My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 512: Conspiracy and conspiracy

Wang Wenhong, who had been silent for a long time, also raised his head at this moment and looked at the two of them.

"Can I say something?"


Shen Xin and Shang Haozhi turned to look at Wang Wenhong.

"I said, what you think is a bit simpler."

"What do you mean?" Shang Haozhi asked in surprise.

"Mr. Shen, you should be aware that web comics are very different from paper comics." Wang Wenhong looked at Shen Xin.

Shen Xin nodded, of course he knew this.

"Then you should know that there is no limit to the length of web comics. Generally speaking, a magazine has only 400 to 500 pages, so the number of comics that can be accommodated is extremely limited. A comic can be up to 4o pages up and down, which is still Under the premise of squeezing out other works. However, there is no limit to the length of web comics. Don’t forget, when opened its website, the most recommended comics were updated with more than 3 chapters, which is nearly 100 pages. . Therefore, facing this kind of opponent, we must be uncharacteristic."

Shen Xin sighed, he even forgot about it.

"If Teacher Wang releases a word every other day, the heat will last longer." Shen Xin also expressed concern.

It's like online novels.

Some authors obviously have manuscripts, but publish a few chapters every day, partly to keep the novel hot.

Zhou Geng or Yue Geng is so harmful to the enthusiasm of the novel that almost no author dares to do so.

Another part of the reason is that the author is also a human being, and when he has a personal business or is sick, then those deposited manuscripts will be used.

Of course, the authors who have not saved the manuscript have another point, not that they don't want more, but that they didn't write it.

"Then what do you mean?"

"I looked at the calendar and found that July 1st happened to be Monday. That is to say, "Steel Refining" will have a head-on with the new teacher's new work, so the quality of this sentence is extremely high. Secondly, before July 1st It must be of good quality. You can carry "Steel Refining". Finally, the July 1 issue should also have a large length of 4o pages, and publish it in the magazine in advance. , It’s best to publicize it and tell all readers that each of these three words has 40 pages. In this way, readers’ attention can easily be attracted to "Steel Refining"." Wang Wenhong said excitedly.

"The words before July 1st, I know what they mean, but the words after July 1st...should be on the 8th? The last day we bet with Bao Dong is the 7th, so, Those words are of no use." Shang Haozhi shook his head.

"President Shang...It seems that you still don't understand the ‘hotness’ of comics." Wang Wenhong pushed the frame.

"Huh?" Shang Haozhi frowned slightly, his face a little unhappy.

"Before, Mr. Shen was slandered and said that he invited the navy. This is a negative incident in itself. As a result, the popularity of "Steel Refining" has not decreased, but has increased a lot. This shows that as long as there is a topic, the comics The enthusiasm of the people will increase.” Wang Wenhong’s eyes were full of excitement.

Shen Xin and Shang Haozhi nodded.

"So, we don't need to be too rigid, "Steel Refining" needs topics! As long as there are topics, whether it is positive news, scandals or scandals, "Steel Refining" can accept it."

"This is true, but how do you do it?" Shen Xin asked rhetorically.

Based on his understanding of Wang Wenhong, when he said this, it means that a plan has already been made.

"Compared with online comics, magazines have a shortcoming in addition to the page limit, do you know?" Wang Wenhong looked at Shang Haozhi.

"Convenience?" Shang Haozhi asked tentatively.

"Everyone knows this shortcoming... What I want to talk about is the sale date. Magazines can only be sold at a fixed time, but web comics are different. If Teacher Wang is happy, he can even show the comics in the middle of the night. So, Shen This is where the teacher suffers the most. Even if Mr. Shen has already drawn the manuscript, he still can’t show it.

"From the 1st to the 7th, Mr. Wang will list the comics at intervals to maintain the popularity, but the magazines cannot do it. If we want to raise the popularity of "Steel Refining" again, we only need to add one more sentence between the 1st and the 7th. Just to attract the reader’s attention."

"Impossible." Shang Haozhi shook his head, "It is impossible for the magazine to sell another magazine five or six days apart for this."

"Sigh." Wang Wenhong sighed, "That's why I said you are too rigid."

Shang Haozhi's face instantly flushed, "Even if you say that, it won't work. It will involve the sale of subsequent magazines..."

"Huh?" This time it was Wang Wenhong's turn to stay. "President Shang, don't you think that the "rigid" I said is that the magazine must be sold on time? Yes, the advance sale can indeed carry the "Steel Refining" Popularity, but doing so will make people feel that "comicfuture" is being led by Duoman. More importantly, there is no topic, or the topic is too small, but it is beneficial to Duoman. This is the next best thing."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Shang Haozhi asked back.

Shen Xin is also interested.

"Ahem, both of you, have you ever heard of'sneak run"?" Wang Wenhong's mouth curled up, a smirk appeared on his face.

"'Sneak run'...Huh?" Shen Xin immediately thought of Wang Wenhong's intentions.

"Yes, sneak away. Some movies or games will have a sneak away sample before they are sold. Some do this deliberately, some are not. But no matter what the situation, without exception, it will cause a great topic. .So, "Steelmaking" only needs about ten pages of sketches of'accidentally escaping'.

"At that time, the magazine will guide public opinion on the'sneaking' incident. The more the magazine condemned the'sneaking' incident, and the more it blocked these outflowing artwork, the more readers wanted to see it, the easier their sight was. Focus on this matter. As for the ten-page drawing... the next chapter is a total of 4o pages, even if ten pages are sneaked away, it is not a big deal. Readers who should buy it still have to buy it, even if a reader takes the opportunity to comment on "If interest arises, the sales of magazines may increase."

If you want readers to see the content of the next episode in advance, the website can also post some on Weibo in advance, but it is obvious that this will be seen as a consensus in the face of multiple comics, and "comicfuture" has to do it. "Passive defense", the topic is easy to guide the Internet, "comicfuture" has become the background board, not to mention the increase in the popularity of "Steel Refining" But "sneaking" is not the same, it It will arouse readers’ speculation and draw readers’ attention to "Steel Refining" and "Sneak Run Incident".

Shen Xin raised his brows and looked at Wang Wenhong in surprise. After a long while, he said, "You are good or bad."


The smile on Wang Wenhong's face instantly stiffened.

I am not doing this for you! ?

"But..." Shen Xin gave Wang Wenhong a thumbs up, "You can try it."

This is the operation of the work, with the smallest price in exchange for the greatest benefit.

Wang Wenhong's approach does not play cards according to common sense, but the effect is indeed very good.

"It's good to know." Wang Wenhong wrinkled his nose.

"So, those you said tell the readers in advance that these three episodes have 4o pages per episode. On the one hand, it allows readers to have an expectation of the number of pages in Chapter 3. Even if there are sketches sneaking away, readers will still pay attention to the next issue of the magazine; On the other hand, focuses its attention on these three words. This is a Yangmou, used to hide the'sneaking' incident." Shang Haozhi also understood at this time.

"Yes." Wang Wenhong nodded, "President Shang, how about this idea?"

Shang Haozhi frowned and fell into long thoughts.

To be honest, he somewhat rejected this approach, after all, he did not win the opponent with integrity.

However, the app, free, unlimited updates, these buffs and Wang Yunze's body, make the scale of competition itself have a great tilt.

At present, the popularity of "Steel Refining" is at the top of all comics. Either Wang Yunze stepped on the upper position of "Steel Refining" or "Steel Refining" stepped on the upper position of Wang Yunze.

The dead dao friend does not die the poor dao!

"Just this time."

Although it is not a conspiracy, it is also within the rules.


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