My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 225: Discussion of New Chapter 1

   The time has stepped into December, and the 29th chapter of "Hireki" also quietly arrived.

   In the last sentence, Xiao Guang was defeated by Xiao Liang, which made many readers feel aggrieved, and even questioned the reason for Shen Xin's drawing like this on the Internet.

   Although some readers like Xiao Liang very much, most readers still hope that the two can stage a wonderful duel, and finally end with Xiao Guang winning the game.

   However, everyone's expectations did not become reality, which led to a slight drop in the rankings of "Goss Soul" in "Quick News" and "Small Books".

   And in the latest words, the Go tournament is depicted. This is the first time that a professional Go tournament has been officially depicted in "Soul of Go". At the same time, this sentence also appeared on the Internet.

  The sudden remark made many people feel puzzled. The previous remark was still about the duel between Xiaoguang and Xiaoliang, while the word "" was about a Go contest, and the Go contest was not the focus.

   As for the title "", it seems to be a person's screen name.

  Comic Forum soon discussed the content of this remark.

   "The word ‘’ feels so strange. I clearly said the content of the whole sentence, but I feel like saying nothing."

   "I said earlier that Xiaoliang was going to be a professional chess player, and then Xiaoguang took Zuowei to see the Internet Go...what is the relationship between the two?"

   "I don't know, but the last storyboard is very interesting. Xiaoguang seems to be interested in Internet Go."

   "I still care about another question. Xiao Liang is already preparing to take the professional Go test. Then the gap between him and Xiao Guang is getting bigger and bigger?"

   "Maybe, Hikaru will also become a professional chess player in the future?"

"Isn’t it possible? Xiaoguang’s foundation is too poor. I have participated in the qualifying tournament. How can I say that it takes about three or four years to become a professional chess player. Moreover, the cruelty of the qualifying tournament is not what you can do. Imaginary. Anyway, as someone who has come here, I really want to see this episode, but I don’t think Teacher Shen can draw it."

"Yes. This is really too difficult for Mr. Shen, so let's not make it difficult for Mr. Shen. Although I also want to watch the content related to professional Go. But then again, if the manga is really going to be mentioned later, you are sure Don’t you feel boring?"



  "" is indeed a word used for transition, which plays a role in carrying forward and backward.

   Not only the readers of Huaxia, but also the readers of the 11 districts of the world, also have such ideas.

  Since "Soul of Chess" was not introduced into the 11th area of ​​this world, and it was not serialized, at first, only those who could understand Chinese language had the opportunity to read "Soul of Chess".

After a long period of development,    China’s comics have gradually been accepted by readers in District 11.

   A single book like "The Legend of the Dragon King" has been sold in District 11, and the sales are good. "Killer's Diary" and "Hunting Abyss" have also been introduced, but the sales are not very optimistic.

In addition, there are also some comics, such as "Semi-Monthly Feiyue" that does not match the style of District 11, so few magazines or publishers introduce them. Moreover, the magazines serialized in "Feiyue" are almost color pages. The single-line book is also full-color, and the cost of publishing is too high. As a result, readers in 11 districts bought it on their own, and then discussed it on their own.

Therefore, "Soul of the Chess" was only circulated in some forums. At first, not many people saw it. However, as the story developed, readers gradually increased. Many readers asked people to send back pamphlets or magazines from China, but they continued to read them. The speed is always slower than Huaxia, and the language is different.

   Later, someone translated every dialogue into Japanese on the forum, and then read it against the comics.

   In the 11th district of this world, there are also Go comics, but they are the kind of Go comics that can shine.

   "Although this remark has some content, but I always feel that it is not very interesting."

   "It was originally a transitional sentence, so you can see what it is."

   "Actually, the "Soul of Chess" is very particular about this story." A member whose head was a mouse left a message.

   "Moderator, what do you mean?"

"The meaning is also very simple. Look at the last page. The author has explained it very clearly. Xiaoguang is to let Zuowei play chess, but in reality, others will think that Xiaoguang’s chess power is his. Really level. But if you use the Internet, you can play chess." "Mouse" typed quickly.

   "No way? This is fine too."

"Yeah. I think the moderator’s analysis makes sense. In fact, at this point, if Xiaoguang does not take the Go professional exam, there will be little room for the development of the story behind. I hope I can draw some professional Go. I don’t know in China, Would it be difficult to become a professional chess player."

   "Of course it is difficult. With so many people in China, the difficulty of becoming a professional chess player is estimated to be more difficult than that of Zone 11."

   "I don't know if there will be an international Go game in the future. I really hate Han Guoqi players. The recent competitions have been taken over by Han Guoqi players."

   "Hua Xia Go is not very comfortable now."

   "I am looking forward to the content of the next sentence."

   "I want to see how to become a chess player in China..."


  "" is the 5th place in "icfuture"'s "Small Book", which is the same as the previous one, and the editorial department can accept this ranking.

   After experiencing the crisis of the first volume of the booklet, Hook stopped saying much to Wang Wenhong.

   In fact, moving forward from the results, even though there is no big climax in "God of Go", the connection between small rhythms is really good. Compared with other comics, it can always maintain a stable position, and it is still in the top five.

   However, the second season of "Hunting Abyss" is now on the's Diary" has just won the "Best Feature" and its position is very stable. "Hunting Abyss" can be ranked fifth, which is not bad.

  Wang Wenhong took the manuscript and hurriedly walked into the editorial department.

   "How is the manuscript of the new story?" Hook asked.

   "I think it's not bad." Wang Wenhong smiled lightly.

   "Take me a look." Hook stretched out his hand.

  Wang Wenhong smiled and handed the manuscript to Hook.

   The first page of the manuscript is two people, Sawei and Jin Tengguang.

   Zuo Wei sits in front of the chessboard, Jin Tengguang pinches his waist with his hands, and stands behind Zuo Wei with a smile.


   Hook read the title of the new sentence, frowned slightly, couldn't understand the meaning of the English letter, and looked at Wang Wenhong in confusion.

   "You can see if you look down." Wang Wenhong mumbled.

   After learning about Internet Go, Xiaoguang went to Internet cafes to surf the Internet. Using "zuo" as his name, he began to compete with others on the Internet. Soon, "zuo" received the attention of many amateur players around the world due to his excellent Go skills, and many people began to wonder who this player is.

   "It seems a bit interesting." Hook touched the scum, his eyes twinkling.

   "I think so too." Wang Wenhong smiled lightly.

   Xu Yang, who is sitting next to him, looked at the two smiling people with a puzzled look, and didn't understand what they were thinking.

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