My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 499: Shang Haozhi's Project

The news published by on Weibo and's app quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet.

In particular, the Weibo with the contribution fees of the top 20 cartoonists has aroused people's associations.

The manuscript fee for the first place is not much, only 90,000, but the manuscript fee for the 20th place is as much as 50,000.

If you calculate it at 500 yuan per page and draw 80 chapters a month, it is only 40,000 yuan.

However, a magazine will serialize about 20 comics, and the final manga artist’s manuscript fee will definitely not reach 500 yuan a page. Needless to say, other websites, "ComicFuture" will not work. Moreover, because of the bottom-to-last results, the serialization will end within 10 weeks at most, it is impossible to sell a single book-even if it is released, the cartoonist will earn 10,000 or 20,000, which may not be as much as the manuscript fee of Duoman.

In this way, the lower limit of the manuscript fee announced by Duoman is higher than that of the magazine. It's just that the upper limit is really not comparable. After all, the royalties of top cartoonists are very powerful.

But some people saw the problem and asked immediately below.

"There are so many cartoonists serialized on Duoman. As a result, the first 20 manuscript fees are just a little bit too bad, right?"

"Above, don't you think that there are only 20 or 30 authors submitting articles to the magazine? There are no fewer authors who submit articles to them than Duman. However, those authors are eliminated because they have no chance to publish. only published these comics that had no chance of serialization on the Internet."

"If the skills are not as good as the others, it's fine. You don't even have the right to serialize, and you can directly eliminate the work, which is too bullying."

"Especially some slow-moving comics, the front is only in the layout, after more than a dozen words, the story gradually becomes more exciting. But the magazine's protection period for the new work is only 10 words...10 words, for comics with hundreds of words, 10 What's the point? Instead of doing this, even if I make less money, I want to serialize it on Duoman."

"I think it's the same. Just like me, I want to draw the story in my heart so that readers can see it. As for making money... it's good to be able to eat. So, I think Duanwang is suitable for me."

"Those who said that the manuscript fee is low, have you forgotten that this is just the manuscript fee for the first month of Duo Man. If "ComicFuture" starts from the beginning, I think they may not be able to surpass Duo Man."

"This is true. No matter what, has at least not blocked the author's way. The diligent cartoonist can still drink soup."

Another post signed with is not as appealing. After all, most people are more sensitive to manuscript fees.

But some people, after reading the list of signings, clicked on, browsed the signed comics, and snorted, "On this level? I can do it too."

"I haven't mastered the body proportions, can this kind of comics be signed?"

"This is a good thing, especially for those of us who are experienced, this is a good place to make money!"


Shang Haozhi browsed the messages posted by, read these messages, snorted coldly, and tapped the table twice.

He didn't care about the comments of these cartoonists.

"ComicFuture" has also stabilized after going through the difficulties of the past year.

The average sales of the magazine's recent issues are almost between 4.6 million and 4.7 million. At the same time, "Steel Refining" and "Hire of the Game" are selling well, which also made Shang Haozhi relieved.

Recently, Yan Fei has suddenly become busy, and she doesn't know why.

In addition, there is another thing that has always been in Shang Haozhi's heart. The plan for the "ComicFuture" app has been submitted for almost a month. I don't know if the management has approved it.

Then there is the production of the electronic version of "Steel Refining", which is even harder to say.

"Seven-three opening" is estimated to be enough for a day of high-level discussions.


Shang Haozhi sighed.

The editor in the editing room secretly glanced at Shang Haozhi.

The editor-in-chief rarely expresses emotions.

Is it because you lost money playing cards?

That's not right, the editor-in-chief is not a person who loves to play cards.

The editors were at a loss and dared not ask.

If you accidentally "blow up", that would be really unlucky.

As a result, the editorial department was quiet, and only the sound of keyboarding could be heard.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, which shocked Shang Haozhi.

"Whose landline?" Shang Haozhi asked.

"Editor-in-chief, it's yours." Zeng Yue smiled bitterly.

"Oh..." Shang Haozhi realized that it was his landline.

The people in the editorial department looked at each other, and they all saw helplessness from each other's faces.

Recently, the editor-in-chief has been distracted a bit.

Shang Haozhi answered the phone and nodded slightly, his expression also becoming solemn.

After hanging up the phone, he stood up and hurriedly left the office.

"It should be a very important thing to see Mr. Shang going in such a hurry?" Zhou Xiaoming said nervously.

"I don't know. Recently, the magazine's performance has been stable, "Gossip" is still in theaters, and the craze is still there, but it is not as lively as the previous few days.

"Speaking of "Soul of the Game", this movie is really hot. My home is still a second-tier city, and it turned out that a ticket is hard to find. Finally, I returned to Hongchuan and took the time to watch it. I have to say that the production is really exquisite. The words that Kanan Kubo said, if he can't make a more exciting movie in the short term, it should be true." Jian Xiaomei said.

"Classic plot, top production team and sufficient funds, these three points are the guarantee of performance. It is not that every movie has such a large investment. Is it, Xiao Wang." Hu Ke asked Wang Wenhong on the opposite side.

"Yes, it's difficult." Wang Wenhong said casually, but he never left the computer.

It seems that he is proofreading the dialogue wholeheartedly, but in fact, his heart has already left the editorial department with Shang Haozhi.

Years ago, Shang Haozhi and Shen Xin exchanged and he was also there, so after Shang Haozhi was called away, he also got up and down.

Shang Haozhi went upstairs, is it related to "Steel Refining"?

Wang Wenhong hopes "no", but in his heart he hopes to mention some.

Shang Haozhi knocked on the door of Bao Jiyi's office, came to the desk, looked at Bao Jiyi who was sitting tightly, feeling a little uneasy.

He retracted his gaze, but unexpectedly found that there were two documents on the table side by side, exactly what he had submitted.

Ever, or never?

In Shang Haozhi's heart, there seemed to be a balance that kept swaying up and down.

"Yesterday, the management held a meeting and discussed your two plans, but there was no result. Today, we discussed it all morning and finally confirmed it. I will now tell you the management's opinion."

"Yeah." Shang Haozhi felt a little nervous in his heart.

"First of all, the management agreed to produce comic-related apps, and will set up a separate web comics department to organize and collect completed comics. This department and the "ComicFuture" editorial department exist side by side. Comics completed in the last five years , The editorial department can submit a list for inclusion, and "God of Chess" and "The Legend of the Dragon King" are not included in the selectable list."

Shang Haozhi frowned slightly when he heard Bao Jiyi's words, and his expression became solemn.

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