My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 235: Introduced or not

   When Yokoi first recommended "Soul Go" to Murakami, he thought it was just an ordinary Go comic.

   Although comics with the theme of "Go" are rare, there are still some in District 11, such as those shining Go, or, like gourmet comics, there are "mysterious powers" gathered on the board that can even change the fate of others.

   When I first read the first chapter, Murakami felt that the story of "Hire of Go" was exactly the same as what he had imagined—isn’t it just to use the power of Zuwei to bully others?

But as the story progressed, especially when he saw Xiao Guang start to play chess with his own power, but lost the game, and finally left unwilling tears, his heart was instantly tightened by Xiao Guang's unyielding eyes. Catch.

   This comic is completely different from his guess.

   Although "Soul of the Game" is not like "Slam Dunk", seeing exciting places and even making readers shout loudly, but after reading it, Murakami's evaluation is much higher than "Slam Dunk".

   This manga seems to be a manga related to Go, but the whole manga is written with ideals, persistence and competition. In other words, it is a manga with spirit.

After chasing the three pamphlets, Murakami read the content of the unpublished pamphlets from the Internet, and still felt that he was still interested. Then he came to Huaxia and saw Chapter 4 "A Game of Remembrance", so he looked forward to Chapter 5, liang The duel with Zuo.

   The cover page is another spread. Shinto Hikari, Tsutsui, and Mitani stand on one side, and Sawei, Toya Ryo, and Tani Yoshitaka stand on the other side, holding Go in both hands, looking at each other.


   When Murakami saw this page, he muttered to himself. The shock of the page spread made his eyes unbearable.

This sentence is divided into two lines, one is the duel between Zuowei and Xiaoliang, and the other is the half-month Go exam-only the students ranked in the top four in the dojo will have the opportunity to participate in the July event. Go exam.

   The day when Xiaoliang and Zuowei faced off was the first day of the Go exam.

   In order to face Zuo Wei, Xiao Liang gave up the first day of the exam.

   The Go test is very important to most chess players, but for Xiao Liang, its significance is far less important than that of He Zuowei in the next game.

   People have different visions and different pursuits.

   After reading this, Murakami closed his eyes and couldn't calm down for a long time.

   He couldn't understand why the seemingly unremarkable Go would make him feel excited.

   The blood of "Slam Dunk" comes from the outside, while the blood of "Gossman" comes from the heart.

   "Mr. Murakami, how is this manga?" Bao Jiyi asked Murakami with a smile.

   Yokoi translated Murakami's words into Mandarin, "Very good, this is a rare manga. If this quality can be guaranteed, this manga will surpass all the comics in "omifuture"."

Bao Jiyi touched his big back and smiled thicker on his face, "Yes, this work is the sign of the future of "omifuture", and I am also very confident in this comic. A work like this, if your company If it is not introduced now, it will definitely be published by other magazines in the future."

   Yokoi translated Bao Jiyi's words to Murakami. Murakami nodded slightly and his eyes fell on the cover page.

   At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Murakami Toru.

  Wang Wenhong clenched his fists, sweat in his palms.

   Murakami Toru's choice will determine whether "God of Go" can go to Asia.

   Soon, Shen Xin...No, Shen Zheng will even have his own fans in District 11 like Wang Yunze.

   One day in the future, Shen Xin can even surpass all cartoonists in China... He is only 20 years old, he is still young...

   Wang Wenhong gritted his teeth and stared at Murakami Toru. He was very eager to say the word "introduction" from Murakami's mouth.

   However, Murakami's brows were frowned, and he kept flipping through the photocopies in his hand, but never said the word "introduction".

Bao Jiyi’s smile gradually solidified, but there was still a smirk on his face. After almost a quarter of an hour, he couldn’t wait any longer. He was about to ask Yokoi, but he saw Murakami suddenly stood up, walked to the window, and dialed one. phone.

   "Please wait, Editor-in-Chief Murakami inquire about the magazine." Yokoi said with a smile.

   "It doesn't matter, such an excellent work needs to be taken seriously." Bao Jiyi's answer was an understatement, but he was a little impatient in his heart.

   just introduced a manga, does it need such ink?

   About four or five minutes later, Murakami returned to his seat again and said something to Yokoi. Yokoi nodded seriously, and then turned to look at Bao Jiyi.

   "The editor-in-chief said, we don't want to introduce "Gossip"." Yokoi said in non-standard Mandarin.

   When Wang Wenhong heard these words, he felt a sudden pain in his heart, as if his most beloved thing had been broken.

   All the speculations before, all vanished.

   Shang Hiroshi was even more surprised, Yokoi's reply exceeded his expectations. The quality of "Soul of Go" is absolutely excellent, and the opponent was also very satisfied just now. This should not be the answer.

"Cough cough, I didn't introduce it. It's a pity, but we have other comics, should we stop looking at others?" Bao Jiyi's smile was stiff. After all, the duck that reached his mouth flew, and it was inevitable that it was a little... wrong. , Is very frustrated.

"Don't read other comics... I haven't finished what I just said. Wait a minute, I want to think about how to say it." Yokoi is not a professional translator, some words are translated into Huaxia, and it takes some time to think, "That...our editor It doesn’t mean that you want to introduce "Hireki"...

   Shang Hoshi and others nodded, Yokoi had already said this.

   "What we hope is to serialize "Soul of Go" with your company. Just now, the editor-in-chief has communicated with the editorial department and asked them to decide to cut the manga and make room for "Soul of Go"." Yokoi said.

   Shang Haozhi, Wang Wenhong, and Bao Jiyi looked at Yokoi in their eyes full of anger-can't you say it all in one go?

   Considering that Yokoi has to translate Japanese into Chinese It is indeed a bit troublesome, and he is not a professional translator. Three people can also understand Yokoi's difficulties.

   However, Yokoi's words far exceeded Bao Jiyi's expectations.

   Simultaneous serialization with "omifuture" is not just a simple introduction, which means that "leap" and "omifuture" have to bear the serialization risk of "Soul of the Game" together.

   Although "mangafl" serialized quite a lot of comics in 11 districts, few Chinese comics were serialized in 11 districts. Even the Legend of the Dragon King, the serialization started last year.

Bao Jiyi was taken aback for a while, but his mind turned quickly. After less than 10 seconds, he showed a sincere smile, "I know Mr. Murakami has vision, but... I think this is a great thing. It should be Celebrate with a drink, please wait a moment."

  Bao Jiyi hurriedly left the office and quickly took out five wine glasses and a bottle of liquor.

  Wang Wenhong took the liquor and filled it up for everyone. Five people raised their glasses and drank them all in one go.

   "By the way, Mr. Murakami, I want to ask your opinion about one thing." Bao Jiyi looked at Toru Murakami with a chuckle.

   After communicating with Toru Murakami, Yokoi whispered, "Mr. Bao, please speak."

   "It's not a big deal... ahem, I don't know if your company is interested in the animated version of "Hire Go"?" Bao Jiyi narrowed his eyes and said softly.

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