My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 464: Difficulty

?Xu Jie rarely drinks alcohol. He feels that as an editor, he always puts his work first.

But after coming out of Zuo Yuan's residence, he also began to doubt whether he was a qualified editor.

Zuo Yuan was in his hands for almost a year, but in the end he didn't even publish a decent manga.

It seems that Zuo Yuan's style is not in line with "ComicFuture", but he believes that it has a lot to do with him.

"Is it true that some cartoonists who can't make achievements are because of their talents? It is possible that their talents have been broken by some mediocre editors."

This is what Tong Yu said on the show. Xu Jie felt very harsh at the time. The more I think about it now, the more I think this sentence makes sense.

He is probably the mediocre author.

After a cup of agave, I feel like my throat is burning.

"You rarely come to bars, what happened today?"

A familiar voice remembered in Xu Jie's ear. He turned his head and Yan Fei sat beside him and ordered a cocktail from the bartender.

"Don't you come rarely?"

"Yeah. I just got back from Teacher Yuchuan and I was a little tired, so I just had a drink. Anything on my mind?" Yan Fei asked.

"Am I terrible-not as a human being, but as an editor."

"Fortunately, Teacher Luo Zheng's work is very good." Yan Fei explained.

"But, Teacher Zuo ruined my hands." Xu Jie said disappointedly.

"There is no goalkeeper who doesn't concede a goal, so there is no editor who doesn't make a mistake. Wang Wenhong is so good, didn't he miss Mr. Shen?"

"But... Mr. Zuo is going to leave ComicFuture." Xu Jie said depressed.

"Ah? Uh..." Yan Fei was speechless for a while, and paused for about five or six seconds before saying, "If you have to make changes, it is also a way."

"Even so, I still feel a little sorry for him." Xu Jie sighed, "His ex-wife took his daughter away, and threw him a sum of money to kill him."

Xu Jie briefly recounted the affairs of Zuo Yuan's house.

"This is a good thing, right?" Yan Fei thought about it again and again, feeling that this sentence most accorded with her meaning, and said softly.

"Huh?" Xu Jie was taken aback, eyes scarlet looking at Yan Fei, "Xiaoyan, I'm serious, Xiaochan really left."

"I'm serious too. He doesn't have the conditions and energy to raise children anymore. Also, do you think it is really appropriate to let a child be with a group of assistants? Teacher Zuo's energy will also be distracted?"

"That's right." Xu Jie had to admit Yan Fei's statement.

"Teacher Zuo now has a sum of money in his hand and no children by his side. The situation now is much better than before. Although emotionally speaking, it is difficult to accept, but intellectually speaking, the current situation has brought about The effect is like this. What's more, Teacher Zuo has been failing grades. It should also be related to taking care of the children. I really can't think of why the husband and wife should divorce."

Xu Jie nodded, and Yan Fei's words made sense, regardless of whether Zuo Yuan's wife intended it or not, but Zuo Yuan's current situation is better than before.

"What is Mr. Zuo going to do now?" Yan Fei asked.

"Change to a smaller magazine..."

"It's okay... The tree is moved to die, the person is moved to live, changing the platform may have a good effect." Yan Fei said softly.

"Oh, I hope Teacher Zuo can survive, right?" Xu Jie sighed.


Throughout October, in addition to the end of "The Legend of the Dragon King", the best news for "ComicFuture" should be that "Game" won the "Best Foreign Comic Award". However, under the impact of, the influence of this award... to be precise, the influence of the comic festival is gradually diminishing.

Due to the end of "The Legend of the Dragon King", the sales of "ComicFuture" dropped again by 200,000 copies. At the beginning of November, there were already less than 4.5 million copies, again hitting the lowest point of magazine sales.

The sales of "Flying" and "MangaFly" also declined, down to about 2.8 million copies-their impact was not as obvious as that of "ComicFuture".

The entire "ComicFuture" magazine is under pressure from declining sales.

This pressure is even transmitted to the author and their studio through the editor.

Shen Xin doesn't matter, because the comics industry will not die, it will only shift from one carrier to another, so his pressure is not too great, not to mention that despite the decline in magazine sales, "Steel Refining" On the contrary, the sales volume of single-line books rose slightly. The volume of the eighth volume just released exceeded 650,000 copies in a single week, and the sales volume in the 11 districts exceeded 400,000 copies in a week.

You must know that this is still the sales volume achieved when the animation is not released. In China, it is only lower than a few comics that are driven by animation and have increased sales.

In this situation, Shen Xin's studio did not feel the pressure. The assistants still completed their work on time as usual, drinking tea and chatting in their spare time.

"The latest popularity list, "Sirius" has reached the top." Gao Hang pouted, "I don't think it's interesting, just fight and kill."

"Fresh feeling, free, color pages...These three points are all occupied, and it is not a big problem to get the first place. I am curious why "Shengwu Academy" can make the top five." Hang Jian said depressed.

"Of course Mr. Fu's painting is good. Actually, Mr. Duan's painting skills are not as good as Mr. Fu." Liu Rui immediately retorted when he saw that Hangjian was biased against Fu Bo.

Duan Ping and Fu Bo choose one of the two, she will definitely stand for Fu Bo.

"But Teacher Fu's style and "Y’s" seem to be," Gao Hang whispered.

"What is it like?" Liu Rui denied it.

"Don't deny it. When Mr. Shen painted "Y's", I served as Mr. Shen's assistant. I also traced the lines for "Y's" and helped create "Y's" fans. I'm too familiar."

Shen Xin upstairs saw this and shook his head helplessly.

Arguing about these is actually useless. The style of painting is a way to express stories. It can not be said that he writes articles in this style, and others are not allowed to use it.

There is no such reason.

While thinking about it, Xi Muhan came out of the office with a serious face.

"What's the matter?" Shen Xin asked puzzledly.

"Have the script ever passed? There was no news from District 11." Xi Muhan said depressed.

"You are too anxious. With so many scripts... more than a hundred thousand words, it will take a while to translate Japanese."

"I know, but I'm still nervous." Xi Muhan frowned, frowning his cheeks.

"It's okay... the quality of the script is high."

This is not a polite remark, Su Han and Xi Muhan, the two people did work together to create a high-quality script. Of course, if it needs to be animated, the production team will need to change, but most of the plots are just deleted and fine-tuned. Will not change the script.

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