My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 8 - 8 - A Noisy Day 1

Chapter 8 - A noisy day 1

"What in heaven happened here!"





"Haa." 'Exactly my thoughts'

All of the Veria siblings stood still, not wanting to remember what they had just gone through.

"Why are all of you covered in black powder!?!"

'...' I don't know too ma'am'

"Aernest.. You… how!"

Understanding what Moniqua was referring to, she silently nodded in her head.

'That, I don't know too as well, ma'am'

"Mother." Louis was first to discover the disastrous situation, and was also the one who reported the dire situation to both his parents, but the situation had escalated and was now 4x worse.

Currently, all workers were on a 1day vacation. The birth of Eugeneia and Euria is a joyous event for the house of Veria, hence why they awarded all workers 1 day off. Which unfortunately caused the catastrophic situation they were in.

So what in the world happened?

Well, let's rewind back to a few hours ago….


Eugene could feel the weather turning warmer and warmer with each passing day. Although there was no AC in this world, it was not an unbearable heat. If the days were too warm, ice blocks would be put in the room to help ease the warmness. At first, she did not know where it came from because this place did not even have electricity, but she had heard people talking about an underground storage house, therefore presumes it was stored there during winter.

Time was passing by in the blink of an eye. The first time she met Aernest, he was only able to do so much. Then, as days passed by, he was able to crawl. Everywhere he wanted to go, he would go. If he wanted to bother Eugene and Euria, he would. Just the previous day, he was able to secretly stand up with support from the bed for the first time!

Seeing such changes to Aernest made Eugene wonder how long she has been in this world, and when she carefully thought about it, it seems like it had been around 8 weeks since the fateful day. Every other day, she would get some form of a cultural shock, but with days passing by, she was slowly getting used to it.

On the other hand, no one was working today. The estate was unusually quiet. There was no one overseeing her when she woke up earlier on. Normally there would be someone already there when she or Euria wakes up. But after a while, when Moniqua came to check up she realized both her and her twin sister were awake they were brought over to an office room where Moniqua had been in.

"Is it comfortable Eugeneia, Euria? It took a while for your new crib to be built. Especially one that can accommodate the both of you." Moniqua gently whispers to the two newborns who are wide awake staring at her with big innocent eyes.

The cribs they prepared during Moniqua's early pregnancy were deemed useless as it was too small for 2 newborns to fit in together as Euria could not sleep without Eugeneia..

'I don't think you consider my feelings when you bought this bigger crib, and I feel like my body development has been stopped because this younger sister of mine you called, has been sleeping on my body day and night' Eugene was annoyed at the lack of independence but what can she do except stare and make a few facial expressions. She was at least satisfied that the crib was ginormous! But that soon died down as she realized it was enough to fit 3 babies. Aernest… again!

Moniqua's office was different from her bedroom. The furniture was built with thick wood, making the whole room smell like nature. The room was not as bright, giving it a business feel, and making it more comfortable to work in. At the end of the room was a big office table with stacks of papers, and behind the table was a bow window. It reminded her of a drama she shot which was set in the old English days. The vibe was nearly the same!

Although she didn't know much about labor, she had heard Moniqua almost died giving birth to her and Euria. It must be hard giving birth just a little over 3 months ago and then with almost no break going back to work again. In her old world, her fellow workers had paternity leave and would come back to work half a year to a year later. Compared to her former world, this world looks like a difficult challenge.

At first Eugene had strong dissatisfaction with being called a little sister and a precious daughter in addition to being stuck in a shell-like body. Moreover, people kept calling her different names. Sometimes it would be Eugeneia, other times Eugene, and it at some point shortened to Neia! The only name the person who gave birth to her called her in her past life was 'It'. Not owned nor wanted. 'It'. Which ironically is what she now calls Euria, although not maliciously.

It seemed as if she was now an owned property as she had never experienced being intimately called by people nor was she familiar with being intimately held by people! Being called so intimately gave her the feeling of nausea which she presumes is disgust. However being able to feel the feelings of disgusts was one more step closer to regaining her emotions, so for now, she will let it go.

"....Ah." 'Dear Twit, I can smell your saliva seeping into my clothes....' Eugene temporarily stopped thinking and came back to mother earth when she smelled a strong milky fragrance. She was at this point used to Euria sleeping on top of her, but the problem is, Euria never stops leaking! And to a Mysophobic person, this. Was. hell!

"Mmmm" 'How uncomfortable' Euria was sleep mumbling and shifting to a more comfortable position on top of Eugeneia never understand how the person below would ever feel.

"Ah Euria, you are making your sister dirty!' Moniqua noticed her kids exchanging mumblings to each other so she went over to have a look but like always, Euria was all over her elder sister, and as always Eugeneia had a pouty look of dislike.

It was time to feed them so she held on with changing Eugeneia's clothes and picked the two, bringing them back to her office table to feed them. Unless she goes out, she was normally wearing a stretchy dress so that she could easily pull down the top of her dress to feed the two babies. With Euria never wanting to be far away from Eugeneia, she had to feed them both at the same time.

"Hmmhmm" ' I am satisfied'

"...." '...' Eugene had a mentality of 25 years old. But to be reduced to this state was simply….. HUMILIATING! But she must hold on…. As this was her only source of nutrients!

'This is so embarrassing!!'

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