My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 275 - First Training With Her Fellow Swordsmanship Classmates

Episode 268- First training with her fellow swordsmanship classmates

"Run 5 kilometres for warm-up as usual. 'Anyone' who can't do this much is not qualified for this course. Now, begin!"

Eugene did not have to investigate or think deeply about who this 'anyone' is and was 100 per cent sure that this 'anyone' was her. She shrugged her shoulders before moving along with the other students. There was no need to argue with words. Actions will do.

Running 5km was nothing to her. This could also be seen by her classmates and instructors because of Eugene's running form that appeared to be perfected over years of running. By the end of the run, Eugene did not sweat and was in the top 3. It was obvious to the students that Eugene has very good stamina and that running 5km was something beneath her level. 

The instructor didn't say anything in regards to Eugene completing 5km however he did not have a hostile attitude anymore. This was because anyone who is able to run 5km is automatically accepted to the swordsmanship course. 

"Get into pairs and practice strokes." The instructor announced to the students standing in front of him. 

Eugene followed the others students and grabbed her wooden sword. The moment she turned around she pointed her sword to a random classmate. Her actions were obvious and even though chills had spread all over the student's body he had no choice but to step up. 

In front of everyone watching them, Eugene and the boy in front of her began to practice their strokes. 

"Show me the strokes you were taught," Eugene said plainly and precisely, not a single word more or less.

The student's mouth opened and closed many times before he began showing pose one, which is the basic swing attack, pose two, which is double forward attack, pose three, which is the defending pose, pose four which is the under slicing pose, and pose five which is an attack from the top. 

"Should… W… would Miss like it if I show it again?" He stuttered as he asked. His face was pale as he stared at Eugene's lips, not daring to look at her eyes. 

Eugene shook her head and motioned for the student to attack her. Naturally, he did not want to do it. But because the longer he waited, the colder the atmosphere around his body felt, he began to do as Eugene instructed. Together the two began their practice. 

Eugene's strokes were very natural for someone who just watched the moves once. The way she executed her stokes, to the way her body moved to defend was without a single mistake. The comparison to the student who showed her the moves was like heaven and hell. Everyone who saw this was naturally shocked. What shocked them even more than Eugene being able to repeat the moves once was the confident nature they could see from her strikes and defence.

No one was questioning why Eugene was here anymore. They no longer doubted whether Eugene could handle this course or question if she was capable to keep up with them. What was shown in front of them erased every doubt they had. Soon the other students began to practice without minding Eugene anymore. 

All the students practised the five basic swings for one good hour. In the one hour they practised, the instructor went around to every pair and gave them advice on their stances and poses. The only 2 pairs the instructor didn't advise to was Eugene's group and the top 2 partners. This was because the students were already communicating on how to better improve their stances, poses, strikes, and defence, leaving the instructor no advice to give them. 

By the end of the warm-up, Eugene and her partner, Hen were on speaking terms and were no longer uncomfortable with each other. Eugene did not close herself off completely which prompted him to compliment her on her skills. He also was comfortable enough to ask why she was here instead of knight training. 

"Knighthood training is of course good," Eugene answered, not knowing that everyone was listening in to their conversation. Her complimenting their rival group slightly disappointed them. 

"Training to be knighted is good, and I've trained as one for 4 years." She answered Hen but realized that this wasn't exactly the answer he wanted out of her. She continued after a second of hesitation, "But that was it. During the time I trained as a knight, I trained to become a soldier as well. With these two training, I was able to pick out the pros and cons of being a knight or a soldier. In the end, I switched to only train in the military as it best suited me more." She explained. After she finished, she found it odd that she responded so much.

Her answer of course surprised everyone here. In all honesty, no one here could become knights because of their background hence the only choice they have was but a few. And out of these choices, joining the military was the best considering pay and everything.

"Is student Eugene well versed with military training?" Asked the instructor who had been listening to Eugene. 

Eugene nodded to the instructor's shock. The instructor was silent for a good minute before complimenting her, "No wonder student Eugene has what it takes to be a swordsman. It is because student Eugene has survived the tough military training."

Eugene pursed her lips and nodded a few seconds later. The reason why she hesitated was that training with the military wasn't hard. Well, it was hard for other people but it wasn't hard for her simply because she does not feel pain when she trains. This has always been an advantage for her because it meant she could train longer than others.

"You are very welcome here." The instructor finally smiled, a smile that no other students have ever seen since their training here. Everyone thought that he smiled because he was happy a great talent was here, not knowing that his smile was because Eugene had dissed the knights. 

"But." The instructor's smiling lips went down and his face turned into one of seriousness. He continued, "But as you know, you are the only female here. There will be no exceptions to training nor will there be any favours around here."

Eugene analyzed the instructor's expression and a second later hit her left shoe with her right. She was about to salute when she realized that this wasn't the military. With both hands on her wooden sword, she imbedded it to the ground. 

"Yes, instructor." Her great mannerism, good conduction, and fast response broke through the last layer of doubt in everyone's heart and they smiled, happy that another classmate has joined them. In fact, they were happy that Eugene was not stuck up and 'friendly'. 

"Let's begin sparring. Together with your pair, you will go around and spar with other groups. 

It does not matter if one of your partners has fallen down, so as long as one of you are standing and defeating your opponent. This will classify as a win and you can move on to the next sparring group. Those who have fallen will move away and study the partners who have defeated you. Remember to watch those who have defeated you carefully and understand why they defeated you."

Though it was basic sparring, it was something practical. This was something Eugene did often in the military, however instead of swords, she would use her fists. 

Eugene raised her hand up and got permission from the instructor to ask a question, "Is there anything that is not allowed?"

Her question made the other students raise their eyes. They turned to the instructor whose eyebrows were also raised. He seemed to be contemplating for a minute before saying, "No. The only thing not allowed is killing. I hope everyone engraved this in their mind. Do not go overboard. And no fighting each other afterwards. If found that you violated this rule, you will never get the chance to step here on this training ground ever again."

Eugene nodded and turned to her partner, "Don't worry. With me, we will win."

Her partner Hen of course blinked his eyes, not registering her words. He nodded awkwardly in response to not hurt Eugene's feelings, however, he made his mind to not make Eugene sad by losing as it is up to him to carry the both of them. Yes, Eugene already showed that she can do everything, however, sparing in an official setting is different.

Eugene walked over to the sword's area to pick a new sword. What she had right now was a standard sword of normal sizing, however, what she wanted was something thinner and lighter. She went through all the available swords and picked what was closest to her liking before walking back to Hen.. Every group was engrossed in their match, having no time to spare Eugene and Hen a gaze or thought.

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