was about to step-flash as well when her vision blurred and she began to cough up blood. She knew that a second delay was vital and did everything she could to move faster, however it was too late. 

The carriage in front of her was covered in a red-like orb and in mere 5 seconds, whatever was there disintegrated and disappeared. 

Euria's hands trembled as her heart dropped to the pits of her stomach. Her eyes were blank as she stared at the disintegrated ground. Like her blank facial expression, her mind was unable to think of anything nor react to Elsm who suddenly appeared next to her and stood by her side. 

"What was so important that you got distracted, hm?" Elsm whispered in Euria ears, "I truly dislike that."

Elsm's whisper reminded Euria of a memory. 

"Is he so important that you got distracted?" Elsm, who was a 'he' back then whispered into her ears, "I truly dislike that." 

Back then, there was nothing she could do but hug Crown Prince Nexiel's cold body in an attempt to transfer some of her warmth to him while listening as the person next to her whispered poisonous words into her ears.

She couldn't help but think of how powerless she was, back then and even now. She had the power to destroy Elsm, but not enough to protect those important to her. 

Euria's fists were clenched tight, however, no tears flowed from her eyes. Despite the fact that she felt as if half of her heart had been ripped out, she was unable to cry. She had already cried so much that she could no longer cry tears known as regret. 

"No matter what, don't leave the carriage."

"Please promise me you won't come out no matter what."

Euria's palm reached to clutch her heart as she bit her lips. She bit it hard enough to bleed enough even then, she was unable to feel the pain from her lips. Euria was only able to stare at the disintegrated ground when suddenly a familiar voice shouted. A voice that she hadn't heard in half a month.

Both Euria, and Elsm both glanced below them. Far underneath them, they saw a girl with short grey hair, princess carrying a figure who was much bigger than herself. The figure appeared to belong to a boy in his teens, however, they could not discern his appearance or who he was due to the large robe that covered him.

Euria's eyes trembled in shock but also in happiness, 'He's … alive.' She thought as she glanced at the boy in Eugene's arms who was struggling to leave her embrace. She couldn't help but want to chuckle when suddenly she realized that there was a person standing beside her and backed away from the person a good few meters away. 

"Ah… Is your sister distracting you again?" Elsm asked as her dark facial expression darkened.

Euria did not reply nor respond to Elsm. That was because even though Elsm hated everyone close to her, the person she hated most was not her sister but Crown Prince Nexiel. Which is why, not saying anything, and hiding the identity of the person in her sister's arms was the best thing to do. 

"I ought to kill her." Just as Elsm said that she moved in to attack when suddenly Euria blocked the attack using her Occul. This sent Elsm who had thought that Euria was considerably weakened to take a good deal of attack. 

"EURIA?" Euria could hear Eugene shouting from behind. Without turning back to Eugene, she shouted, 

"I'm alright! Take care of 'everyone' and yourself!" Not a second after she finished shouting, Euria moved in and defended against Elsm's attack. Though she was in a difficult position and was still unable to attack Elsm, Euria tried her best to defend herself against Elsm to prevent Elsm from charging at Eugene. 




A few minutes ago…

Eugene and Louis were on their way to the capital at full speed. Luckily they found the trails Euria and her companions made and went through the same route. They knew Euria's group was heading in this direction because there were marks left by a large number of men, horses, and a carriage. Because the marks were so recent, they were able to quickly identify that this was made by Euria's group.

Eugene, and Louis were relieved that they were close to Euria when suddenly they heard multiple screech noises. The high-pitched screeches scared all of the animals in the forest away, and Eugene and Louis could see the animals fleeing, passing them by as if they were invisible. On one hand, it was a funny situation to be in, but on the other hand, the screeches left them with a bad feeling.

"Let's ride faster. I don't have a good feeling about this at all." Eugene pursed in her inner lips as her horse galloped faster with Louis's horse. Like the rest of the animals in the forest, their horses were also scared, however, what scared them more was the riders on top, hence they could do nothing but follow the orders to move on forward. 

They abandoned their owners and fled as soon as the riders on top of them dismounted. After all, they were intelligent horses.

"What's the situation?" Eugene popped up from behind a knight from Zene who immediately jumped up in alarm and almost pointed his sword at Eugene. 

".... Miss Euria? But." He turned around to the direction Euria initially headed off to before turning back to Eugene. 

"What happened to your hair Miss Euria? Did you get a haircut?" He blinked and asked innocently in the midst of the loud screeching noises. 

"..." Eugene tightened her lips. Do you think this is the right situation to get a haircut, my dude? She shook her head and answered him, "I'm Eugeneia Veria. Her sister."

"..." The knight blinked. All of the knights in the area blinked before widening their eyes and staring at Eugene in awe. 


Eugene raised her hand up, "No need for that. Where is my sister?" She asked as she observed the area. 

"She has gone straight in the direction of the enemies. We don't know where she is. We are here because Lady Euria ordered us to protect the Crown Prince." And to be honest, even without her orders, they would've protected the Crown Prince anyway. 

Eugene nodded. 

"Crown Prince Nexiel is in the carriage?" She asked. Because Eugene was addressing the Crown Prince without any honorifics, the knight's eyes grew large for a brief moment, but he let it go because he remembered that Crown Prince Nexiel and Eugeneia Veria are friends. 

"Yes, Lady Eugeneia." The knight answered her with a smile. 

Eugene was about to smile back politely when all of a sudden she felt cold. Her body broke out into buckets of cold sweat and was covered in goosebumps. It was to the point that she felt that breathing was unbearable. She turned to the knights to check if they could feel this murderous intent as well, however, no one seemed to notice anything. 

Her guards were raised up, when suddenly this murderous intent was headed in her direction, especially the carriage the Crown Prince was in. 

"EUGENEIA!" Louis's shout behind her woke her up immediately and she rushed to the carriage without a second thought. There was no time to open the carriage door like a gentle lady and she broke the glass window on the carriage without a moment of hesitation. She grabbed Crown Prince Nexiel and jumped off the carriage quickly.

"Wh, what are you doing!" Crown Prince Nexiel's voice was loud, alarming the knights who had already been surprised that Eugene had broken through the carriage window when suddenly a red substance in a large amount covered the carriage that he had just been in a moment ago.

"...." The Crown Prince stared at the carriage in shock. When the red substance dispersed, the carriage he had just been in disappeared along with the red substance. 

The knights stared at the ground that disintegrated as cold sweat covered their bodies.

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