My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 27 - Episode 27 The Royal Palace ‘The Mother Of Xenperia 2’

Episode 27 The Royal Palace 'The Mother of Xenperia 2'

Not wanting to be laughed at by her 2 friends any longer, The Empress shifted the conversation to the Twins.

"Xen, look! I want twins as well!"

Lilithesia excitedly walked over to the Emperor who was sitting at the tea table with everyone else. Seeing how cute twins are, she now also really wanted a pair!

".. We need to imm-Ah!"

Getting too excited while holding a newborn obviously wasn't a good idea, especially for clumsy people. Somehow the Empress managed to trip over the tiniest little pebble. Holding Eugeneia tightly to her chest, she prepared to take a fall. But before she could feel the crash, someone had grabbed her by the waist holding her tightly and then pulling her onto himself. In a swift motion, she was sitting on top of the Emperor's lap. A very suggesting sentence, followed by a suggestive scenery.

"Oh my, Lily! You sure learned well from Moniqua and Levis! Hahahahaha!"

Duchess Adele Graeme laughed so hard at the Empress, a drop of tear slipped out of her eyes. This was the Lily she knew! If people knew such a person was their Empress, how would their face be looking right now! This is too hilarious!

Although Duchess Graeme laughed it out, everyone present thought the Empress was going to fall with the newborn! They felt their heart stop beating when she tripped. It would be hell if something were to happen to Eugeneia!

Not wanting to waste this moment to tease the Empress, The Emperor softly whispered into her ears making sure only she could hear it.

"You must be so incredibly embarrassed right dear?.."

Emperor Zen watched his Wife squirming in his arms as her ears quickly turned into a deep shade of red.

Realizing she could not get away because the hold was so strong, Lily gently hit the Emperor.

"Stop it.."

"Lilithesia, you are eternally forbidden to hold my child ever again.."

Duke Levis wanted to facepalm himself. To think that even after a decade, the Empress, was still clumsy. Sure enough, they spoiled her too much...

"Ah! No! I promise I will be more careful next time…"

Looking back and forth between the newborn she was holding, and Levis, she refuted, only for the baby to be taken away from her hands by her husband.

Right at this moment, everyone has gathered together at the garden named after the infamous Valley of Voeia. It was a perfect summer, with the air not being polluted and the sun not burning people's skin off. They were seated at a large table located at the perfect spot where beautiful rows of Orchids and Tulips sprouts. This place was blocked by Hedges, to isolate this spot completely from the rest of the garden.

To redeem herself and save herself from the prior embarrassing incident, Lilithesia volunteered to serve tea. Although she frequently volunteers to serve tea, her actions still showed awkwardness from the previous scene making everyone who was trying to ignore it want to tease her but ceased to do so. Only Adele Graeme was laughing brazenly at her friend.

When the round of pouring tea came to Adele Graeme, Lilithesia genuinely was reluctant to serve this friend of hers! But that would be bad manners, especially in front of her nephews so, with no choice, she had to swallow her anger and service her.

'Why is the empress so red?'

Having no idea whatsoever why everyone was fidgeting and why the Empress was red, Ramon quietly accepted his cup of tea while thanking the Empress.

"Let's see, so this is the younger twin. Hmm... They both look the same to me… Hm yeah...I don't think I can tell them apart…"

Duke Amon Rodriguez although looked macho in appearance, was a loud yet awkward man. What was even more surprising was that he has a serious soft spot for children. Growing up, he always doted and cared for his younger sisters, spoiling them endlessly. Seeing his friends popped kids one after another made him incredibly envious therefore he hurriedly married! And as lucky as he got, his wife is currently in her early stages of pregnancy!

"Are female babies usually supposed to be this small?"

He took Euria from Ramon's hold and couldn't help but poke Euria's chubby cheeks. The only physical trait that was big, was her chubby cheeks. Although the twins were growing every day, he was still very surprised by how small Euria was. Her whole body with the exception of her feet protruding out, fitted perfectly in Amon Rodriguez hands! That was how small she was!

Curiously, Emperor Zen also stared at the newborn in his arms. Right away, he noticed that the newborn in his hands was smaller than his daughter when she was born. Was it because they were twins? He wondered.

'No wonder Levis couldn't come back to court…'

"The doctor told us, the twins were malnourished because I did not eat enough when I was pregnant. Overeating is not good when it comes to pregnancy and never in heaven did I expect twins, otherwise, I would have eaten enough for 3. That is one of the causes. The other was because they were prematurely born hence, smaller than regular termed babies.."

"... Is that so?"

Amon Rodriguez stroked his chin as he listened to Moniqua. Indeed, Euria did seem smaller than Lilithesia's baby girl.

"You would not believe how surprised I was when you got pregnant again a month after giving birth to your newborn son! My dear friend, your husband is too overbearing! He should have given you breaks.. ha…"

Adele Graeme shook her head while spouting nonsense.

She a thousand percent understands how her two friends worked. There was no way Levis would have touched Moniqua soon after she gave birth. He would never hurt Moniqua... Therefore the problem was Moniqua. She had possibly seduced Levis because she wanted a baby girl. And Levis being Levis, could not possibly reject his dear Moniqua... Ah… An overbearing wife. Shaking her head again as she pitifully looked at Levis. Hmm. Her theory is right.

Adele Graeme, herself gave birth to a son, but she swore she will never again have another child! The process was too horrendous! Raising one was also very difficult! Thinking about that rebellious child of hers already makes her grit her teeth in anger! Indeed, why should she give birth to one when she can simply just spoil her nieces when they come to visit! Killing 2 birds with one stone!

"Hm..Aernest and the twins are just 9 months apart… Born in the same year… Doesn't that make them triplets?"

Empress Lilithesia added.

Hearing her 2 friends, Moniqua can't help but choke on her tea.

"What are you saying! There are children here!"

Clyde Aker raised his voice in surprise! Although he himself loves teasing people more than anything, he could never play like this in front of children! Shocked by his automatic response to Adele Graeme, he quietly stared at Louis who was handing Moniqua a handkerchief to wipe the tea splatters. Pretending as if nothing happened.

"You must be very busy, day and night for you to bear twins."

Earnest Marleigh quietly whispered while sipping his tea. These were his first words in a while. His presence simply was too invisible and surprised his friends who somehow and somewhat forgot about him. He truly was a man of few words.


Moniqua felt her whole body burning in embarrassment. That friend of hers! Why did he have to choose to speak now! Before she could refuse, she took another hit. This time, by her husband!

"That's how we got twins. Because we worked really hard."

Levis Veria grinned. Showing off his results, while also having a rare smug look on his face.

"..." (Ramon)

"Haa… What happened to the old Levis."

Emperor Zen sighed before continuing

"You used to be so stiff and quiet, just like Louis. But ever since getting together with Moniqua, and getting married, you did a 180 change…."

Shaking his head he signed once again.

Duke Levis Veria, before loving Moniqua, was so different. Regarded as a genius, and the epitome of envy by their generation now dubbed as the most romantic man in Xenperia... Maybe even in United West Liasel. Love really changes people…

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