My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 284: Worried words 1

The seven-day Spring Festival holiday passed in a hurry, and Hongchuan became lively again.

Shen Xin and Xi Muhan went around in a nearby scenic spot, but they felt even more depressed, because there were too many people in the scenic spot.

After returning to Hongchuan, the two of them took a full day's rest, and their spirits improved slightly.

"Icfuture" continued to be sold, and the latest "Who is Black Chess" in "Soul of Chess" won the first place in the small book again. The reward Bao Jiyi said before is basically no suspense, unless there is a comic that can win the remaining 5 consecutively. The first place in the period of small books-but if it is really so easy to do, isn't it that there have been comics, have you passed the "Hire of Go"?

Knowing that they had no hope, other cartoonists focused their attention on Ye Hexu and Wang Yunze.

With the publication of the new issue, "Hunting Abyss" takes the lead in action.

The battle between the s-class hunter and the three-headed beast is about to happen, but the story comes to an abrupt end, attracting numerous readers' complaints.

The horse is about to start a fierce battle, and suddenly it is gone, who is not angry?

However, it is precisely because of this ending that many readers have begun to look forward to "The Hunting Abyss".

"Those s-rank hunters, it is best to teach the three monsters. Giant apes, lions, giant hedgehogs? Do you think it is a zoo?"

"These hunters won't lose to three monsters?"

"Impossible, s-level hunters are strong. None of the monsters that currently exist are their opponents."

"Why are you talking about these hunters suddenly? Shouldn't the perspective be locked on the protagonist?"

"The protagonist is recovering now. See how he recovers?"

"Don't you know that there is a saying called'time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle"? Just write'three months' and it's OK. So, Mr. Ye should have his own deep meaning when he writes it like this?"

"Who knows? However, "Hunting Abyss" suddenly looks good."

"It seems that it also wants to hit the first place."

""Soul of Chess" is not so easy to follow."

"Yes, when Yue Zhi played against Shi Liang, he said that Xiaoguang and Hong Xiuying's chess game was horizontal. It was really irritating. When he lost to Yi Jiao, did I feel sorry for him?"

"What he said is also the truth. No matter how Go, it is also a sport, which is very competitive. Xiaoguang can win Hong Xiuying. On the one hand, it is because of Hong Xiuying's underestimation. On the other hand, it is indeed because Xiaoguang played out. A wonderful move."

"Maybe, but Xiao Liang also immediately counterattacked. He took out Xiao Guang and the chess game he played two years ago."

"It feels like a guardian.'Xiao Guang can only be bullied by me.' Xiao Liang gives people this feeling."

"So rotten—"

"However, I have a little question, is the memory of the chess player really that good? Can the chess game really come back?"

After more than a dozen floors, a chess player replied to this question.

"It is indeed possible. Because chess players must be attentive when playing chess. Every move is thought and rethinked, so every move will be memorized by heart. However, Xiaoguang should have deliberately remembered this game two years ago. , After all, is the opponent of one's life."

"A lifetime rival? It means something like this."

"However, the battle between "Hunting Abyss" and "Gossman" is in full swing. Will "The Legend of the Dragon King" be silent?"

"Yes, I also think the recent plot of "The Legend of the Dragon King" is a bit boring."

"If "The Legend of the Dragon King" were added at this time, it would be very interesting."


"The Legend of the Dragon King", "The Hunting Abyss", "The Soul of Chess"...

The three comics together to perform a battle between dragons and tigers should be expected by all comics fans, and even more so by Jia Hui, the editor in charge of "The Legend of the Dragon King".

Since being "Hunting Abyss", "The Legend of the Dragon King" has been hovering in second or third place.

Although the two comics ranked in front of "The Legend of the Dragon King" were written by young authors and represent the future of "icfuture", as the editor in charge, he still hopes that Wang Yunze will stay in the first place long enough.

"Teacher..." Jia Hui took a deep breath and looked at Wang Yunze. "The Hunting Abyss seems a bit unbearable. When will "The Legend of the Dragon King" become powerful?"

"Zheng Li." Wang Yunze stretched his muscles and bones.

"However, the current plot is too plain." Jia Hui said in surprise.

"That's just how you feel-next, the protagonist will challenge other kings in order to find his father."

"But, didn't you say,'The king does not see the king'?" Jia Hui said in surprise.

Although the name of the story is "The Legend of the Dragon King", in fact, there are seven other kings in the whole world who are clinging to each other's paradise.

In the previous cartoon, Wang Yunze described the situation in his four countries. The protagonist went to other countries, but it was just a small mess.

Since he was about to start a war against other kings, Jia Hui was immediately interested.

"Soon, it's when "The Legend of the Dragon King" returns to number one, no matter if the opponent is "Hunting Soul" or "Hunting Abyss", the result is no different." Wang Yunze rubbed his his tiredness swept away. And Sora, "The appearance of these two young people is really great. Otherwise, I might not be able to think of a better plot."

Confidence and excitement...

It hadn't appeared in things for a long time, and finally appeared in Wang Yunze's face again.


After the Spring Festival, Shen Xin's studio was also functioning normally.

The prize of 10,000 yuan was almost fixed and was divided equally by the three assistants. Therefore, the three people were in a very good mood.

Wang Wenhong knocked on the door of the studio with his hometown specialty—two boxes of corned beef, and Gao Hang’s eyes immediately fell on the beef.

"For Teacher Shen." Wang Wenhong warned.

"I know, I'll put it in the refrigerator first." Gao Hang licked his lips, hugged the beef happily, and ran to the refrigerator.

Wang Wenhong didn't care about flying high, but rushed straight to the second floor.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shen, for winning the first place again, it’s the 8th issue. There are still 4 issues, and you should be able to win the bet. However, the next issue is the front page coloring page of "Hunting Abyss", and issue 1o is The title page of "The Legend of the Dragon King". I am afraid that these two words will not be easy to answer. The next one has little to do with Xiaoguang, mainly about the smarter." Wang Wenhong's words suddenly became low when he said later.

"Actually, the next story is okay. I am quite worried about the content of Issue 10." Shen Xin laughed dryly, his face a little unnatural.

Before April, Shen Xin was undoubtedly the one in issue 1o.

"Issue 1o? Wait, you mean—'inseparable'? Are you really not going to change it?" Wang Wenhong said in surprise.

He has already read that sentence, so he is very familiar with it.

"I have finished the original manuscript, how can I change it?" Shen Xin said bitterly. 14


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