My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 307: Disappointment and confidence

When Xi Muhan returned to the dormitory, he immediately noticed that the floor of the dormitory was sprinkled with manga papers, while Liu Yan was lying on the tabletop, silent.

"What's the matter?" Xi Muhan looked left and right, not understanding what happened.

When Liu Yan heard Xi Muhan's voice, she sat up, her eyes slightly bloodshot.

"Hey, Xiaoyan, what's the matter with you?" Xi Muhan's heart was tight, for fear that Liu Yan might have an accident.

"Zuo Wei is gone... Why is that **** named Shen Zheng so cruel? He wrote such a plot..." At this point, Liu Yan's tears circled her eyes.

When Xi Muhan heard Liu Yan saying this about Shen Xin, he immediately felt a little dissatisfied, but when he saw Liu Yan's rainy face with pear blossoms, he couldn't help tearing his face with her, so he retorted, "I usually watch Western tragedies See you crying like this."

"I know...but I can't say why. I feel heartache when thinking of Zuowei. Especially, when Zuowei disappeared, he didn't have time to say goodbye to Xiaoguang... Although Xiaoguang did a lot of willful things before, But, isn't there even a chance to say goodbye? Isn't Zuo Wei regretful? Isn't Xiaoguang regretful?" Liu Yan asked rhetorically.

Xi Muhan's mouth opened slightly. She had thought about this issue before, but when she left Hongchuan, Shen Xin hadn't drawn the following plot, so she didn't know Shen Xin's thoughts.

After thinking about it again and again, Xi Muhan said: "I think your feelings at the moment prove the success of this comic."


Liu Yan blinked her eyes. Before that, her heart was troubled by the "disappearance of Zuwei". After Xi Muhan said these words, she also calmed down.

Seeing that his words had an effect, Xi Muhan hit the iron while it was still hot.

"Are you sad because of the plot? No. I'm also writing a novel, so I understand this feeling better than you. Sometimes I shed tears when I write about moving plots. But...Xiaoyan, I was caught My novel is moved because I know how touching the plot is, but readers may not agree with my feelings. Therefore, it is not because of the plot, but because you agree that it can make readers move, or even cry like you. In the story, what happened to the characters.

"Readers can feel the author's heart, which just shows the success of this comic...I think you should understand this truth."

Hearing Xi Muhan's explanation, Liu Yan sat up straight, her expression rejuvenated, "Yes. It should be like this... If you think so, this comic is indeed a success."

Liu Yan quickly picked up Comicfuture on the ground, but found that the magazine had been "torn apart" and could not read it carefully.

"It's a pity, it seems that I want to study the spirit of chess" and I have to buy another magazine." Liu Yan rubbed her chin and said seriously.

Xi Muhan looked at Liu Yan, who was serious but with tears on her face, and shook her head helplessly.

After all, Liu Yan is also an academic, and she must study carefully when she encounters things that interest her.

Such a personality is also good, otherwise, she would not know how to persuade Liu Yan.

Compared to Liu Yan, Xi Muhan cares more about how to evaluate the spirit of chess on the Internet.

Although enough preparations have been made before, many people still find it difficult to accept when Zuowei disappears.

There are some people who are relatively sensible. The bigger reason why they feel uncomfortable is that although Zuowei has realized the "hand of the gods", when he left, he regretted that he did not say goodbye to Xiaoguang.

Similarly, Xiaoguang failed to send Zuowei to finish the last journey. For him, it is even more regrettable, and it may even be devastated afterwards.

There is also a small group of people who behaved very badly and typed words like "dead" and "get out of the comics world" in their posts.

Most people neither acted too sensibly, nor did they speak badly at each other. They just showed that they no longer watch the "God of the Game". In order to show their preference, they burned the booklet or bd. Some of these people regretted after being burned, which made people laugh.

When Xi Muhan saw the messages posted on the Internet, he was a little worried about Shen Xin. After making two consecutive calls, Shen Xin did not answer, so he could only give up.

Affected by the words "Farewell", the popularity of "Gossip" in the 11th district also plummeted. The editorial department of "Shounen 1eap" received many complaints from readers. As the editor in charge, Yokoi was miserable. Every time I received a call, Have to apologize again and again.

"Hey, Zuo Wei disappeared like this. I didn't expect it." Otani sighed.

Yokoi was full of sorrow, rubbing his forehead helplessly, "I only hope that the ranking of "Goku" will not drop too much."

"Do you think it's possible?" Otani asked back.

Yokoi thought for a while, then shook his head, "Impossible."

With this kind of plot, few comics have returned to the top.

The network and the editorial department have been messing up, but Shen Xin is still drawing comics methodically.

The assistants were a little surprised to see Shen Xin in this way.

"Mr. Shen, don't you know that the Internet has been messed up?" Gao Hang asked in surprise when he saw Shen Xin coming to the first floor to get coffee.

"Really? I don't know, I didn't dare to open the webpage." Shen Xin shook his head.

If you don’t see it, you won’t know, and if you don’t know, there is no psychological burden.

"You are not curious about what others say?" Li Jie asked again.

"I'm really curious to hear what you said." Shen Xin nodded, "However, seeing the reader's comments makes my heart feel particularly uncomfortable. It is estimated that there will be more than half a day and there is no way to get over. If you try to convince the other party, Asking them to agree with my idea will waste me half a day, and the effect may not be good. In that case, why should I watch it?"

These are the experiences that Shen Xin has summed up by himself.

When writing online novels, there will be some sprays. After reading the title or introduction, they start to comment on the novel. And some of these people speak very Every time Shen Xin sees such a comment, he feels depressed for two or three hours. Sometimes he argues with readers, and even feels bad. Stay with him all day.

Later, Shen Xin stopped reading these comments.

Seeing is clear, since he doesn't know what the spray said, he is no longer depressed about these things.

Although there is a feeling of concealing his ears, and also missing some good suggestions, he can work for a day full of energy.

It can be regarded as gaining if there is any loss.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Ma Ning got up to open the door and saw Wang Wenhong standing outside the door sweating profusely.

"Brother Wang, why are you here?" Ma Ning asked in surprise.

Shen Xin, who was about to go upstairs, also turned around and looked at Wang Wenhong who entered the room.

"Mr. Shen, the little book has come out." Wang Wenhong took a few breaths before his tone calmed down.

"Huh? How much?"

Wang Wenhong's face was a bit ugly, "No. 12."

Shen Xin raised his brows slightly, his ranking was indeed a bit low, and the expressions of other people became tense.

"What should I do now?" Wang Wenhong looked at Shen Xin embarrassedly.

Shen Xin looked helpless, "Persevere. As long as you don't get cut in the middle, there is still the possibility of "Hanqi"."

"Really able to get up?" Wang Wenhong questioned.

"Brother Wang, let me put it this way. Before this comic is finished, there must be a chance to reach the top of the little book again." Shen Xin said confidently.

Seeing the smile on Shen Xin's face, Wang Wenhong felt confident in his heart, "Then...what shall we do before this?"

The three assistants nodded repeatedly and looked at Shen Xin expectantly.

Shen Xin shrugged, "playing dead."


The confidence that the four had just gained disappeared in an instant.


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