My Cartoonist Guide

: look forward to

The birth of a child is a major event for Shen Xin. It can even be said that the birth of a child has changed the lives of Shen Xin and Xi Muhan.

Before, they went home to rest, and when they were free, they could also do some of their own things. After having a child, the two people should always pay attention to the child’s situation. Especially, they are not like other people, such as Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong. Parents can help to take care of it, and now it all depends on both of them.

Fortunately, Yan Fei is there to help, and the two talents are not in a hurry.

"Man·Tao" belongs to the monthly watch, which also gave Shen Xin a certain amount of free time to take care of the children with Xi Muhan.

At this time, Shen Xin's shortcomings in cooking became prominent, so he could only let the aunt who cook, according to Xi Muhan's situation, deliberately cook another meal, and sometimes Yan Fei would come to help.

It was because of everyone's hard work that the arrival of this child did not make Shen Xin and Xi Muhan feel cumbersome, but cherished each other even more.

With the passage of time, "Man·Tao" finally entered the propaganda period. "Comicfuture" and "Young Leap" began to promote "Man·Tao" at the same time.

At first, readers thought that after "dunk" was over, Shen Xin would suspend publication for a year or two, but they didn't expect that after half a year, they would come up with a new work. The work of this monthly update also made readers doubt it. The most crucial point lies in "Xiyang".

"Comicfuture" is better. Many readers are familiar with the name "Xiyang", especially after knowing that Shen Zheng and Xiyang are husband and wife, they are full of expectations for this work, but "Young Leap" is different. Because "Xiyang" has not published works on "Young Leap", nor has it been serialized on other platforms in District 11, and few people know her.

However, it didn’t take long for "Young Leap" to publish a Weibo adaptation of "Ding Shi", with Hui Asai as the painting and serializing it on its app. This made it the first time for readers in District 11 to formally understand "Hireland". Yang".

"Man·Tao" was officially serialized in the third issue of "Comicfuture" and "Shoun Leap" in April. The 68-page length made many readers feel enjoyable. Cartoonists saw the "Man·Tao" serialization. They also showed surprise.

"Will use cartoonists as the subject? Really... I didn't expect it." Ye Hexu held the magazine and shook his head again and again.

"It is said that it will be a kingly cartoon." Jian Xiaomei added, "A kingly cartoon based on a cartoonist...I haven't seen it yet. How do you read this cartoon?"

"What do you think?" Ye Hexu rubbed his chin. "Should be praised or not? With Xiaohan's strength, drawing Wangdao comics should be no problem. "Ding Shi" is Wangdao comics, and the results are good. However, the subject matter is too small. There is a crowd... it feels like "The Soul of the Game". However, I think the reason why they chose this theme may have a greater practical significance."


"It is to let readers and people who have no interest in comics understand the comics industry... I don't know if I will appear in the picture."

"What does this have to do with you?"

"What do you know? Even if I don't come out, there are people who use me as a prototype, even as a background board? I hope it is not a villain... No, with my relationship with Teacher Shen, it is definitely not a villain... I just hope to be taller." Ye Hexu was a little nervous, for fear that Shen Xin would draw him shorter.

"How do you know there will be you?" Jian Xiaomei asked puzzled.

"Isn't this nonsense? In the comics circle, I have the best relationship with Teacher Shen. If he doesn't paint me, who else can he paint?"

Jian Xiaomei looked at Ye Hexu who was falling into narcissism, and couldn't say a word for a long time.


District 11, Uematsuno's studio.

Uematsuno flipped through "Man·Tao", and his spirit shone.

"You said a long time ago that Mr. Shen's new work is about cartoonists. Judging from the first episode, it should be about the comics industry... The first episode pulls out the main line, which is really amazing. Teacher Shen's painter It's also great. The switching between the two styles is very skillful... One thing to say, this cartoon can only be drawn by Teacher Shen!"

