My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 252 - Eugene Felt Something Inside Her Snap

Episode 245- Eugene felt something inside her snap

"... I… Euria…" Moniqua's voice was shaking. Anxiety could be heard in her voice. 

'But why? I healed her with my blood?' Eugene sat up abruptly causing everyone around her to panic. They appeared to be saying something to her however, she wasn't able to hear as her ears were isolating her from the voices surrounding her. 

Only after she repeated her question several times did she realize that Euria's condition was not one that could be treated with her blood. And when that answer came to her mind, she was immediately overcome with despair. 

Her body was frozen and her brain stopped working. She had initially felt relief when she saw Euria sleeping peacefully 3 days ago. But it wasn't that she was sleeping peacefully but that she was in a long sleep?

Eugene removed her cover which was of course immediately stopped by Moniqua's hands but did she care? No. She swatted Moniqua's hands out of the way and got out of bed. Maybe because she had rejected Moniqua so hard, no one dared to follow after her when she left for Euria's room. 

The walk was unexpectedly long even though they were on the same floor. It felt as if no matter how much she walked, she would not be able to reach Euria's room. 

Soon enough, she reached Euria's room and barged in without knocking. She passed by Aeselak who looked at her in shock. 

Eugene stood beside Euria's bed, "Euria." She called out, her voice threatening and low. Low enough for Aeselak, who was walking behind her, to get a shiver down her spine.

"..." Eugene didn't bother calling Euria's name a second time as reality had already sunken in. A reality that Euria will not wake up. A reality that Euria will not wake up anytime soon. 

There were multiple footsteps behind her and which prompted her to turn around. Her gaze went past Moniqua, Aernest, Aedelak and she stared straight into the head physician's eyes. 

"What is her condition?" 

Moniqua stepped forward and tried to speak to Eugene,  "Eugenei.."

"What is her condition?" There was no mercy in Eugene's voice as she cut Moniqua off without a single glance at her. As if Moniqua did not exist in this room. 

"..." The physician turned to Moniqua for a few seconds before turning to Eugene. 

"Youngest Miss had lost too much blood on her way to the hospital. She was in a difficult surgery to close the large wound on her abdomen. Because of all these factors and her weakened state, she is diagnosed to be in a coma."

Eugene furrowed her brows immediately, "Don't lie. Her physical body is healthy. I had healed her." Her eyes narrowed down dangerously at the physician who dared lie straight up to her face. 

"What is her true condition?" Her voice was low and threatening, making everyone in this room unable to breathe. For the first time, the head physician felt her heart trembling in fear as she stared straight into Eugene's eyes. 

The physician soon snapped out of it, "Healed?" Her eyes were confused before they widened in realization. 

She turned to Moniqua whose eyes were also widened in shock. They both turned back to Eugene, and it was the physician who asked, "Is that why Miss Euria's body has completely healed?"

Eugene furrowed her eyebrows again, "So why is she not awake?" She asked the physician, this time in a less threatening voice. 

The physician's mouth opened and closed. Her eyes turned serious and she explained, "We don't know. It is an unexplainable phenomenon which is beyond my knowledge." 

"Phenomenon…" Eugene repeated before turning to Euria. If it was like the physician said then, Euria was not in a coma because her physical condition was bad, but Euria is in a coma because of something else. 

Eugene stared at Euria with questions filled on her face and she felt something in her completely snapped. When she turned around again, there were no emotions displayed on her face and she walked back to her room. Because Eugene was very quiet, too quiet, no one dared talk or speak to her. Her back appeared solemn and lonely, which was also why they didn't dare make a sound. They stopped following her after she shut the doors behind her. A click indicating that the door was locked could be heard after that. 

"Mother… Will she… Will sister be okay?" Aernest glanced at Moniqua with saddened eyes as he asked her.

Moniqua stared at Eugene's door with complicated emotions before gazing down at Aernest, "She will be fine… She just needs time."

One day passed by. Two days passed by and a week passed by. 

Eugene's door was still shut and she did not let anyone other than Aedelak in to send over food.  She was like this because she did not want to talk to or see anyone. It was like there was a force pressing on her, making her unable to want to do anything. She would struggle over this feeling because she hated this feeling a lot and wanted to leave her room. However, she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried to take a step outside, she found herself unable to move. 

All she could think of was Euria's condition. And when Euria will wake up, or if she will never wake up. Euria's condition was also something she would inquire about whenever Aedelak brought food over. Other than this, she had no interest in anything else. 

She lived life like this for another 2 weeks without seeing anyone but Aedelak. Levis and Moniqua couldn't take it anymore and come in with Aedelak after the 15th day of Eugene's self-confinement.

The moment they saw their daughter's face, they froze in shock. Though it wasn't as shocking as when Eugene returned with barely any skin on her body, it was still as shocking. There were huge under-eye bags underneath Eugene's eyes, and she looked lifeless as if her body contained no soul. Her face was blank as if she wasn't living. 

She had on her nightgown, and her short hair was tied to one side. A look they've never seen on Eugene before. 

Eugene didn't talk to them. Their gazes briefly met, but Eugene turned away and moved her gaze to the table where Aedelak had placed food. She began to eat but at a slow and unappetizing rate. As if she saw no point and felt no joy in eating. 

It was only now when Moniqua and Levis realized that Eugene's mental condition might be worse than they originally thought. They thought of Eugene as someone strong and had waited for her. They thought that she just needed time for herself however, this wasn't someone who appeared as if she wanted time for herself. This was someone imprisoned in misery. Though it was too late, they regret not coming in sooner. They regret not realizing Eugene's true condition sooner. 35 years old? What was that? The girl in front of them was still their daughter, nevertheless. 

Moniqua kneeled down, "Eugeneia… is there anything you would like to do? Go outside… buy books? Train? Is there anything you would like to have?" She began to list out some things that Eugene might enjoy doing. Something that will cheer her up.

Eugene's eyes shifted slowly to the food, to the window, and then to Moniqua. There were no emotions in her eyes, only a state of blankness, "No…" she replied, her voice soft and not very audible. 

Levis pursed his lips and walked over to Eugene, "Eugeneia... Your sister will be fine. She will wake up, don't worry. Everything will be okay again." He comforted her and rubbed her on her back. His hands warmed up Eugene's cold shoulder. 

Eugene's eyes moved back to her plate of food. She had been trying her best to eat these past 2 weeks. But no matter how much she tried, she always felt nauseous and not hungry. But even then, she knew she had to eat even if it meant forcing food down her throat. 

"I know…" She mumbled. Her eyebrows then furrowed for a good second, "I know that." She knew that Euria was fine because she had healed Euria. She knew that Euria would wake up no matter what. But, even though she knew, her body was not moving the way she wanted it to. She felt lethargic, anxious, desperate, and felt despair. 

She felt as if she was losing her purpose. Her hope in life. And she felt that even if she were to do something, like going out, she wouldn't be able to handle the reality. 

She closed her eyes for a second as she felt an episode of negativity heading her way again. She slowly breathed in and out and she opened her eyes again. 

"I'm sorry." She muttered softly as her eyes glanced at her uncut nails. 

Moniqua and Levis turned towards each other in alarm. Moniqua quickly grabbed Eugene's hands and refuted, "No Eugeneia. Nothing that happened was your fault. It's not your fault."

'I know…' She knew that everything that happened wasn't her fault. And she didn't regret anything and knew she did her best. She knew that.. But what she was apologizing was for hurting Moniqua's feelings 2 weeks ago.

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