My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 493: Shang Haozhi

Xi Muhan handed Shen Xin a bowl of **** soup to warm him up before turning back to the kitchen.

At this time, the sound of flushing the toilet came from the bathroom on the first floor. Then, Wang Wenhong opened the bathroom door, swayed and walked out of the bathroom.

"Leave the toilet? Drink some wine and vomit like this..." Yan Fei asked.

Wang Wenhong gave Yan Fei a white look, pulled a chair and sat down, leaning back on the chair, unable to say a word for a long time.

Shen Xin turned on the phone and saw a text message sent by Gao Hang, and learned that the three people had returned to their residence safely, and then looked at Wang Wenhong again.

"Brother Wang, thank you very much today. If it weren't for you, I would have to lie down and come back."

"Just kidding. You are my author, of course I have to watch."

"Don't go back today... to accommodate today, the monks always squeeze." Shen Xin smiled.

"Xinglai, you have said so, I want to give you face. Remember...this face, I only give you." Wang Wenhong smiled rarely.


This guy can really climb up the pole.

"Sister Yan, are you busy lately?"

"Me? Nothing..." Yan Fei shook her head, "Chinese New Year, Teacher Yuchuan also returned to District 11. Apart from translating "Steel Refining", I have nothing else to do."

"I don't have time. I guess, Xiao Han has something to do with you."

"I think so too, do you know what it is?"

"This matter...I said it wasn't appropriate. Let Xiaohan tell you? I guess it has something to do with the work."

From the moment Xi Muhan asked Yan Fei to stay overnight, Shen Xin had guessed that Xi Muhan's careful thinking might be related to the cartoon she wanted to make.

"Work? But...Oh, I understand." Yan Fei had already understood halfway through her words.

Wang Wenhong reacted slowly because he had drunk, but he still looked confused when he saw Yan Fei who had come to understand.

At this time, Xi Muhan also came out of the kitchen with two bowls of hangover soup. She handed one of the bowls to Wang Wenhong, and turned around to give the remaining bowl to Shang Haozhi, but was stopped by Wang Wenhong.

"You put it here first, and I'll give it to him later."

Yan Fei hesitated, seeing Shen Xin nodding again, and put it on the table.

"Xiao Han, today you have been tired for a day too, go up and rest with Sister Yan? Sister Yan is also very tired, right?" Shen Xin said.

Xi Muhan looked at Yan Fei again, and when she nodded her head, he bid farewell to Shen Xin and Wang Wenhong and went to the second floor.

Wang Wenhong picked up the sober soup, put the bowl to his mouth, smelled a sour taste, curled his mouth, twisted his nose, and drank it.

Because there are green plums and hawthorns, the soup is a bit sour, but after entering the throat, the flavor of the soup remains in the taste buds for a long time.

After a bowl of stomach, Wang Wenhong had a little bit of energy, so he stood up, went to the room, and poured Shang Haozhi with sober soup.

"How is the editor-in-chief?" Shen Xin asked when Wang Wenhong came out again.

"I have taken off my shirt, I have drunk too much, and my body is a little hot." Wang Wenhong shook his head slightly.

"Go home?"

"Go want to go on a blind date?" Wang Wenhong said frustrated.

Shen Xin just remembered that Wang Wenhong was also a 30-year-old.

"no suitable ones?"

"How can you meet with you otaku all the time?" Wang Wenhong rolled his eyes, "By the way, Teacher Shen, the environment is changing so fast now...Do you have any plans?"

Speaking of this, Wang Wenhong suddenly became energetic.

"No, I haven't finished "Steel Refining", what can I do?" Shen Xin shrugged.

"What about after "Steel Making"?"

"Who knows? There is no way to speculate about the future. Just like a year ago, there was no more Internet. After a year, some unexpected things may happen to us. What I can do is to make the "Steel Refining" "Become the best comic in China."

"Can it be done? This year, is there a new work by Teacher Wang?" Wang Wenhong woke up immediately after drinking.

"How do you know if you don't try? Besides, I can't just be strong when Teacher Wang is off. When he serializes, I also want to try."

"Ms. Wang's reputation is not less than you. Coupled with the full support and momentum of, readers can watch it for free. These factors are superimposed on it, and I can hardly imagine what "Gang Lian" will do. Only with a certain degree can I beat Teacher Wang."

Shen Xin frowned slightly, which was exactly what he was worried about.

Compared with Wang Yunze's cartoons, the serialization of "Steel Refining" in magazines does have a lot of inconvenience. By then, the popularity is estimated to be at a disadvantage.

"What are you afraid of! We all have to win!"

A roar suddenly sounded from the room, startling the two people.

Shen Xin and Wang Wenhong turned to look in the direction of the sound, but saw Shang Haozhi standing against the wall with scarlet eyes and the redness on their faces.

"Huh?" Shen Xin's eyelids twitched twice, "President Shang, you should wait until the wine soaks up? Don't talk about drinking, you will forget everything when you wake up."

"It has nothing to do with not waking up! Xiao Wang is right. Many comics have indeed given Wang Yunze a lot of preferential treatment, but-we have to prove that even if we do not leave "icfuture", we can already make a movie that far exceeds the others. The comics in the works, this is not something we can do, it must be done! The best domestic comics must come from "icfuture"! I don't care about the others, only this time, we must win!"

Shang Haozhi blushed, and walked slowly.

Just as Wang Wenhong wanted to get up and help, Shang Haozhi waved his hand quickly, "I'm a little thirsty, Xiao Wang helps me get a bottle of water."

"There is no apple cider vinegar, but there is Coke in the refrigerator." Shen Xin reminded.

Wang Wenhong nodded, got up and took three bottles of Coke from the refrigerator, and one person passed one.

The cold Coke followed the fur of the tongue into the throat, Shang Haozhi hit a clever, and the whole person finally came back to life.

"Calm down?" Shen Xin looked at Shang Haozhi curiously.

"I've said it all, I'm serious." Shang Haozhi gave Shen Xin angrily, "If I don't drink, I might not say these But, if you don't say it, it doesn't mean I don’t think so. What does he mean by paying platinum? All domestic magazines know what Wang Yunze means to "icfuture", why does he even dig Wang Yunze!? Tell you, although I beat him, I still can’t swallow it. This breath! I can't swallow it!"

Speaking of the pain, Shang Haozhi squeezed the coke can with force and squeezed the coke can all over, but he didn't care and his eyes became moist.

He endured this tone for a long time and kept it in his heart. It was only at this moment that he vented it.

"However, it is still very difficult." Wang Wenhong shook his head.

"We are not without a back hand. I have submitted a plan to make an app to the above." Shang Haozhi said seriously, "As long as the above agrees, we may be able to use the app to compete with Duman."


Shen Xin was taken aback, bowed his head and pondered for a long time, and then shook his head, "Mr. Shang, I would rather believe that will launch an app than "icfuture". Your plan... is probably going to be killed. "


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