My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 254: Cooperation

   Shen Xin's words not only reminded Long Yao's three shareholders, but also reminded Bao Jiyi and Shang Haozhi.

Magazines, in the final analysis, are selling books, singles of comics, and magazines.

They choose animation companies for animation, also with this purpose.

Generally, they don’t care much about comics, because even high-quality animation production can’t help comics bring too much revenue, because the stories of comics themselves are not so eye-catching.

But good comics are different. Cooperating with high-quality animations, they can create great benefits.

The end of an animation is good or bad, and the audience can directly feel it.

Take "Soul of the Game" as an example. Xiaoguang's loss to Xiaoliang is the end of the first stage and Xiaoguang's first degeneration. For emotionally sensitive audiences, they may feel aggrieved, and "God of Chess" will lose this part of readers.

If it ends after entering the Go Dojo, the audience will have a different mood.

First of all, Xiaoguang has become a student of the dojo as a successful person, and the audience will be happy for Xiaoguang. Secondly, because Xiaoguang entered the dojo, it means that next is the story between Xiaoguang and other students. But the animation stopped here abruptly, but the audience may not be fully satisfied.

If the audience still wants to know the story behind, the only way is to buy comics. In this way, the sales of single-line books will be driven.

Generally, Bao Jiyi will rarely follow up to this stage of the project of comic reform.

This time it involves animation companies in District 11, and the development trend of "Hire" in District 11 may even be better than "The Legend of the Dragon King". He wants to use the manga "Hire of Go" to expand more with "Shoun Leap". Cooperation, therefore, has been involved in it all the time. He didn't know what Shen Xin said, but because he hadn't followed the project to this point for a long time, he ignored the existence of these problems.

As for Shang Haozhi, because of too many companies involved, he also neglected this matter.

After Shen Xin reminded, Bao Jiyi's attitude was no longer the same as before, dispensable. Instead, he looked at Long Yao's general manager Long Tian with a look of anticipation.

"Mr. Long, Mr. Fukuda, I think what Mr. Shen said is very reasonable. If there are 100 chapters in "Hire of the Game" now, I will support the production of the year, but now there are only forty chapters, and the content is only enough for half a year. If you make a 13-episode season show, the end is really embarrassing. How about it? Just do it for half a year.” Bao Jiyi finalized the length of the comic.

Oi and Fukuda discussed it, but they didn't have much opinion. For them, there was no problem with funding. If you can do a new year and hold the right to sell "Gossip" in the 11th district, that's the best. If you only do it for half a year, just look at the market's response first, and it will be acceptable.

"Yes, but I hope that Orochi can give priority to the production rights for the second season under the same conditions." Fukuda made his request.

"Of course, these can all be written in the contract." Bao Jiyi smiled, pushed his gold glasses, his eyes fixed on Long Yao's side, "Manager Long, what do you think?"

Long Tian just opened his mouth, before he had time to speak, the person in charge of the TV station raised his hand, "I want to say a word."

"Director Gu, please say something." Bao Jiyi said.

Shen Xin also looked at Director Gu, but found that he was a middle-aged man with a small flat head and looked very energetic.

"I just listened to Teacher Shen's words, and I felt that the half-year time was indeed better. Therefore, no matter who you produce, the TV station is interested in China's screening rights." Director Gu laughed.

When Long Tian heard this and understood what everyone meant, he nodded.

"I see, let's do it in half a year."

Bao Jiyi bowed his head, made notes in his notebook, and then asked Xiang Shen Xin, "Mr. Shen, what do you want for animation."

"Request..." Shen Xin scratched his chin, "If requested... I hope to follow the comic story and advance the plot. Don't add original plots."

"When we were making the animation, "The Soul of Chess" was also serialized, so the original plot shouldn't be used." Long Tian said hurriedly.

Moreover, asking the screenwriter to write the original plot also requires a sum of money, which is very important.

"Also, it is music. I think good music is also part of a good animation. I hope that the two companies can use 100% of their strength to do a good job of all the music of "Hire of Go".

The music of the original "Hireki" animation is very classic, and it matches the story very well. Especially, the first theme song "getover", when the rhythm is fast, the whole song is matched with the lyrics, which can bring infinite power, and when the rhythm of the song relaxes, there is a touch of sadness.

When Xiaoguang recalled the disappearance of Zuowei, tears would often shed when the background sounded the song.

Shen Xin knows that this piece is very suitable for "The Soul of Chess", regardless of the lyrics or the style, but he can't say it, or even hum it. Even if the production company is willing to use the song, they have to ask the source of the song.

More things are worse than less things. Shen Xin can only put forward his own requirements. How the two companies do it depends on their operations.

At this time, Long Tian gave a dry cough and asked, "Ms. Shen doesn't know much about animation production, right?"

Shen Xin nodded. He really didn't know much about animation production, but he watched a lot of animations.

"The music of the animation is the responsibility of the record company, and they will also release the music album after the animation is released. Therefore, all the music of "Hire of Go" can only be found by the record company to find high-quality musicians." Long Tian explained.

"That's right." Shang Haozhi explained from one side.

Shen Xin scratched his head, unexpectedly so complicated.

Fukuda interrupted suddenly and spoke a lot of Japanese. Shen Xin blinked and didn't understand it. Other Huaxia people were also at a loss.

Oi then translated Futian's words into Chinese.

"President Fukuda said that if you can't find a suitable record company, Orochi can be responsible for contacting, but the record company must have a global license for music."

The people here looked at each other, and finally focused on Long Tian.

"I...I don’t care, because the music is produced by the record company alone and not included in the animation production However, my condition is that the animation songs outside of Zone 11 must be Chinese."

The quality of music depends on the strength of the record company. Moreover, after the animation is released, the record company's revenue mainly depends on the record, not the animation, and there is no competitive relationship with Long Yao. Therefore, Long Yao also thinks more openly. He doesn't have the energy to contact the record company now.

What's more, if the quality of the theme song or the ending song is very high, it will also be of great benefit to the increase in sales of DVDs and bd.

In the following hours, each party discussed the situation in more detail, and Shen Xin didn't care too much about it, because he seldom was able to intervene.

Seeing the meeting ended and all parties signed the contract, Shen Xin suddenly remembered a very important question.

"President Long, I would like to ask, when will the animation of "Hire of Go" be released?"

Long Tian just closed the pen, he was taken aback when he heard Shen Xin's words, and then looked at Director Gu, "Director Gu, when can you arrange?"

"October... I have already applied to the leader of the station before, and it will be broadcast every Saturday at 8 o'clock in the evening."

When Shen Xin heard these words, his eyes lit up. This time is almost the best time to play.

"Thank you, Director Gu." Shen Xin quickly thanked him.

"Then draw more good works." Director Gu narrowed his eyes.

Shen Xin thought of another thing, the right time and the right place, and almost everything has it. "Soul of the Game" hit the first place in "icfuture" starting in October.

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