My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 455: Stand on

The poster posted by at the countdown to the last day is the new work of "Sirius" by the iconic cartoonist Duan Critic of "Leap".

When it comes to Duan Ping, Shen Xin is not unfamiliar. Duan Ping received the newcomer award for the first year he had just crossed over. (Chapter 37)

Since "Feiyue" is a semi-monthly publication, the update frequency is not as fast as that of weekly magazines. In addition, "Feiyue" is full of color pages, so it is quite troublesome for cartoonists to draw it.

Later, with the development of technology, the pen tablet and pen display were gradually accepted by cartoonists. Coupled with the maturity of the supporting software, the drawing of colorful comics became easier. But even so, it is still unrealistic to complete the weekly change.

Compared with "icfuture" and "mangafly", "Flying" has higher requirements for painting skills. The delicate lines outline the exquisite background, and the look and hair on the character's face can be drawn finely, just like Statue carved in stone with a carving knife.

However, many cartoonists who draw this kind of comics pay too much attention to the depiction of the characters and scenery, and to the actions of the characters, but not too much. In other words, because the readers pay too much attention to the characters, people feel that the actions of the characters are a little stiff. At the same time, the use of flat lines and asymptotes is not as good as the style of "icfuture" comics.

Therefore, there are pros and cons when comparing the two.

After the "Sirius" poster was released, many people noticed that Duanping's style was quite different from "Fu Yaozhi". Although it is still in color, the characters are obviously no longer so detailed and move closer to "icfuture".

At the same time, Duan Ping also published the reasons for doing so on his Weibo-after the serialization, "Sirius" will achieve a full-color weekly update.

This Weibo made Duanping fans crazy.

"Full color? Weekly change? It's incredible!"

"The advantage of black and white manga is Zhou Geng. Who is watching black and white manga now?"

"Duan Da, as long as you change, no matter whether it is weekly or not, I will follow it."

"Gospel for color comic lovers."


Then, not long after, Duan Ping posted another Weibo.

"This time I move to, the website click rate and the popularity ranking are very important. Please help me to reach the number one in the popularity list, and the website click rate is the first! Tomorrow, there will be a major news to tell everyone, please pay attention to me Weibo and The site will open at 10 tomorrow, and we will see you or leave!"

"Don't worry, Duan Da, after 10 o'clock, the first list is yours!"

"Who is at the top of the hot list?"

""The Hunting Abyss", "The Legend of the Dragon King" and "Steel Refining"."

"No, "Hunting Abyss" has not been updated for a week, it has fallen."

"Now it's "The Legend of the Dragon King" and "Steel Refining"... the two comics are at the top."

"The Legend of the Dragon King is coming to an end, and the stamina is not enough. The "Steel Refining" is now tepid, and at best it is second place, "Sirius"."

"Isn't it tepid? Now Roy is planning an action, and Bradley is a humanoid, which is also shocking! And, someone more powerful than him is about to come out! The show has just begun!"

"This is Duan Da's Weibo, what do you do with "Steel Refining"? Get out!"

"That's right, this is not where you jump, get out!"



Fu Bo looked at Weibo and smashed the table angrily.

"Why...why? My comics are ridiculed, and his comics are sought after by so many people? Also, when are they still competing between black and white manga and color manga, these are completely two modes! Good! Annoying!"

He knew that the station would open tomorrow, but when he saw such a comic, Fu Bo was still very angry. He couldn't wait to open the forum and finally posted a post in the comic discussion section.

" will open its website tomorrow. I don't want to be the number one in the click list, but if you have energy, please click more." Fu Bo requested in the post.

"V, don't worry, I will click tomorrow."

"If it's not God V, the ghost will go to that website. Don't worry, I will definitely support God V."

For more than a dozen floors, there were messages supporting Fu Bo, which made Fu Bo grateful.

At this time, the "Poetic Wind" message that hasn't appeared for a long time, "If you want to fight, you will fight for the first place. What are you afraid of? Click on the list to fight for the first place, and also the popularity list! The previous "Dragon King" and "Steel Refining" are all They have to be pulled down! Why can they stay on it all the time!"

Fu Bo, who has been depressed recently, finally heard the heart-warming words and said cruelly: "Don't worry, I will try my best to do it."

Before the station was opened, there was already a fighting spirit in the net.


Shen Xin was still painting, and suddenly heard the phone ringing. After searching for a long time, he found the phone in the drawer of the workbench opposite.

Taking a look at the phone screen, Shen Xin was stunned, and it turned out to be Ye Hexu.

"Teacher Ye..."

"I, Cengfan." Ye Hexu's answer was simple and clear.


Don't give a chance to refuse at all.

"come on."

"Well, it's coming soon." Ye Hexu said carelessly.


Shen Xin hung up his phone and shook his head. This guy...does things really casually. After getting in the car, he didn't find a suitable place to go, did he think of himself?

In any case, the visitor is a guest.

Shen Xin stood by the fence and said to the downstairs: "Gao Hang, let auntie add a handful of rice."

"Good... Teacher, what happened to you today? Do you want to eat more?"

"Teacher Ye, come over and eat." Shen Xin smiled.

"Teacher Ye is coming...I see, Auntie and Auntie, let me tell you..."

Gao Hang shyly ran into the kitchen.

Ye Hexu and Shen Xin made their debut almost at the same time. Although they don't usually contact each other very much, they are very close, and they have a good relationship with each other.

Gao Hang had been with Shen Xin for so long, of course he knew this, so when he heard Ye Hexu coming, he was also very serious.

Shen Xin returned to his seat and continued to paint. It took more than ten minutes, and the doorbell rang as soon as the rice steamed.

Gao Hang opened the door, and Ye Hexu, who was half a head shorter than him, waved hello to him.

"Teacher, Teacher Ye is here."

"Please come up, please?" Shen Xin finished the last and stood up, walked to the fence, and looked at Ye Hexu who was about to go upstairs, "Mr. Su is here too, waiting. You can talk to each other later."

Ye Hexu's face instantly stiffened, and he hesitantly asked, "Really?"

"Interesting to lie to you? Are they busy writing the script?" Shen Xin said casually.

" doesn't matter, I'm not afraid anyway."

In a blink of an eye, Ye Hexu's face returned to normal.

"How about the follow-up creation of "The Hunting Abyss"?" Shen Xin took out a can of coffee from the drawer and threw it to Ye Hexu.

Recently, Xi Muhan has been busy and has no time to make coffee, and Shen Xin has resumed his usual rhythm.

"It's okay, anyway, the draft can be published at the end of the year." Ye Hexu took the dropped coffee and said with a chuckle, "In comparison, I'm still more interested in how you will deal with the impact of the Internet in the next two weeks. "


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