My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 440: Talks soon

European and American markets?

Wang Wenhong's eyelids twitched twice. So far, China has no animation that can open the door to the European and American markets.

"No, Mr. Shen... Few foreign TV stations or video sites buy China's animation." Wang Wenhong said, "I think it's not just us, I am afraid that even Orochi did not expect it."

"Is that right?"

Shen Xin frowned slightly, it seems that this still needs a process. Whether it is "icfuture" or orochi, they have no plans to open up the European and American markets-it seems that they can only rely on "tap water".

It's a pity that "Steel Refining" is obviously so popular in Europe and the United States, and it also ranks first in many rankings, but the road in this world does not seem to be smooth.

If Shen Xin had the right to decide, he might rather provide a part of the animation for free, or release "Steel Refining". However, magazines and animation companies are definitely not doing projects that make ends meet for the purpose of making money.

After all, Huaxia Animation has not yet had a successful work, and they should not be optimistic about "Steel Refining".

Thinking of this, Shen Xin sighed with regret.

Wang Wenhong opened his mouth slightly and wanted to have a long conversation with Shen Xin, but his throat seemed to be blocked and he couldn't speak.

At this time, Xi Muhan also went up to the second floor. Seeing Wang Wenhong, he suddenly realized that his outline had not been written, so he apologized and turned on the computer.

"Don't worry. If it's too late, you can give it to us tomorrow morning. Xiaohan, you'd better go too tomorrow."

"Me too?" Xi Muhan was a little surprised.

"Well. You can listen to their original request for this part, and if you have anything you want to say, you can also give feedback directly." Wang Wenhong explained.

Xi Muhan glanced at Shen Xin. Seeing him nodding slightly, he nodded and said, "All right."

Fukuda Lunge and Shoji Uno will arrive at the magazine at 10 o'clock tomorrow, and Shen Xin and others will arrive at the editorial office at 9 o'clock. Monk Shang Haozhi meets in advance to get some ventilation.

Due to the lack of translation, Yan Fei also needs to participate.

The number of people attending tomorrow's meeting is basically determined. There are 8 people in total. Shen Xin and Xi Muhan know what they are doing.

Since Shen Xin is going to the magazine with Xi Muhan tomorrow, he let the three assistants take a day off.

After the three people heard the news at the dinner table, their faces were happy, Hang Jian still restrained, Gao Hang and Liu Rui were whispering, seeming to be discussing something.

Shen Xin loves to hear about such things.

It is also a happy event that two people can really get married, but I don't know what the two people's minds are.

"Cough cough... I've eaten." Xi Muhan only drank a bowl of soup after having dinner in the afternoon, and noticed Shen Xin's gaze, and couldn't help but cough lightly.


Shen Xin quickly picked up the chopsticks, put a piece of beef on the rice, and grabbed it into his mouth.

This night, both Shen Xin and Xi Muhan slept very late.

Xi Muhan was busy until one o'clock in the morning in order to write an outline, while Shen Xin was busy drawing the figures of Xingguo's four main characters. It was almost three o'clock when she went to bed.

The next day, Xi Muhan opened his wistful eyes, touched the phone, and glanced at it.


Close my eyes subconsciously, only 7:58...


Xi Muhan suddenly sat up, and the sleepiness on his body disappeared.

It takes an hour to get from the studio to the "icfuture" magazine, depending on whether the road conditions are congested.

She quickly put on her clothes, went to the next door, and knocked on the door.

"Brother Xin, hurry up, I'm going to be late."

As soon as the voice fell, she heard a normal loud noise and a scream coming from the house.

"Brother Xin, are you okay?" Xi Muhan felt nervous and worried.

"No... it's okay."

Said it was all right, but Xi Muhan still heard "pain" from Shen Xin's words.

"Wait a moment, I will come out."

During this period of time, Xi Muhan briefly washed and drew light makeup, then packed up the necessary documents, and left the studio with Shen Xin.

The two hurriedly hurried, and when they arrived at the magazine, it was still past nine o'clock.

Shang Haozhi and Yan Fei were not in the editorial department. Wang Wenhong led the two to the next guest room and gave each a glass of water.

"I thought you weren't coming?"

"I slept a bit late yesterday." Shen Xin gave a dry smile.

"Let me briefly talk about the situation. Mr. Shang and Yan Fei are now in the chairman's office. The electronic version of the comics is estimated to be out in one or two weeks... Let me talk about our own business first. Mr. Shen, President Tomita has no opinion on the original, but Supervisor Shoji It’s a bit difficult. I also said yesterday that he wanted to make this animation because he had watched "Steel Refining." Therefore, if the quality of the script is not high, there may be problems. Mr. Shang did not say too much detail, the specific situation is only Only after we can meet will we know."

"I know."

Shen Xin glanced at Xi Muhan beside her, and the tension in her heart was all written on her face.

"Don't be nervous, it's okay."

Although Xi Muhan has a place in the light novel market and has won some honors, after all, she is still a girl in her early twenties. Faced with this kind of occasion, she will inevitably be nervous, especially, the other party's words are also very direct-if they In the end, she did not agree, and the responsibility was on her.

Xi Muhan took a deep breath and nodded slightly, "I'm fine."

"Can I take a look at the outline you wrote?" Wang Wenhong asked Xi Muhan's expression change quickly.


Xi Muhan was about to open the handbag, Yan Fei suddenly walked in and tapped the door of the room, "Here is someone."

"Huh? So early?" Wang Wenhong glanced at his watch, and it was only 20 minutes before 10 o'clock.

"People in District 11 are more punctual, right?"

"Time is running out suddenly. Xiaohan, I'll go to the next door to copy the outline." Wang Wenhong sees sweat on his forehead, took the story outline of Xi Muhan, stood up and said to Yan Fei, "You take them to the meeting room, I will go there later."

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Wenhong strode out of the reception room.

"Two Are you ready?" Yan Fei chuckled.

"Sister Yan, don't be kidding, where am I?" Xi Muhan waved his hand quickly.

Shen Xin got up and patted Xi Muhan on the back.

Xi Muhan turned his head and saw Shen Xin watching her with a smile on his face, so he nodded firmly: "Shall we go?"

This time the meeting room is not too big, only an oval meeting table with twenty or thirty chairs attached.

When the three people entered the conference room, Shang Haozhi was talking with Fukuda Lunge, interpreter Oi Mitsuko came to pass the message for the two, and the other young man with square glasses looked at the tabletop with blind eyes until Shen Xin waited. When people came in, he raised his head.

After looking at the three people who came in, his eyes finally fell on Shen Xin, and he murmured, "Is this person in the middle Teacher Shen?"

Fukuda's lunge immediately moved his gaze, nodding slightly, "It's him."

"So young," the young man murmured to himself.

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