My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 521: New Book Conference

On June 26, Wang Yunze's new book press conference arrived as scheduled.

Shen Xin also devoted half a day to watch the release of Wang Yunze's new book by watching the release of Wang Yunze's new book, and for the first time the name of Wang Yunze's new book appeared in front of everyone-"The Age of the Gods".

The name...a bit big.

This was Shen Xin's first reaction after seeing the name, and even reminded him of the earth's online novels, such as "XX God X" and "XX Emperor X".

In Shen Xin’s memory, the comics with the theme of "God" are mostly insignificant, such as "As God Says", "The World Only God Knows", "My Goddess", and "The God of Death" The subject matter is slightly larger, but it is not as big as "Gods" and "Times."

Shen Xin is a little puzzled, what kind of progress the story needs to be linked to these four words.

""The Age of the Gods" looks so domineering--" Liu Rui saw the brush writing on the big screen, and the whole person was energetic.

"It's a bit domineering." Gao Hang felt a little uncomfortable.

"What do you think of Teacher Shen?" Hang Jian asked in a low voice.

"Me? It's hard to say, you can be sure by looking at the content, right?"

Despite this, Shen Xin is actually not optimistic because the topic is too big.

If it’s a low martial arts world, I’m afraid that it’s not worthy of the name; if it’s a high martial arts world, it also depends on the author’s control. Under the premise of less than a year of preparation, even with the foundation of "The Legend of the Dragon King", Shen Xin is not optimistic that Wang Yunze can paint. come out.

An author's control over a story is not based on fame, but more on the strength and preparation of the author.

What's more, the power system at the end of "The Legend of the Dragon King" has also collapsed, which has cast a shadow on the future of this comic.

As soon as the title of the book was unveiled, the topic of "Age of Gods" came out on the Internet. Whether it was Weibo or the app, it was discussed by many netizens.

""Age of the Gods"? What a good name!"

"Mighty and domineering! Just seeing this name has opened my mind!"

"Look, there are a few characters on the big screen, they are still in the style of Teacher Wang."

"Compared with Teacher Wang, the characters drawn by other cartoonists are all coquettish."

"Put P, ​​so is Teacher Shen? Teacher Shen's current painting skills are better than Teacher Wang!"

"However, Teacher Wang's painting style is more flavorful."

"Are you using it for bibimbap? It also has flavor..."

"I'm going to interview, the host is sister Xiao Pei, a senior host of the animation channel."

The Internet is much quieter, and netizens have also turned their attention to the TV.

"Hello, Mr. Wang. You have prepared this book for about ten months. Compared with "The Legend of the Dragon King", it is half a year less. I want to ask, in this case, you can still keep Is the quality good enough?"

"Preparation time...well, how do you say it? It is indeed a bit short. At first I thought that the preparation time of comics is proportional to its quality, but it is not true. Some authors also only prepared for half a year, but the drawing is surprising. Since then, I think that preparation time has never been a measure of the quality of a comic. In contrast, inspiration is more important!" Wang Yunze pointed to his temple, "If there is no inspiration, it depends on preparation time. It’s not. I didn’t start conceiving this comic after the end of "The Legend of the Dragon King." In fact, the actual preparation time should be more than 10 months."

The Internet was caught up in discussion again.

"Who is so fierce? Only half a year of preparation can draw a surprising comic?"

"I don't know, maybe it's bragging? It's too little for half a year."

"It's possible. Besides, there are no big hits in China, right?"

"Isn't "Steel Refining" the hottest in the country? Is there anything hotter than "Steel Refining"?"

"Fuck, it's really "Steel Refining"! "Soul of Chess" ends in January, and "Steel Refining" is serialized in July-exactly half a year apart!"

"Really? This is a bit too fast, right?"


When Shen Xin heard this, there was also a black line. Of course he knew that Wang Yunze was talking about him, but...

I came through, can't you also come through?

Shen Xin sighed in his heart and secretly said "guilt", accidentally leading Wang Yunze astray.

"That said, you have also put a lot of effort into preparing this comic. The title of the new book, at first glance, is related to'God'. Can you briefly talk about the idea of ​​creating this comic? Yes, can you tell us about the theme of this comic..."

"Actually, the original idea of ​​this manga came after I saw another manga. Because the other manga involved occultism and was purely Western content. So I was wondering if I could also draw one. , A similar cartoon, but the content mainly talks about China. First of all, I think of myths and legends. Later, while collecting relevant information, I also observe the surrounding environment. Because now I pay more attention to cultural exchanges, I draw lessons from other countries. myth.

"Although it is based on myths, this is not a comic based on myths. The book is called "Age of Gods". In fact, the background of the comics is not ancient. There will be many novelties in the design of the story. Please continue to pay attention. I believe "Age of Gods" will not disappoint you."

When Shen Xin heard Wang Wenhong's words, he also became curious about this cartoon.

He reserves his own opinions on the subject of the comics, but with mythology as the background, he may only involve mythological characters, which gives Shen Xin a sense of expectation in "The Age of the Gods".

However, Shen Xin also knows that he is actually interested in the insights of "Age of Gods". As for the direction of the story, to be honest, the theme of the story has lasted for thousands of years, from the initial word of mouth to later Forming words, the routines have long been fixed, but the creators used a more innovative method to disassemble these routines and recombine them.

The host asked Wang Yunze a few more questions, such as why he wanted to leave on the new website update plan, as well as the prospects for the work, and through this, transferred to the game copyright of "Age of Gods" on.

"Just recently, we got news that "Age of the Gods" sold the game copyright to'five' in District 11 for a price of 20 million Chinese coins. This is the first step in China that has not yet been sold, but has already been sold. The comics of the game copyright. Now let's have the person in charge of'five', Mr. Hayakawa, speak..."


Shen Xin was shocked when he heard this number.

Not more than 20 million?

It's really a lot.

Is it worth it?

It depends on the comic itself. If it is a comic like "One Piece" that has a large number of fans around the world, 20 million will be for nothing. As for 20 million to buy a comic book that has not yet been released. To be honest, the price is really high.

Even if the author is Wang Yunze, it is the same.

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