My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 314: Don't want to play chess

This year's Spring Festival was exceptionally late. It was only a week away from March. Even so, there were still snowflakes in the sky of Yanjing.

Soon it was New Year's Eve, and the huge city of Yanjing became empty.

The snow outside is enough to flood your ankles, and people come and go, which is quite inconvenient.

Most people are hiding in the house, and if it's okay, they will never go out.

There is heating, food, shows on TV, and the Internet. It couldn't be more pleasant.

Zhen Duo stood by the window and looked at the community.

There was still a white world outside, and wherever he could see, it was covered with thick snow.

The more this time came, the more disturbed his heart became.

The Chinese New Year is still two days away, and Zhen Xi still has no intention of going home.

"It's all you. The phone call to the child has been almost a full year now. It has not been a week since he was at home! The son was bullied by other people, and there are so many curses on the Internet. You are a dad, P I didn't even put one. Being with you... I've had enough!"

I don't know when, his wife came to Zhen Duo's side and sprinkled her anger on Zhen Duo's body.

Zhen Duo whispered, "Do you think I feel better? This year, Xiaoxi didn't talk to me. Do you know how it feels like?"

"Then you still quarreling him..."

"Enough, you!" Zhen Duo yelled, his face flushed, "He is a child, but he is also a man. He is responsible for what he said and what he did! What we are going to do now is not Protect him, but watch him grow up with my own eyes. I won the title of Tianyuan at the age of 18. After that, how many competitions have I participated in? How much pressure have I suffered? Don't walk over step by step. Don't want to be scolded? Ah, won’t it be enough to win the game? If you don’t have that ability, just bear it!"

"You...what are you shouting at me..." The wife was shocked when she saw her husband angry.

"The question for Xiaoxi now is not whether to go home for the New Year, but... whether he has the confidence to go on the path of Go."

"Ah? How can it be so exaggerated? Don't scare me." His wife paled instantly.

"Did you know? After he came back from Han country, he won less and lost more. The chess institute only had a qualifier for a game a few days ago, and he lost in the first round. Before, Xiaoxi was praised too high, what? "The first person in China's future Go", what is "the leader of youth Go". After he fell, he experienced far more pain than others. It is not terrible to lose the game. What I am afraid of is..." Zhen Duo shot He patted his chest, "I'm afraid that I will lose my heart. Now, it depends on whether he can pass this hurdle."

The wife opened her mouth, then went back to the house immediately, took out her mobile phone, and couldn't wait to dial the phone of her son.

After a few beeps on the phone, there was a voice.


The voice is weak.

"I don't care what's wrong with you, I must come back today! I want to see you!" the wife snapped.

There was silence on the phone.

Zhen Duo and his wife looked at each other and were considering whether to pick up the mobile phone, but they heard an "um" sound from the microphone.

After hanging up the phone, his wife said to Zhen Duo: "I'm going to cook, you must not irritate him. Whatever he says, you must let him."

Zhen Duo nodded.

He has nothing to do with his wife and Xiaoxi, but if he can reconcile with his son as before, there is nothing wrong with taking a step back.

In the evening, Zhen Xi dragged her tired body and knocked on the door.

The moment the wife saw her son, she put Zhen Xi in her arms.

Zhen Xi struggled away, "Mom, I am an adult."

"Okay, you're an adult...Come on, Mom made you your favorite shredded pork and boiled fish in Beijing sauce, hurry up and eat it while it's hot."

Zhen Xi's gaze fell on Zhen Duo, and the two of them faced each other, and Zhen Xi quickly lowered his head again.

At the dinner table, Zhen Xi held chopsticks, just picked up a few rice grains and put them in his mouth, showing no appetite at all.

"What's wrong? Not tasty?"

Zhen Xi shook his head and put down his chopsticks, "It's delicious...I, Dad...I don't want to play chess anymore."


Zhen Duo and his wife were taken aback, their minds were blank.

"I'm done." Zhen Xi stood up, said nothing, and returned to her room.

Seeing the door closed, his wife pulled La Zhenduo's clothes, "This...what about this?"

Zhen Duo rubbed his temples, "If you don't, don't you?"

"Then...what will he rely on for food in the future? In order to learn Go, the class has fallen so much, and the two books may not pass the exam." The wife was panicked.

Zhen Duo shook his head, "Didn't you say that you want me to let him?"

"But I didn't say, I want you to let him do everything? Hurry up and find a way!" His wife slapped Zhen Duo angrily.

"Which way is such a good idea?" Zhen Duo's mind was messed up.

"What about the dean? Is there any way he can do it?" His wife Liushen Wuzhu.

Zhen Duo shook his head.

"From last year to this year, I didn't say a few words. Now...Xiaoxi is about to give up playing chess, what should I do in the future?" His wife sighed.

Zhen Duo suddenly stood up and walked towards the bedroom. Not long after, he came out of the room wearing a cotton coat.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll go for a walk, and I'll be back in a while." Zhen Duo didn't say much, opened the door and left the house.

After Zhen Xi entered the bedroom, without taking off her clothes, she lay on the bed.

He was confused just now, and he blurted out the sentence "I don't want to play chess" without knowing what it was.

Does he really want to play chess? Of course not However, since losing to Park Yong-tae, to be precise, after losing to Park Yong-tae in the third game, he was completely wrong.

In the last game, he wanted to go all out, but he didn't know what to do, so he lost in a muddle. What made him even more unacceptable was that he lost so badly that he could not stand it.

From then on, it seemed as if he had lost something in his heart, and he had no momentum anymore.

Every time I go to bed, my mind is thinking about that game of chess...It takes a long time to fall asleep every day.

He wants to play chess, but now he can't beat his opponent at all.

Without knowing it, Zhen Xi's consciousness gradually blurred. I don't know when, there was a knock on the door.

"May I come in?"

It is Zhen Duo's voice.

"Yeah." Zhen Xi replied, her voice as if coming out of her nostrils.

The door opened and the lights came on, and the room was instantly bright.

Zhen Xi opened his eyes and looked at Zhen Duo, only to see him sweating profusely and carrying a white transparent bag.

"I know, you feel uncomfortable now. I bought you a set of comics related to Go. You can watch it when you are fine. After two days, you are in a good mood. Our father and I will have a good chat. , I will listen to your thoughts, and then talk about your future plans." Zhen Duo put the bag on the bedside table, glanced at Zhen Xi who was curled up, sighed, turned and left the room.

Comics? How can I be in the mood to read comics?

Zhen Xi barely sat upright, glanced at the cover, and a child looked at him with a smile.

Even you laugh at me? roll!

Zhen Xi casually pushed a stack of comics to the ground, got into the bed again, and covered his head with the quilt.


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