My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 473: Interview

"Do you think "The King of Rock and Roll" is good too?" Wang Wenhong asked.

"I'm not a blind man." Shen Xin glanced at Wang Wenhong with an annoyed look. "How do you say? To be honest, rock and roll can indeed attract a group of people. It is not the same as Go. It should be said that it has more audiences than Go. Some? Even if they don’t understand rock, it doesn’t hinder them from reading. The rhythm of this manga is faster than that of "Gossip," and it can also arouse readers’ sense of substitution when performing on stage. People nowadays, even if they haven’t been to a performance. I have seen it live on the Internet or on TV."

"Now, the protagonist participates in the selection and enters the finals immediately. It should be the most exciting place in the comics. More importantly, this comic has many'dreams' that are not available in comics. Compared with the previous ones, Teacher Luo has grown a lot... Shouldn't he go to rock concerts often?"

"Huh?" Wang Wenhong rubbed his chin, "it seems like..."

Xu Jie's desk is next to him, so he has also heard it.

"I guess he has not only been to the scene, but he should have also been in contact with a part of the orchestra, so he was so realistic. Teacher Luo should have done a lot of work when drawing this cartoon." Shen Xin massaged his neck, making the soreness better. Some of them took up the pen and painted on the pen display.

"That's not it. In fact, the magazine also noticed this comic and plans to recommend it next year... By the way, you just said that if "The King of Rock" can be more careful... what do you see?"

"Realism." Shen Xin explained, "You also know that in the creation of comics or any work, there will be a description of certain reality. In this process, you will add your own understanding. This is called're-creation.' '. But sometimes being too involved in the drama will paint the dark side of the industry. If it is resisted by professionals, it is the author who suffers. Of course, it is not ruled out that some people will automatically add to the drama and think that they are the victims. In order to win the sympathy of others. For example, "Gossman" has received this kind of treatment."

Take "Dream Eater" as an example, it is also very realistic, but this kind of realism is mostly expressed directly by cartoonists, and the dark side of "jump" is rarely mentioned.

I want to do it. I originally published it on "jump", but I still want to expose "jump". I'm afraid I don't want to serialize it, right?

"That's true. I mentioned it to Xu Jie. By the way, Teacher Shen, after reading this issue, what else can I say?"

"What else... By the way, there is also "Game". I guess "Game" will not survive the end of next year. If there are no major plot changes, it should be finished around the middle of the year."

"Why are you so sure?" Wang Wenhong asked puzzled.

"I used to say that? "Game" is a manga that does'subtraction'. Every word is dead, but no new characters are added. When the number is reduced to 2 or 1 person, the story ends. Now, "Game" is obviously speeding up the rhythm. To be honest, I am not sure when it will end, but according to the temperament of Yan Jie and Teacher Yuchuan, the rhythm will not be slowed down deliberately. Unless there is a turning point in God, the story will not be too long. "

"The so-called turning point of God is..."

"Aliens appear."

Like "Killing City".

Wang Wenhong curled his lips and shook his head slightly, thinking that Shen Xin was joking.

"By the way, what about Xiaohan?" Wang Wenhong looked left and right, and since he entered, he had never seen Xi Muhan.

"Xiaohan? Reading in the study, she has studied with Su Han for a while, and some things have to be summarized by herself." Shen Xin explained.

"Over there in District 11, the script hasn't worked out yet?" Wang Wenhong asked.

It's almost a month and a half soon.

The person in contact with District 11 is Yan Fei, and he can only hear the wind from Yan Fei. Shoji Uno neither said it passed, nor said he would kill it.

"It is estimated that the translation will take a long time? Moreover, they have to read it before discussing internally." Shen Xin didn't understand it either.

Wang Wenhong shook his head.

At this moment, Shen Xin's cell phone rang suddenly, and he glanced at the phone number, but didn't know it.

"Who?" Wang Wenhong asked curiously.

Shen Xin shook his head: "I don't know."

Wang Wenhong immediately became nervous.

do not know? Who would call Shen Xin?

Shen Xin connected the phone and asked softly: "Hello, hello."

"Hello, hello, is it Teacher Shen?" A clear voice came from the microphone.

Shen Xin can be sure that he didn't talk to this person.

"Yes, are you..."

"I am a reporter from "Star Game". We would like to interview you. Regarding yourself and the content of "God Falling", do you have time?"


Shen Xin didn't expect reporters to come. If it was an animation or manga magazine, he still thought it was normal, but it turned out to be a game magazine.

"Ms. Ji recommended us to come. She said you are very talkative."

"Senior sister?" Shen Xin didn't know what Ji Yinxuan meant, "Well, let me check the time first, and then I'll call you back."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xin talked with Ji Yinxuan again, only then did he realize that Ji Yinxuan wanted to connect his current aura.

Now "Steel Refining" is gaining momentum, and then he was interviewed by "Star Game". During the Chinese New Year, "Soul of Go: Big Dipper Cup" will be screened. In the middle of the year or autumn, the game "Soul of Go" will be released. Later, "Golden" animation will be released .

If the time schedule is right, next year, the name "Shen Zheng" will often appear on the Internet.

"So that's the case, thank you Senior Sister, I still think about these trivial matters."

"Nonsense, we are sisters and brothers, we have good things, of course we have to give it to you."


Sisters and brothers still kiss or do?

Shen Xin has a black line.

"By the way, is the game copyright of "Steel Refining" still there?"

"Sister, didn't Zhenyu have much funds?" Shen Xin remembered that Xi Muhan said at the beginning that Zhenyu originally wanted to play the game "Hunting Abyss", but as a result, the funds did not turn around.

"One year has passed. If the funds cannot be turned around, Zhenyu can also go bankrupt."

This is also true.

"However, senior sister, to be honest, I don't think you can get the production rights of "Steel Refining" this time." Shen Xin reminded.

If the copyright is in his hands, the two brothers and sisters can still negotiate, but the game copyright belongs to "ComicFuture". How the two companies negotiate then has little to do with him-he I don't receive much copyright fees.

At this time, it might be easy to hold it, but it's hard to say when "Steel Refining" really gets hot.

"All right. Anyway, I won't let my younger brother lose out. If the price offered by other companies is higher, we will give up." Ji Yinxuan is not the company's leader, and some things are not accurate.

Two people chat, mostly kouhi.

Although Wang Wenhong did not hear the reason, seeing Shen Xin's expression relaxed, he could guess that it shouldn't be a bad thing.

"The cover and front page of the next issue of the magazine are all "Steel Refining", Mr. Shen, the results of "Steel Refining" next week should also be good."

"Then who knows?"

Although that is the case, Shen Xin knows that "Steel Refining" has gained momentum, and even next year, it should have a good popularity.

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