My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 34 - Episode 34 - Assassination At The Royal Palace 4 ‘ Ron Graeme’

Episode 34 - Assassination at the Royal Palace 4 ' Ron Graeme'

'Huh?' Before Aedelak could find out where the voice was coming from, a rustling noise could be heard from the tree right in front of them. And without any warning, a figure jumped down from above the tree landing in front of the confused group of people.

"Whaaa." Aeselak stepped back in horror, pulling Aedelak who was in front of her as well. Never in her whole world did she think someone would appear from above.

"Ron?!" Crown Prince Ren shouted in surprise at the sudden appearance of his dear friend, the only son of Duke Irvin Graeme and Duchess Adele Graeme.

Ron Graeme meekly laughed while scratching his head. He was 2 years younger than Louis and 1 year younger than the Crown Prince. But although he was younger, he still inherited all the good genes from both his parents, making him be able to intellectually relate to the Crown Prince and Louis despite the age difference.

"I've been looking everywhere for you all! Mother and Father as always suddenly disappeared out of nowhere…"

Ron Graeme innocently laughed. Although he never acknowledges this, he was someone with a terrible sense of direction, always getting lost, even at his own estate. So it was not that the Duke and Duchess Graeme had disappeared out of nowhere, but him who had disappeared out of nowhere!

"So you were looking for people…. from up there?" Louis deadpanned asked.

"Yes!" Ron Graeme nodded, patting the tree in the process.

"... You didn't happen to see anything up there… did you?" Crown Prince Ren hesitantly asked.

"Oh.. I did"

"You!.. You did?"


"What did you see?" Louis asked Ron in a serious voice.

"Hmm.. Like how the palace guard knocked out all the maids. And how he is lurking outside the room you guys just came out from, doing something I couldn't see?" Ron Graeme scratched his chin as he replied. He was about to cancel his plans of looking for Louis and Ren to go report this but, coincidentally, saw Louis and the group leaving the room through the window and forgot about the suspicious guard.

"...." (Louis)

"!!" (Aedelak)

"What.." (Ramon)

"Oh no" (Aeselak)

"And so why do you sound like this has nothing to do with you!" Crown Prince Ren wanted to strangle Ron with his hands, seeing his nonchalant way of telling them an important piece of information! If he never asked, would he have never mentioned it?!


Ron Graeme hesitated, thinking of an excuse to give to Crown Prince Ren.

"Does this mean we are in danger sister?" Aeselak tugged at Aedelak's sleeves feeling very scared.

"Haa…" Louis' head was throbbing in pain. It would have been fine if it was just him, the Crown Prince, and Ron Graeme encountering such a situation. But all his siblings were also here and to escape would be very difficult!

"We almost walked straight into our enemy's mouth." (Crown Prince)

"Do you have an idea what they want?" (Louis)

"Well... I thought of 2 possible explanations.I'm presuming they either want the twins or the Crown Prince. Other than these 3… everyone else is technically irrelevant here." Ron Graeme answered with confidence, then realizing how rude his words are he continued, "He must be someone who knows that your sisters will come to the Royal Palace today leaving this part of the Palace half unguarded. Do you understand what I'm implying?" Ron Graeme took a deep breath before glancing at the two small fluffs and then at The Crown Prince.

"An insider." Louis' pupils dilated as he muttered.

"Yes, although who that guy wants, I'm quite unsure. If he wanted the twins, with knowing today's palace schedule, he could have easily figured out which room the twins are staying at. Or, this person could have been following the Crown Prince to this room."

"Alright, let's move first" (Louis)

Aedelak was at the forefront of the group, leading the group out. Other than her, everyone else was preoccupied with carrying children or was not suitable to lead the group. With Crown Prince Ren's instruction, they gradually traveled towards where the adults would be at.

This group consisted of 9 people; Louis, Ramon, Aernest, Eugeneia, Euria, Crown Prince Ren, Ron Graeme, Aedelak and Aeselak. At some point in time, they will eventually have to split up if they want to escape from the perpetrator.


'What is happening?Targets?'

Eugene confusingly looked at everyone speed walking. Her mind has been murky ever since breathing in that almond scent but has been gradually getting better because of fresh air.

Ah.. that's right. This is a different world.

Obviously, in such a world, something like this would occur. She just never thought about it as she was only focused on wanting to move.

Right, why was she being so naive? A world where technology didn't exist, sophisticated clothing, Nobles, and The Royal Family.The epitome of danger! Historically speaking, weak people die fast. Without power, you will be trampled and looked down upon. You need power to survive, but what comes with power are greedy people coveting things you have, which puts you in a dangerous position all the time. She was really naive to think of living life peacefully like how she did in her former world!

Raking her hand through her hair, just to forget that she was at the moment bald with only 1 string of hair, she deeply sighs.

'I can't possibly die again so soon...right?'

Suddenly thinking of Euria who might possibly die together with her, and also being concerned over her quietness, she called out to her. "Euwa"

"He" She answered back. She was still weak from not being able to fully breathe, but she was generally fine.

'Okay' Relieved that she can still answer back, she didn't continue on. What is there between them other than Hee's and Haa's as conversation anyways.


Hearing the sounds of footsteps coming from around the corner, she put her hand up to indicate for the group behind her to stop. Aedelak then pointed towards the big bush, waving her hands up and down, to tell them to move with stillness. Quickly moving with her orders, they in a hurry squat down.

'Someone is coming!'


"Shit! Where did they go!?"

A broken pitched male voice shouted out in annoyance.. Scaring the group behind the bush, hiding right in front of where the man was standing.

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