My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 228: Annual meeting

   January 1, which means the beginning of a new year.

   After the publication of "liang", the latest episode of "Hire", readers are increasingly looking forward to the confrontation between Zuowei and Xiaoliang.

   "Zuo's name has already gained fame in the amateur Go world. It's really comfortable to read the last few words."

   "It's not just from the world of Go, haven't you seen it? Xufang Jiudan also noticed Zuo. It means that Zuo has already attracted the attention of professional chess players."

   "Haha, these people are asking who is Zuo."

   "It's a pity, no one can find it!"

   "It's so hard to find. It's hard to know the identity of the other party on the Internet."

   "However, Gao Yi is also so smart that he can only infer that the other party is a child only when Zuo appears in the daytime in July and August."

   "That said, I don't agree. Isn't it possible for teachers or college students?"

   "Maybe because Zuo asked him, "Am I good?" This sentence seems immature? Adults, shouldn't you say this sentence?"

   "Huh? Is there such an explanation?"

   "The title of this chapter is ‘liang’. In the end, Xiao Liang not only registered the account, but also had a duel with Zuo."

   "Unfortunately, the manga is gone here."

   "Speaking of which, I remembered that Mr. Shen has always been out of context. In "ys", he was already notorious."

   "The disgusting teacher Shen, turned out to be a habitual offender!"

   "There is no way, the space is limited. The next is Zuo Wei and Xiao Liang's third match."

   "Isn't it the fourth time?"

   "Please, the third time is Xiao Guang and Xiao Liang's Go, Xiao Liang really can't win Zuo Wei."

   "It seems that Xiao Guang really loves Xiao Liang, otherwise, it is impossible to lose the game with Xiao Liang and let Xiao Liang go to the professional assessment."

   "This... is too dirty."


Although readers have various appeals and speculations about the recent passage, after the publication of Chapter 34 "A Game of Remembrance", all readers have a better understanding of Xiao Liang-Xiao Liang unexpectedly followed Zuwei's chess path In, there is speculation about Zuo's identity.

   "It's... impossible, isn't it? Is it a myth to Xiao Liang? It's incredible to infer a person's identity from the chess path."

   "Actually, it is indeed possible."


"Go is a very logical game. Different people have different ways of thinking, and they may have different solutions to the same game. Moreover, Xiaoliang and Zuowei replayed the second match between them. A game of chess, therefore, it makes sense that Xiao Liang would doubt Zuo's identity."

   "Xiao Liang is still too persistent, for the sake of..."

   "Then who knows, is he doing it for help or Xiaoguang? If it weren't for Xiaoguang's similar grade, he wouldn't care about Xiaoguang so much, right?"

   "I have to say that these three roles are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I thought I would hate Xiao Liang, but I found that he is as important as Xiao Guang in my heart."

   "Look forward to the next words."

   "Same expectation."

   "However, the manga has been released in three volumes, and the serialization has reached Chapter 34, should there be an anime version?"

   "Yes. The results of this manga are good, and many manga that are not as good as "Goku" have been made into anime."

   "I guess it will be there in April?"

   "Enough, otherwise, there should be news."

   "Mr. Shen, you have to come on... If you don't work hard, the animated version will be gone."


   Shen Xin did not know the voice of these people for the animated version of "Hire of Go". After handing in the manuscript of Chapter 35, Wang Wenhong urged him to quickly prepare and participate in the annual meeting of "ibsp; future".

   Shen Xin, according to Wang Wenhong's prompt, left the community, and a car drove over from the parking lot on the right side of the community and stopped by Shen Xin.

  Wang Wenhong opened the rear door to let Shen Xin in.

   "Where to go?" Shen Xin asked after getting in the car.

   "Junhao Hotel." Wang Wenhong said.

   "Huh? I remember you worked there?" Shen Xin was surprised.

   "Yes. Anyway, it's bitter."

   "It's a thank you to want those methods."

   "Well, think about it, there are still some." Wang Wenhong smiled.

   Shen Xin thought for a while and agreed with Wang Wenhong's statement.

   Not to mention other things, in order to achieve his goals, Wang Wenhong can really afford it, and many people can't do this.

   "By the way, there will be many celebrities coming today. In addition to some animation company bosses, there may also be toy company leaders-but these seem to have nothing to do with you. The spirit of chess should not be able to make toys."


   "The chairman of the company will also come... Besides, it is the cartoonist living in Hongchuan." Wang Wenhong recalled.

   Shen Xin nodded.

   This is the difference between comic magazines and online novels.

   Before crossing, the station invited the great **** to attend the annual meeting. Internet authors basically fly to the meeting place from all over the country, but it is not so convenient for cartoonists.

   Every comic they create must go through two parts: na and manuscript. Sometimes, the editor even has to discuss with the cartoonist all night, so the cartoonist should be in the same city as the magazine.

   "By the way, are all the cartoonists of "ibsp;future" in Hongchuan?"

   "Uh, most of them are in Hongchuan, but there are also one or two people living in counties near Hongchuan."

   "The cartoonists outside they draw with a tablet and a computer?" Shen Xin asked.

   "Well, but I will also use manuscripts. But even so, I still think it's better to live with the editor. It will be more convenient to discuss comics."

   "Maybe...will you not be responsible for editing this industry in the future?"

   Shen Xin thinks of the Chinese comics of the earth. Most of those comics are serialized on the Internet, and the role of the responsible editor is indeed much smaller. Even some newcomer cartoonists cannot get the guidance of the responsible editor at all.

   "How is it possible? If there is no editor in charge, who will review the manuscript for them?" Wang Wenhong waved his hand.

   Shen Xin just wanted to refute, but then thought, maybe the kind of online serialization of the earth will not appear in this world?

   Compared with the earth, the Chinese comics industry in this world has been quite perfect.

   Maybe in the future... there will be web comics but it is unlikely to be the same as the earth, so the work and mode of the editor will still be retained.

   "That's right, then do you think there will be that possibility in the future..." Shen Xin rubbed his chin, thinking about it, and said, "For example, living in a foreign area, having his own editor in charge, and then using the computer to draw the manuscript?"

   "Good idea." Wang Wenhong answered without hesitation, "But Mr. Shen, you forget a question. This requires oney. The editor's salary is indeed not high, but there are bonuses... Bonuses are the motivation for our struggle."

   Shen Xin rolled his eyes.

Isn't    just a bonus? When did the pamphlet pay off the royalties for the first month and he didn't give the assistant bonus?

   As for Wang Wenhong, it is not that Shen Xin does not want to give him a bonus, but that his salary is not the responsibility of Shen Xin, and the magazine does not allow him to accept Shen Xin's money.

   "By the way, the writers you are familiar with, like Teacher Ye, Teacher Wang and Teacher Han are all there. At the meeting, Teacher Yan Shi may speak on behalf of the cartoonist."

   I don’t know them well.

   Shen Xin retorted in his heart, but said, "Ms. Shi Yan?"

   Shen Xin was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that Shi Yan is the author of "Killer's Diary", this year... well, last year's best feature comics award winner.

   "I thought it was Teacher Wang who spoke?" Shen Xin smiled.

   "The magazine doesn't want to be alone every year." Wang Wenhong rubbed his nose, "This is also a recognition of Teacher Shi."


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