My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 254 - The Effects Of Sealing Her Ability To Be Sad

Episode 247- The effects of sealing her ability to be sad 

The maid brought along 10 of her co-workers and began filling up Eugene's bathtub quickly before proceeding to head out to announce to the whole world that the Eldest Miss has decided to leave her room and become social once again!

After Eugene cleansed her body and got rid of plenty of the dead skins that accumulated over the month, she got ready and stepped outside. The moment she stepped out, she found herself surrounded. Levis, Moniqua, Aernest, Louis, Aedelak, and Aeselak as well as Ramon who she hadn't seen for months surrounded her. Some of the Veria estate's workers stood behind them, watching her as well.

"What? You've finally decided to come out of your shell?" Asked Louis who was staring at her with a raised brow. 

Eugene didn't reply to him and her face was as blank as they could be. However, rather than her usual 'I-don't-care-about-you' face, it was a face of emptiness. Everyone could see that there was something different about Eugene however didn't dare point it out. 

Louis' mouth that was going to open again shut tight as he stared at her with seriousness on his face. 

Eugene observed everyone's facial expression carefully and didn't say anything. The effects of sealing her ability to be sad were stronger than expected. It made her heart cold, however, it wasn't as intense as her former life. She could still feel other emotions, but because sadness was an emotion that made one sympathize with other people's pain and sadness, it made her unable to sympathize with people to a true extent. She still felt awkward, that was for sure. However, she did not completely revert back to her former self. 

"... Breakfast." She said when no one said anything after a full 5 minutes of silence. She did not realize that her not reacting to Louis's jokes made everyone on the fence and made them very conscious of her. 

"Yes... Yes." Moniqua's voice was weird as she replied to Eugene. This Eugene noticed however she was unable to comprehend why. She walked behind Moniqua who began walking to the dining room. Everybody else followed after them in silence. 

The atmosphere was too quiet. It was unlike the happy atmosphere everyone greeted her at her door. Eugene didn't know why everyone was awkward all of a sudden so she broke the silence. 

"A lot of food please." She spoke from behind Moniqua. This was already more than she usually speaks in the morning, nevertheless, she tried her best to diffuse this atmosphere. 

Moniqua turned around and replied hesitantly, "...Yes, Yes. Of course."

"..." The atmosphere became more quiet which made Eugene slightly speechless hence she decided not to speak anymore. The more she spoke, the more awkward it'll be. Even though her inability to sympathized to a deep extent was affected, she could still tell this much. 

Breakfast was served at their table. In fact, a whole lot of breakfast was served due to the first maid who saw Eugene. That maid had ran to the chief after she finished announcing to everyone that the Eldest Miss left her room, and advised him to make a heap of food. It was like a feast celebrating Eugene's social life. And even Eugene herself could tell that this extra food was made especially for her, hence she dived in without hesitation. 

Moniqua, Levis, Louis, Ramon, and Aernest were initially shocked by the expressionless expression on Eugene's face however felt better after seeing Eugene eat her heart out. She wasn't eating crazily and ate a medium speed with manners, however, the amount was definitely not a humble amount. Of all the food on the table, Eugene consumed 75 percent of it. Everyone had long finished eating, however, they waited for Eugene to finish. Hence the usual 1-hour breakfast took 2 hours. 

Eugene wiped her mouth and sat up straight. 'There is nothing like homemade food.' The food was so good that Eugene wanted to fly off to heaven. 

"Have you eaten your fill, Eugeneia?" Ramon was first to behind the conversation. 

Eugene turned to him and replied, "Yes." Her reply was frank and immediate. 

Moniqua smiled at Eugene's answer and said, "Your brother came here because he was worried about you."

Eugene turned to Moniqua and nodded.

"Thank you." She expressed her gratitude. 

"Have you rested enough?" Asked Levis who was sitting beside Moniqua. 

"Yes, I have." 

"That's good." Levis nodded and continued to ask, "Is there anything you need or want?"

Eugene thought for a moment before shaking her head. She had nothing special she wanted and there was nothing she needed at the moment. 

Moniqua smiled at the awkward Eugene who even though looked blank, still replied to everyone. This was different from the usual Eugene and she could tell that Eugene was trying her best

"Your Eldest brother bought books for you. They are in your study." By study, Moniqua meant the study Eugene stole from Louis.

Eugene turned to Louis. Normally her brows would be raised, and she would question him, however, she only said, "Thank you" in response to his gift. This surprised everyone even more, and despite the fact that she was conversing and talking with them, they couldn't help but feel a sense of distance from her because of her politeness.

Moniqua brought Eugene to her study room and what Eugene saw shocked her…

Eugene turned to Louis. There was a slight crack on her blank expression but it was minimal, "... You are… rich." She couldn't help but say to him. She could already tell by some of the new books that it most likely costs as much as a house. 

Louis only shrugged, "I was free for a month and went out quite often. These just collected over time." By these, Louis was talking about 100 new books he got especially for Eugene. 

It first began when Levis asked him to buy Eugene a souvenir, a little cheer-up gift for his sister. And ever since then, Louis had been constantly buying books for Eugene who did not even ask for it. At first, he presumed that Eugene would've been bored in her room and she would ask Aedelak to bring in some books, however, she did not do that for an entire month. He knows Eugene well and knows that one of Eugene's favorite hobbies was to read 1 book per day so he binged shopping and continued for an entire month. 

And so just like that 100 new books have been collected. Of course, the amount of money he spent was a lot. Some were rare books, and some were auctioned, but he didn't care about the amount and just bought it as a little souvenir. 

Levis wanted to roll his eyes at this son of his. He had asked Louis to buy a book or two for Eugene, but he had already come back the first day with over 10 books. It didn't stop there, Louis actively went to auction houses to get the books. It was not in his son's personality to do something like this, but truth to be told, it also wasn't too shocking. 

He knew deep down that Louis was a caring man, a caring brother. And, despite his cold exterior, his siblings were the most important people in his life. This was the case back when his mother had plans to kill Moniqua due to her 2nd pregnancy. Louis was someone who didn't care about himself but cared about both himself and Moniqua dearly. Especially his brother, Ramon whom he protected even if it meant killing his paternal grandmother.

Because of this situation, many servants were scared of Louis and slightly isolated him. The people who isolated him were fired, while the people who treated Louis normally when he came to live with them stayed and continued to serve them even till today. When Louis first came to live with them, he still had a habit to study constantly and be the best at everything, taking little to no breaks. This especially broke his and Moniqua's heart. Even when he was younger, he had never had such intense study and that was because his mother loved him dearly, so it was a painful reality to see Louis in this state back then. 

In order for his son to grow as a person, Levis put Ramon in Louis's charge. This was also the reason why Ramon never had a nanny, and that was because Louis was his personal nanny who stayed by his younger brother's side 24/7 back when they were younger. 

Louis made Ramon cry a lot. He would forget to feed in time, change diapers in time, and when he learned how to properly do those things, there would be more problems in Louis's way and that was because babies grow every day. 

In a sense, Louis grew up emotionally because of Ramon.. He had to constantly take care of Ramon's needs, and be a brother figure to Ramon, and because of this, he was able to grow and change as a person.

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