My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 490: Ask questions

After the performance, the two voice actors stopped, and Feng Lingxin picked up the microphone and sang the theme song of "Soul of the Game".

The tune is passionate, and the lyrics are equally inspiring.

The big screen flashed a fragment of "Soul of Chess", the game between Gao Yongxia and Xiaoguang, as a guide at the critical moment, quickly switched on the screen.

Many viewers have seen these, thinking of the content of "Goss Soul", and their expressions are excited.

Even if two years have passed, after the audience sees the flashing pictures on the screen, those characters with distinctive personalities immediately appear in their minds.

Zuowei's helplessness when he left, Xiaoguang's long search for regret, and the joy when Xiaoliang and Xiaoguang played again... all kinds of emotions were intertwined in his heart.

At the end of the song, Feng Lingxin bowed deeply to everyone and won the whole house.

Shen Xin couldn't help but applaud.

A movie of this quality meets the level of "Hire of Go".

The host walked to the stage again, said two cutscene, and then turned the subject to the movie itself.

Supervisor Kanan Kubo made a speech, telling the intersection with "God of Go" and the difficulties encountered in the production process. Someone next to him specially translated the words of Kanan Kubo.

"Although we encountered some unexpected problems during the production process, we finally met with you as expected in the movie "Hire of Go: The Big Dipper". Personally, I feel that in a short period of time, I will never be able to shoot better than the movie "Hire of Goss". "A better movie, which contains the efforts of all of us..."

Among these words, half are true and half are lie, but there is one thing that "God of Go" really exceeded many people's expectations. The investment of 40 million is worth the money.

Kanan Kubo finished his speech, and the staff moved up five more chairs.

"Let's go." Ji Yinxuan whispered.

Shen Xin sighed and stood up, but unexpectedly saw Shang Haozhi also tidying up his suit and getting up from his seat.

It seems that Shang Haozhi is also well prepared.

So, Kanan Kubo, Haozhi Shang, Ji Yinxuan, and Shen Xin, plus the host of the interview, sat down in a semi-arc shape.

Shen Xin had nothing to do with the production of the movie, so he took the last seat.

Like what Ji Yinxuan said, there were few issues related to Shen Xin in the audience, not even as good as Shang Haozhi. And when you ask him questions, you can just haha ​​and you can cope with it.

Ji Yinxuan asked him to come up, just to brush up on the sense of existence, and by the way, to mention his popularity and raise his value.

The only uncertainty is that the audience will ask questions later.

The three people chatted on stage for about six or seven minutes, and the host took back the topic and turned to face the audience.

"The following is the audience questioning session. Because of the limited time, we can only ask three audience members to ask one question each. If you have questions, you can raise your hands to ask questions."

As soon as the host's voice fell, the audience raised their hands one after another, and some even stood up and tiptoed.

Finally, the host chose a girl who stood up in the back row and raised her hand.

After getting the microphone, the girl was a little excited.

"I have a question, I want to ask Mr. Shen. Go is a relatively niche type. At that time, how did you think of drawing this type of comics? Was it because you were interested in Go?"

Shen Xin did not expect that the first question would be to ask him.

He glanced at Ji Yinxuan and saw that the other party shook his head slightly, knowing that it was not a matter of preparation in advance.

"This... seems to be two problems."

The girl was embarrassed to cover her face with her hands.

"Actually... Until today, I don’t know much about Go. In the creation of this book, Mr. Xie Shiqi helped me a lot, including the chess game, the rules of Go, the details of the game, the drawing of the Go dojo and the chess courtyard. And so on, provided irreplaceable assistance. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to Teacher Xie."

Xie Shiqi in the audience waved her hands again and again, and then covered her face with her hands, feeling a little hot.

She is not used to being thanked on such occasions.

"This time is an accident... Because the editor-in-chief went to Yunhai to find me at the time, and I was trying to change it. I just saw a Go game, so I drew a few pages of Go sketches. The editor-in-chief said, or try Go. I thought about the comics and thought it was quite interesting, so I took it. Of course, when creating the comics, many people provided comments and suggestions. Taking this opportunity, I would like to offer to those friends who helped me and "God of Go", Express thankfulness."

Shen Xin basically stated the process at that time without adding extra content.

The host asked again: "Here is the second question...Whoever wants to ask, please raise your hand. Okay, the audience in front."

The host pointed to a young audience sitting in the front row.

"Mr. Shen, I am your loyal book friend... I want to ask "y’s", will you still serialize it? You said on Weibo that it will continue serialization. When is it?"


Shen Xin aimed at Ji Yinxuan, but when she saw her shook her head slightly, she knew that it was not the audience she had found in advance.

"There are two more questions...First of all, the serialization will continue. As for the serialization time...the fastest will be after "Steel Making"."

Shang Haozhi listened to Shen Xin's words, looked at Shen Xin in surprise, and wanted to ask questions, but now it is not very convenient. He can only wait for the premiere to end.

Wang Yunze was poached, causing great loss to "icfuture". If Shen Xin had anything unusual, the magazine might really not be able to bear it.

If it were the year before last, Shang Haozhi would definitely not think about it, because at that time, no one of China could fight.

After last year, "icfuture" continued to decline, and Shang Haozhi became a lot more sensitive.

"Well, who is the third audience?"

As soon as the host’s voice fell, an audience member sitting aside yelled, "I! I have a problem! I have raised it several times!"

The eyes of other people immediately shifted to the audience.


Everyone on the stage was Fortunately, the host responded quickly and immediately said: "Please pass the microphone to this audience."

The person who took the microphone, about 30 or 40 years old, looked a little tired.

"That teacher Shen...I am also a cartoonist. I just want to ask a question about creation. We all know that Go is a very small cartoon, but it was really popular during the years when the "Goss Soul" was serialized. The limelight has even overwhelmed "The Legend of the Dragon King." The choice of subject matter is a problem that every cartoonist must face.

"If niche themes are successful, the chances of serialization will be greater, but the difficulty of creation will also be greater, and it will be difficult to get readers’ approval. It is undeniable that niche comics like "Hire of Go" can eventually succeed It is rare. However, if it is a popular theme, you will have to compete with many similar works, and you may not even have the chance to serialize it. As the hottest cartoonist in China, how do you think about the choice of theme."

Shen Xin raised his brows slightly, he knew that this question was definitely not deliberately asked without looking at Ji Yinxuan.

This question is really tricky.


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