My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 457: Websites and magazines

"Have you watched's'cartoonist welfare'?" Hook turned his head and said.

"I see, why is it called ‘welfare’? Isn’t this what the author should get?" Zhou Xiaoming asked in confusion.

"Look down and you'll know." Wang Wenhong explained as he clicked on the "Caricature Artist Welfare" page:

"Any work that ranks in the top 50 of the Huaxia Comics Popularity List will have a single-page manuscript fee ranging from 500 yuan to 20,000 yuan on the website. After that, the author will not receive any additional income (excluding rewards) in addition to the manuscript fee.

"Generally, contracted works can have a living allowance of 80 to 3,000 yuan per page, plus monthly income, depending on the quality.

"For any reward, the author gets 50% of the amount, and the website gets 50%.

"The contract is signed according to the work, not according to the time limit. In addition, the contracted works are generally not limited in length and will not be cut in half. Please rest assured, teachers. However, if the negative review is less than 50%, the living allowance will be cancelled.

"Non-contracted works can receive 50% of the reward, and they will be distributed over 500 yuan. For non-contracted works, click on the top five works on the list to submit for editing and sign a contract..."

The benefits are written one by one on the benefits page, which is very exciting.

When everyone saw this page, they couldn't help but move their eyes to "3000".

Zhou Xiaoming's expression changed abruptly when he saw this line of business, "A single page is 3,000 yuan! A lot of money, there is also a monthly subscription, and the copyright is divided."

"What big deal?" Wang Wenhong glanced at Zhou Xiaoming, "If you think about it carefully, is this '3000 yuan' really easy to pick up? The manuscript fees of Teacher Shen and Teacher Wang are not so high, and their main income is still on single books. So 3,000 yuan is a decoration, that is, the upper limit. Websites should rarely publish single-volume books. Therefore, the income of these authors is mainly on monthly subscriptions and living allowances."

"But this living allowance is also very embarrassing. Just hiring an assistant costs about 10,000 yuan a month. Looking at it this way, 80 yuan per page is really a drop in salary. It is very likely that after drawing for a month, you will lose a lot of money. However, the website does not require that you have to draw 4 words in a month, so the money is difficult to survive... But without an assistant, two updates a month are barely enough." Yan Fei also expressed her own opinion.

"However, this method is quite novel for cartoonists. It's just a mess of projects that can easily fool people." Jia Hui shook his head, feeling a little uneasy.

In this regulation, the biggest variable is probably the "monthly subscription." Therefore, how to operate in the future depends on the profitability of the website.

"Are you too unreasonable. Even if Dumanwang can attract readers, they have a big weakness-content. Their comics are full of books, only 100 books, even if there is a three-month free period, But if there is no new content, readers will still choose to leave." Jian Xiaomei speculated.

"The seven free comics are now basically three stories, not one story, and maybe Feng Shuo will have actions afterwards?" Wang Wenhong reminded.

After his reminder, others realized that not every comic has only one sentence.

Among the seven free comics, only two are not three-character comics, one is "Shengwu Academy" and the other is "Sirius".

"Shengwu Academy" made five words in one breath on the first day of its opening. So far, the click rate of this comic is extremely high, almost doubling the click rate of the second place "Sirius". "Sirius" only added two more words.

"This cartoon called "Shengwu Academy" is really so good?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"I'm afraid, besides the quality of "Shengwu Academy", it has something to do with the quantity, right? Almost a single book was updated on the first day. Readers should like such cartoonists very much." Wang Wenhong explained.

"Update five words a day... It is really difficult for ordinary people to do it." Jia Hui shook his head and clicked on "Shengwu Academy". After seeing what happened, a registration dialog box popped up, "Really served! I don't want to register!"

Jia Hui angrily shut down the page of "Shengwu Academy".

Shang Haozhi touched his beard and looked at the screen coldly. After about five or six seconds, he suddenly said: "Register! All editors, all register! Next year, when the site is officially opened, everyone will open a monthly subscription for me!"

"Why?" Jia Hui asked in surprise, "Domawang is our enemy!"

The enemy is not an opponent, only you die and die!

Duo Man poached Wang Yunze, and the grievances between Jia Hui and Duo Man had gone.

"Now, has set foot in the comics industry. It is a storm for the entire industry. "icfuture" is the largest comic magazine in the country and has been affected the most, but don't forget that we are also the most able to resist risks. We have more than a trump card in our hand, and we have more opportunities and time than other magazines. Therefore, we must use our advantages to understand our opponents as much as possible during this period of time. Otherwise, how can we win too much?

"Take a step back and say, if we can't win Duman, then we will face transformation. How much mannet is ahead, our follow-up work will be better-if we really face transformation, we must do it at all costs !"

Jia Hui grinned and clenched his fists, but I have to say that Shang Haozhi's statement was not wrong this time.

In fact, regardless of the success of Duanwang, the comics industry is destined to change after this impact. If "icfuture" wants to maintain its current advantages, it must understand the Internet.

"That, Mr. Shang..." Wang Wenhong raised his hand.


"Our magazine has more than 50'stocks'," Wang Wenhong reminded.

"in stock?"

The other editors were taken aback, and then immediately remembered that the inventory Wang Wenhong was talking about was the final comic of "icfuture" over the years.

"Yes. Although the model of is very novel, its'content' is definitely a big problem...Without a library, even if it is very attractive at first, I am afraid it will not last." Shang Haozhi Nodded.

"But if all are made into an electronic version the sales of single-line books will be a problem... Bookstores and printing houses may be affected unpredictably." Zeng Yue, who has not spoken, reminded again.

The magazine agency has cooperation with printing houses and bookstores.

Whether to abandon the partner or continue to cooperate is not a decision that can be made with a slap on the head. The pros and cons must be measured.

Shang Haozhi rubbed his forehead, which really embarrassed him again.

"Let's just wait and see for a while. It's still a while until the end of the year. Our primary task during this period should be to maintain the sales of the magazine." Yan Fei said.

"Yeah. The original manuscript of Mr. Shen's next words, and "game"... and other teachers' works, are they all calibrated?" Shang Haozhi asked Zeng Yue.

"It is estimated that the first batch of magazines have been printed." Zeng Yue reminded.

"Well... let's take a look at the result of our first confrontation with Duoman." Shang Haozhi took a deep breath and said softly.


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