My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 486: "The Soul of Chess" and "Steel Refining"

At this year's annual meeting, the magazine did not make a big deal. It just invited everyone to have a meal and talk about this year's plans and expectations for the future.

Among these plans, the production of the full version of "God of Chess" was the first to be mentioned.

The enthusiasm of the one-line version of "Soul of the Game" hasn't completely receded, and "icfuture" can't wait to release the full version. This is rarely the case, but magazines also have their own small abacus.

After Wang Yunze left, the magazine has been lacking an author who can be the leading role alone.

As the largest issue of China Comics, no such author is not allowed.

Among the many authors in the agency, Shen Xin is undoubtedly the closest.

Many people in the industry are joking in private. Compared with Wang Yunze, Shen Xin has an advantage in painting and the quality of comics is better than "The Legend of the Dragon King". The only thing missing is the background.

This is a strange circle.

Many readers know that long-form comics, especially those with 30 or 40 volumes going upward, are hard to compare with the quality of the stories behind them. However, a top domestic cartoonist does not have such a large-scale comic town. It's really not good, no one in the industry will recognize the strength of its top cartoonists. At the same time, readers can better remember those cartoonists who made super long serials.

What Shen Xin lacks is a comic that has been serialized for more than ten years.

The idea of ​​"icfuture" is also very simple. Even if there is no comics of this length, the magazine must launch a top-line cartoonist.

On January 15, the full version of "Soul of Go" was officially released.

Before the launch, both Shen Xin and Wang Wenhong were not busy at work.

The price of the full version of the stand-alone version is much higher than the ordinary version, so the new version of the comic must be full of sincerity.

Shen Xin will design the poster, redraw the cover, and make it into a consistent style by the magazine.

For example, the full version of "Slam Dunk" has a white background, and the full version of "Dragon Ball" has a red background.

In addition, the single-line book takes into account the production cost, and the inner pages are all black and white comics. For the full version, the front page color page, the middle color page when serialized, and even the cover and title page when published in the magazine should be added to it.

Although the magazine launches the full version, its original intention is to collect money, but the magazine should not be too ugly, at least to make readers feel worthy of the money.

For this reason, Wang Wenhong had to travel between the design room and Shen Xin's studio. In addition, he had to go to the sales department to check the reservation data in real time.

Due to the relatively high price, generally speaking, the sales volume of single-line books will not be too high, and the minimum sales volume given by the magazine is 200,000 copies per copy.

The full version of the one-page book is not published at a time 20 books, but a book sale-if you publish 20 books in one go, the price will go up to 1,000 yuan. For most readers, the money is not easy, separate Purchase, sales

The first book will be released on the 15th, and the second will be released after the "Beidou Cup" is released.

It is expected that one copy will be released every month in the future, but the specific operation depends on the decision of the magazine.

The pre-sale of the full version of the first volume of "Soul of Go" is not bad. Nearly 10,000 people have already booked it before it is released.

On the day of the sale, the large bookstores were extremely hot. According to statistics from the sales department, 30,000 copies were sold in a single day. There were many posts on's forums and released photos of the first volume of the full version of "Hire".

In addition to the color pages consistent with the magazine, there are exquisite posters and funny small four-frame comics, and the cover is exquisite hard paper soft cover.

Even if the single price reaches 60+, many people still think it is very worthwhile, which again confirms the original success of "Gossip". However, because of its higher price, it also affected the sales volume. About 120,000 copies were sold in the first week.

Considering that there will be a movie of "Hire of Go" in the future, the sales of comics should rise by then, which makes the magazine still have confidence in "Hire of Go".

In addition to the increase in sales of the single book "Soul of the Game", "Gang Lian" is still hot.

Some readers, even some cartoonists, are wondering why "Steel Refining" has clearly ended its climax, but its popularity and popularity have not diminished. Even the small book has stabilized the head of other comics.

"It must be a bonus from the "Goss Soul" comics!"

"In less than a week, "The Soul of Chess" will be released, which will lead to the new work of Teacher Shen Zheng."

"However, the recent plot of "Steel Refining" is really good."

"What's good? The last few words are soft, completely lost the passion of the previous periods, the rhythm is so slow and procrastinated."

Seeing this message, someone immediately opened a separate post and @ the netizen who said this sentence.

"Do you really understand the last few words? The two words of'Western sage', dug so many holes, are they not attractive enough? There are also the two words of'small human arrogant palms', which are equally beautiful. Not only It revealed how Rose was rescued, and also pointed out the cause of the death of Wen Li's parents-the Rockbells, who were doctors, seemed to rescue the Ishvars, but they were killed by the Ishvars.

"According to the hint, the murderer had a tattoo on his right arm. It is not difficult to guess that the murderer of Wen Li’s parents was Skar. Finally, after Edward returned home, he saw Hoinheim, who had been away from home for many years, between father and son. Dialogue and communication are also full of highlights. Such a work shows no signs of procrastination. After the battle between Roy and the cyborgs ended, Mr. Shen immediately led to another line of Edward and dug so many holes.

"In the same sentence, the first half of Edward, who was still in Xerxes, returned to his hometown at the end. The process in the middle was not explained at all, and he went straight to the next point of interest-the encounter between Edward and his father. Is the rhythm not fast? The plot is still procrastinated like this? Did you read the book and stare at it?"

After this post was posted, some people responded quickly, including netizens who supported him and netizens who opposed him.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

The cartoonists who are really top-line or first-line talent know how to draw the plot of these words and how much trade-offs they have to make.

Duan Critic turned over and over to read the last four episodes of "Steel Refining", and sighed helplessly. This time he was convinced that he lost, and the plot arrangement was not impossible, but he dared not do it.

Fu Bo, who was somewhat resistant to Shen Xin, also expressed his defeat.

Most authors, if they stand in the position of Shen Xin, will definitely delay the plot of the story, because the chance of such a fire is rare. At the same time, it is not difficult for a discerning person to see that if "Steel Refining" is serialized long enough, it will definitely establish Shen Xin's position in China's cartoonists, because it can make up for Shen Xin's most lacking background.

Shen Xin doesn't seem to want to slow down, but just wants to draw a good comic. As for the length of the comic, it depends entirely on the story itself.

Such a good comic may be finished in three or four years, which is really a pity.

Fu Bo felt a little regretful, as if he wasted such a good opportunity.


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