My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 46 - Episode 46 - Assassination At The Royal Palace ‘Aedelak!’

Episode 46 - Assassination at the Royal Palace 'Aedelak!'


An unfamiliar voice came from afar, alarming everyone.

Slightly jolting from an unknown voice, the children looked everywhere, from the old man to the younger man, looking for the source. When they found that the two were unsuspicious, they unanimously looked behind them, to the big tree.


True enough, it was from a very unexpected person they thought had already died.

The 'Princess' from the south...


Silence enveloped everyone, as they denied reality. Just when they thought it was all over, the nightmare began all over again.

Just before everyone would fall into despair, Louis shouted out!,

"Hold her down!"

If he guessed right from the conversation those 2 men had, she was the cause,... No the mastermind behind the Kidnapping of the Crown Prince.

Patting on Aeselak's palms, Aedelak quickly stood up to follow Louis' order. She was the only servant and therefore with quick steps, ran towards the lady. Crouching down, wanting to grab hold of the lady, only to be jolted backward because the lady suddenly turned towards her, holding something in her hands.

"Ah!" (Aeselak)

"!!" (Louis)

"!!" (Crown Prince)

In an awkward position, she could only step backward to avoid the lady.

As if the lady realized Aeselak wanted to avoid her, she then quickly pounced towards Aedelak with all her weight, straddling on top of Aeselak, while holding what seemed to be a dagger, she flung it downwards towards Aedelak's face.


Realizing the danger, Louis and Crown Prince Ren immediately rushed over to help but was one step too late.


"Kuhkk." Aedelak winced out in pain!

Thankfully managing to block the dagger coming at her by using her left hand. However, even though she managed to avoid the stab at her vital part, it was still incredibly painful!


Screaming like a mad-man at her unsuccessful attempt, she pulled at the dagger embedded into Aedelak's hands out, wanting to re-stab Aedelak, however, that attempt was yet again unsuccessful, as Aedelak used both her injured and good hand to hold the lady's wrists in place! Not willing to be stabbed again!


Biting her lower lips hard to suppress the pain coming from her injured hand; as blood steadily trailed down from her hands to her face.

Aedelak knew of the impending danger if she were to let go of the lady's hands, so even though it was excruciatingly painful for her left hand to be tightly holding onto the lady's wrist, she still held onto dear life.

Gritting through her teeth, with her hands clamping the lady's hands, she freed one of her legs from under the lady's body. Putting all her weight and strength on the freed leg, she kicked the ground to push both her and the lady up; enough to flip the lady around, with her straddling the lady on top instead.

With that, Louis and Ren were able to then help hold the lady down. Louis grabbing the lady's shoulders, and Crown Prince Ren holding the lady down by her legs; the three of them completely pinning the lady down!


Still in her illusionary world, she screamed as she struggled to get the 3 of them off of her!

".. Hey..HEY! HEY!!"

The severely injured Ron Graeme shouted, his eyes widening in shock seeing the old man whom everyone thought was brought down, struggling to get up.

Turning towards Ron, everyone then followed Ron's line of sight, just to freeze in shock as well...

'Why… Why was the man awake?' (Everyone)

Chills running down their spines, as they watched the man turning towards the twins, and then slowly proceeding to grab the unguarded Eugeneia and Euria by their necks..

Staggering, standing up with the twins dangling by their necks in air; this action brought immense fear and anger in everyone!


Louis muttered, unknowingly loosening his grip on the lady.

"Young Miss!"

Aedelak stared in horror. -Why? Why was the man still able to stand!?

In a state of panic, the 3 children pinning down the Lady loosened their strength by a bit. But just that little bit was enough for the Lady to push the dagger she and Aedelak was holding, to pierce up into Aedelak's collarbone, very close to her neck!



Teeth sinking into her lower lips as shooting pain engulfed her collarbone area; her vision immediately started to become cloudy.

Hearing Aedelak and realizing it was because he was distracted, Louis immediately re-gripped the lady with all his strength!

'Abandon Aedelak or not..'

Many thoughts flashing into his mind, unsure of what to do, as sweat profusely dripped down his forehead.


Euria screamed in shock! A very disgusting looking man appeared!!


Feeling the man's hand tightening, Eugene cursed through her breath....

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