My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 38 - Episode 38 - Assassination At The Royal Palace 8 ‘Their Sacrifices 2‘

Episode 38 - Assassination at the Royal Palace 8 'Their Sacrifices 2'

"Don't make me repeat myself!" Licking his lips lightly, he slowly continued, "Hand the Crown Prince over or I won't leave any of you alive!" Upon seeing the slight hesitation on Crown Prince Ren's expression, he began to chuckle in his mind.

'What foolish kids' He thought. Why would he ever let go of any witnesses?

'But if they cooperate well….' He will make sure to kill them in one strike and leave them with an intact body.

".....move aside"

Freeing his nerves, he patted the shoulder of the young Ron protecting him. Feeling nostalgic over the fact that the clumsy kid was serious for once.

'Like father, like child' He guessed. Although Duke Graeme was no way clumsy, he, like Ron, was not one to be serious unless the situation called for it. But, seeing Ron and Louis protecting him like this… There was no chance he was going to let them die for him. The condition from the culprit was him, and if he was handed over, everyone would be let go off.


"There's no guarantee you will keep our lives even if we give you the Crown Prince." One thing Louis was good at was reading people's faces, so from the start till now, he has been quietly watching the man's every move. From his body language to the way he spoke.

Noticing every little detail of the culprit's facial expression, he refused to let the Crown Prince walk into the lion's den.

Not only that, the actions of laughing at someone who was brutally killed, and then spitting on the corpse, shows that he was someone who deeply enjoyed the process of people dying. He was someone who doesn't hold any respect for life nor holds any feelings of remorse. Which is why that man is dangerous and won't let them go even if he has the Crown Prince. Why would that man let go of something he finds fun…..


Chills running through Louis' spine once he finished analyzing the man. If he dies, the next target would be…

Images of Ramon, Aernest, Eugeneia, and Euria bloodied corpses flashed through his mind. If he was unable to hold on, his siblings will go through an agony torment before eventually passing…

Feeling bloodlust he hasn't felt in a long while emerging from his deepest darkest part of his heart. He firmly decided,

'That man must die..'

Glancing over at the bright blue sky, his face portraying that he was in deep thoughts before glancing down towards Louis, smirking, 'Hehh.. He's a smart one' If that's what they want, he will have them go through the pain of slowly dismembering each and every piece of their limbs.

Leaping towards Ron Graeme within a mere second, he opened his palms and fiercely struck it towards his target's face.

"Watch out!" (Ren)

Although he was very fast, Ron Graeme was also very nimble, using his right legs to kick the palm away and using that force to jump backward, pulling Ren further behind him.

A surprised expression flashed the young man's face, for he had thought the kid in front of him would be the weakest of the bunch, and would not pose any difficulty for him to get rid of.

Clicking his tongue, he backtracked on his words of underestimating noble kids, especially the Great Hero future Dukes. Snorting, he rushed towards Ron once again, raising his open palm and aiming his palms directly at him.

'I'm in trouble'

Cartwheeling backward to dodge the ongoing attack, at the same time trying to find an opening.

'Any types of fighting isn't my fort'

Rolling in the grass to dodge the man's kick, he scolded himself for his uselessness. He was known for his brains okay?!

'He's not going to last' Louis tightened his fists, watching Ron dodging while finding the man's opening.

"You damn rat"

The attacker's gaze turning colder, his attacks getting faster and heavier. Pissed off at the kid's ability to calculate and flexibly avoid his attacks, yet absolutely looking like he has no plans to attack back. Who in the world taught him to fight like a rat?! Constantly jumping here and there!

Was the kid underestimating him?

'Thin weak kids trying to retaliate. Yet underestimating me? Fine.' No longer having the thought of slowly and painfully killing him, he decided to kill the kid with one attack. Without holding his strength back, raised his legs, and aimed it towards the Crown Prince instead.

Seeing the full attack heading towards Ren instead, Ron cursed. There was no way to divert the attack, pouncing full speed from the grass towards Ren, he received the kick directly on his chest before flying off from the heavy force.

"RON!" (Louis, Ren)


Spitting out a mouthful of blood upon crashing almost knocking out of consciousness he rolled over on his front to crawl up.

'Thank god for my brains.'

His brains racked up for any solutions, managing to dissipate the force by at least 20% by stepping back together with the man's kick.

Remembering Duke Rodriguez's words at the last moment. 'If you are in a situation where you can't defend yourself, going along with the flow of attack will cause fewer injuries.'


Spitting out another mouthful of blood he silently cursed his weak body. Sure enough, his rib cage is most likely broken. Slowly getting up by putting all the weight on his lower legs, he once again stood in front of Ren.

"Ron! No you get behind me!"

Crown Prince Ren shouted!


He firmly stood still, staring directly at the man that attacked him who had his eyebrows raised at his stubbornness.


Seeing the man walking closer towards them again he shouted for him to get back!

"Now young master!"

Aeselak shouted once everyone's guards were completely down against them. Pushing Ramon up, she shouted in a voice only he could hear.

"Please don't look back no matter what!"

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