"Why?" Miyamoto Hiraira asked quickly.

"Because this comic involves different cartoonists, each cartoonist has a different style, which places extremely high demands on the cartoonist's painter. But Mr. Shen is different. His painter is not limited. From this point of view, Teacher Shen is very suitable for drawing this comic."

"The subject matter of this comic is too niche, and it is difficult to pose a threat to "The Gate of Eternal Life"."

"But you also know that this manga will have a great impact on readers and those who yearn for manga artists. Moreover, this manga will be the foundation...Don't you look forward to his lower manga?"

Miyamoto was very tangled.

It’s impossible to say that you don’t expect it. The magazine needs a high-achieving comic to support the sales of “Young Leap” together with “The Gate of Eternal Life”. If he expects it, he doesn’t want Shen Xin’s lower comics either. It has an impact on "The Gate of Eternal Life".

After thinking about it, Miyamoto sighed and said nothing.


"The first episode of "Man·Tao" ranks first in "Comicfuture". In "Young Leap", although it did not get the first place, it also entered the top three. In short, this is also a good thing for us. A good start." Wang Wenhong said to Shen Xin with the statistics.

"How about the cartoons of the two teachers, Lu Ning and Su Han?" Shen Xin looked up at Wang Wenhong standing in front of him.

"Fourth place. As you said, readers who like this comic have a high evaluation of it, but readers who do not like this comic have a bad evaluation of it. The polarization is a bit serious, right?" Wang Wenhong Recalled.

Shen Xin had already anticipated this.

The cartoon of two people is called "The World Behind the Door". It tells the story of three teenagers who have passed through the door to another world. The stories between each other are different in standpoints and beliefs. The series of stories that unfold from this are heavy on the tone .

However, this is Su Han's first non-reasoning cartoon, and there is still room for improvement in the future, which makes people look forward to.

"After getting the teacher's recommendation, "Xianyuan" has risen all the way, and now ranks third in "Comicfuture", and there will be animation production in the future... It may be a very challenging comic." Wang Wenhong explained again. Tao.

"That's really looking forward to it, I hope I don't jump back." Shen Xin said with joy.

For Guoman, the more capable newcomers, the better.

An industry will have strong vitality only if there is a steady influx of newcomers.

"There is also Yelaoshr. He said on Weibo that the lower part of the comic must show results. Readers are also very concerned about his Weibo." Yan Fei continued.

Shen Xin shook his head and smiled: "I thought he would be a little more calm when he became a father. Unexpectedly, he still looks the same."

"Qiuqian's new work will also be serialized. By the way, the wedding invitations of Lu Yingxue and Qiuqian have also been sent. Will the teacher take time to participate?" Yan Fei asked.

"Go! Anyway, it's been called leisurely for some time recently. After these two months have passed, it is estimated that I will get busy again." Shen Xin stretched out.

"Um... Brother Xin, do you already have an idea for the lower part of the comic?" Xi Muhan, who was sitting on the sofa and holding the child, looked at Shen Xin.

"Yes. I probably already have ideas. Next, I need Brother Wang and Sister Yan to polish this work with me. Two of you, the next work, please." Shen Xin smiled.

Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei looked their eyes flickered.

Shen Xin's remarks are also telling them that two people must participate in his lower works.

"What kind of manga is the lower part?" Wang Wenhong asked.

"I also said before that I hope to draw a manga with evil elements and an evil manga with elements. The next one is the first type. As for the name, it's called "hunterxhunter", right?" Shen Xin narrowed his eyes and looked out the window.

The spring sun shines through the windows into the studio, and the whole studio is full of warmth, just like Shen Xin's mood at the moment, full of expectations for the future.

Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei smiled at each other, while Xi Muhan hugged the child and looked at Shen Xin with a smile on his face. The happiness in his heart was also overflowing on his face.

The future is really worth looking forward to.

Her, Shen Xin's, and the children of two others.

(End of the book)

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