My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 1016: Visitor

"Brother Wang and Sister Yan already have children..."

Xi Muhan murmured to himself while holding his cheek.

It is impossible to say that she is not envied. It is clear that her marriage with Shen Xin was ahead, but she was overtaken in terms of children.

"That's fine... Sister Yan and Brother Wang are both very old. They are really happy to have children." Shen Xin took a deep breath.

The older you are, the greater your risk of having children. Shen Xin is already thirty years old, and Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei are five or six years older than him.

"Yes." Xi Muhan nodded, "Then we..."

"It depends on what you mean, but you and Lu Ning's new work is also in preparation? How about waiting until everything is stable? After waiting for a year or two, the problem is not too big." Shen Xin asked.

It is said that Aunt Niu was still creating "Steel Refining" before giving birth, but he did not dare to take this risk and let Xi Muhan be distracted when he was busiest.

"Uh... well. Okay." Xi Muhan nodded after a little thought.

Now they are discussing new works, it really takes a lot of energy to work, and she is not good at rejecting Shen Xin.

Since Shen Xin said that one or two years will be in the future, it's okay to wait a little longer.

"By the way, Brother Wang said, the person in charge of the high school organizing committee will come over today. Have you figured out how to deal with it?"

"No." Shen Xin leaned back in his chair, "I don't even know who the other party is, let alone what I have prepared, but one thing, this is indeed an opportunity to promote comics. But it may not be possible. Cooperation."

Xi Muhan nodded.

Based on her understanding of Shen Xin, if it is beneficial to the work, he will definitely agree, but the premise is that the other party's conditions are not too harsh.

It depends on what the negotiator of the organizing committee has.

Yan Fei came over and told Shen Xin that the translated manuscript had been sent to "Young Leap".

"I see... Sister Yan, after finishing the editing work of "Stone of Destiny", will you take a short break?"

"Huh? Why?"

"In case something happens, Brother Wang has to look for me desperately. I don't dare to take the risk. Besides, I have Brother Wang to help. The problem is not too big."

Just as Yan Fei was about to refute, Xi Muhan also stood up and pulled her to sit on the sofa, "Sister, there are some things that can be anxious, and some things must be put aside."

Seeing that Xi Muhan said the same, Yan Fei nodded, "It's still early, shall we talk about it then?"

The three chatted for a few words, and Yan Fei left the studio.

After only three or four minutes, Wang Wenhong sent a text message to Shen Xin, and the organizing committee members Yu Chen and Shang Haozhi arrived.

Shen Xin glanced at the text message, did not say anything, and continued to lower his head to paint.

It didn't take long for Wang Wenhong to enter the studio with three people.

None of the seven assistants in the studio raised their heads-although the other party is a related person in an event, it has nothing to do with the comics circle, and their intersection is smaller. Their job is to create comics, nothing more.

As for Shen Xin, after the four people entered the house, he also raised his head, smiled, and slightly nodded at the four people.

"Four people, please sit down."

Shen Xin's small studio is actually not small. Putting down the two workbenches of Shen Xin and Xi Muhan, as well as a set of sofas and a bookcase, you will still feel that the space is very generous.

When the four of them came in, Xi Muhan made a pot of tea, and when the four of them sat down, they filled each of them with a cup.

"Mr. Shang, Mr. Yu, it's been a long time since I saw you." Shen Xin smiled.

"That's right, half a year has passed in a flash, this is the first time I have seen your new studio." Shang Haozhi smiled.

Although he had been to this building once when negotiating with Shen Xin again, he did not come to the office.

"Then Mr. Shang can come to play often in the future."

"Farewell. At that time, if you delay the manuscript, please push the question to me... Uh, I can't afford it." Shang Haozhi waved his hand.

The two have known each other for 10 years. Although they will face each other for their own interests, their relationship is still good.

We greeted Shang Haozhi and Yu Chen briefly, and Shen Xin looked at the other person again.

The man was wearing white short sleeves, a small flat head, and gold-wire glasses, and he felt a sense of majesty. He was only in his thirties. Needless to say, this person is from the high school league organizing committee.

"That... may I ask if this is..."

"Fang Man." Fang Man gave a brief summary.

"He is the deputy director of the high school basketball league organizing committee. Before, I should have entrusted Wang Wenhong to tell you that the high school league wanted to cooperate with "". He was the proponent at the time." Yu Chen explained.

"Really? Hello." Shen Xin nodded slightly, "However, although "" and the high school basketball league are both related to basketball, the intersection of the two is actually not great, right?"

After all, one is the two-dimensional and the other is the three-dimensional, and there are not many connections.

"Yes!" Fang Man said categorically, "Mr. Shen, now "" is really To people like me who have not read a comic for a long time, after seeing this comic, he was also caught by it. Attracted, especially, after I went to "ComicFuture", I saw the comics after the 12th volume of "", which confirmed my previous guess..."

"What's the guess?" Shen Xin was confused.

"" "" can definitely make many people who have never been in basketball interested in basketball like "the spirit of chess". They all say that hobby is the best teacher. I think the same is true for basketball. "

"But, Director Fang, what is the relationship between "" and the domestic high school league?" Xi Muhan asked casually.

Fang Man's expression was a bit awkward, but he continued.

"You are not to be concealed, in fact, the current situation of the high school league has always been embarrassing. On the one hand, the main job of students is to study. There are some children who are gifted in basketball, and it is difficult to participate in basketball games. On the other hand, parents will not take risks. Even if there are some talented students, they are often accepted by professional teams and enter the provincial youth team. I am not saying that the level of the high school league is not high, but because of participation The small number of people reduces the attention of high school leagues.

"However, if you want to host a competition, you must have sponsors. Otherwise, it will be difficult to rent decent venues for athletes to live in comfortable hotels. However, sponsors will also consider the income. If the income is too low, the sponsorship cost will also be Not too much. This will affect the next series of things... Now, the high school league really attracts a limited number of people, most of the tickets are covered by the school, and there are not many people who are willing to buy tickets based on their preferences... said In the end, even basketball fans don’t think the high school league is worthy of attention."

Fang Man sighed, worried.


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