My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 538: Tangled

Xi Muhan called Lu Ning downstairs, and everyone had a supper together.

Nine people, two bottles of red wine, even if four girls don’t drink, it’s not enough.

Shen Xin doesn't drink much. Therefore, there is no wine in the workroom. Seeing Shang Haozhi and Wang Wenhong are having fun, he went downstairs to buy two bottles of red wine and a few bottles of apple cider vinegar.

Now that he had drunk the red wine, Shen Xin gave up the white wine.

Red and white, everyone knows what it feels like after drinking it.

Shang Haozhi and Wang Wenhong still have to go to work, so they shouldn't be too drunk.

After two bottles of red wine, Shang Haozhi was already unconscious. Gao Hang and Hang Jian were also drunk. They were driven by Shen Xin and Wang Wenhong and sent back to the room. At the same time, they told Liu Rui not to come here tomorrow morning.

Yan Fei and Lu Ning came to Lu Ning's studio to rest.

As for Wang Wenhong, the three assistants still had a vacant room, which just happened to be able to be placed there.

When Shen Xin returned to the studio, Xi Muhan was packing the tableware, so he rolled up his sleeves and helped Xi Muhan clean up the dishes.

Seeing Shen Xin's help, Xi Muhan was surprised and surprised.

"What are you doing?" Shen Xin was dissatisfied with Xi Muhan's reaction, "I would have done it, but you won't let me do it."

"Oh, this is not cooking." Xi Muhan finally reacted.


Shen Xin was rather weak.

Xi Muhan sniffed twice and exhorted: "Brother Xin, will you change your clothes tomorrow? It smells like alcohol."

"Huh?" Shen Xin sniffed his sleeve twice, but didn't smell it, "Is there?"

"Very thick," Xi Muhan insisted.


Shen Xin knew that he had drunk some wine, his senses were a little slow, and he was not quite sure.

"Brother Xin, today... Yesterday congratulations." Xiaohan lowered his head, washed a plate, washed it with cold water again, and handed it to Shen Xin.

"Thank you."

Shen Xin's joy of getting the first place radiated with the alcohol.

Yesterday's number one is even more important to Wang Yunze. After all, after changing to a new platform, we must always show ourselves.

Shen Xin had a bet with Bao Jiyi, and the bet was not reached until late at night on the 7th, so he was not in a hurry.

Although he meant to use Wang Yunze to rise up, Shen Xin didn't have much to do. He now needs to use this momentum to prove himself.

Tushen proving the Dao...should have its basis.

"Brother Xin... After "Steel Refining" is over, do you have any... plans?"

"Ah? Let's take a break? Now that the cartoon industry is developing so fast, let's take a look at the situation." Shen Xin muttered to himself.

"No... I mean, have you ever thought about personal matters?" Xi Muhan whispered.

"Personal?" Shen Xin blinked and looked at Xiao Han in surprise, but was a little surprised to see her lowering her head to wash the dishes.

What do you mean?

To be a matchmaker? Or is it to connect with her classmate?

In just a few seconds, Shen Xin had countless scripts in his mind.

Embarrassed in the air.

"That one…"

Xi Muhan lowered his head, not daring to look at Shen Xin, but his ears stood up. Hearing Shen Xin's words, his hand stopped.

"...Should, wait until "Steel Making" is over?" Shen Xin entangled.

To be honest, he didn't know many girls.

If it's other things, Shen Xin is really not afraid. Only in this area, he really has no experience. After all, he has been nesting in the room with code words before crossing, and he has no chance to contact the girls.

Thinking about it this way, his life was truly a failure.

Xi Muhan remembered what Shen Xin said in his heart.

"Steel Refining" is shouldn't be long before...


Shen Xin was a little startled when he saw Xi Muhan, and yelled twice.

"Huh?" Xi Muhan played a few cleverly, and looked at Shen Xin at a loss.

"Have the dishes been washed?" Shen Xin asked.


After being reminded, Xi Muhan noticed that she had forgotten to wash the dishes and let the tap water wash on the dishes.

In an instant, a blush crawled along the cheeks to the base of the ears.

So embarrassing...

Xi Muhan gave Shen Xin the plate, but knew that his face was hot, so he didn't dare to turn his head to look at Shen Xin.

The two of them finished washing the tableware in a slightly embarrassing manner, and Xi Muhan was not more comfortable until the light was turned off.

Back in the bedroom, she lay on the bed, rubbing her cheeks with her hands, slightly hot.

"Just wait for the end of "Steel Making"? Now say... the timing is not good."

Now is the most critical time for Shen Xin in her career. She doesn't want to distract Shen Xin.

But... will he agree?

This is what Xi Muhan worries most.

The popularity of "Steelmaking" continues to rise.

As Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong had guessed, due to the lag between comic magazines and web comics, the heat on the first day was not the biggest heat brought by the latest episode of "Steel Refining".

The topics that appeared on the first day frequently appeared on the second and third days, but the people in the discussion continued to enjoy it—in fact, the people in the discussion had changed a few waves. This situation has kept the popularity of "Steel Making" at a high level, and has always stabilized the head of "Age of Gods".

At noon on the third day, "Age of Gods" released Chapter 4, which made the popularity of "Age of Gods" rise again and narrowed the gap with "Steel Refining".

At this moment, the official Weibo of "oifuture" and released the color pages designed by Shen Xin not long ago, causing an uproar.

"Color page without watermark! It looks so beautiful!"

"This drawing skill is simply amazing, can other cartoonists draw it?"

"Gorgeous... the eyes are gorgeous..."

"From this painting, it is not difficult to see that Mr. Shen's basic skills are more solid than others. Some people are busy drawing cartoons without learning to sketch. Of course, this is not uncommon among cartoonists. After all, cartoons are The carrier of the story, as long as the story is good-looking, it’s ok—but readers prefer to see a beautiful picture."

"Yes, if there is a Blu-ray video, who wants to watch the mosaic (crying)."

"The composition of this coloring page is the best I have seen this year."

"Wait... this picture seems to be downloadable."

"Huh? So I can make a desktop..."

"What desktop, print it! This is a color page that can be printed!"

Many netizens seem to have discovered the New World and have expressed their views, but some people are quite dissatisfied with this move by "oifuture".

"The "oifuture" is so uncomfortable to read They can't make a poster and clip it in "oifuture"?"

It’s not cheap for individuals to print posters individually, but for some readers, saving money is a fortune.

"This should be painted by Teacher Shen after the magazine was released, right?"

"You can also give it away when the next issue of the magazine is on sale! Didn't this make us spend money on purpose?"

"Magazines are not obligated to give gifts, right? This is already considered a welfare. If Teacher Shen doesn't paint, you shouldn't have these requirements, right?"

"Besides, this picture can be used as a desktop, what can the poster do?"

"I said, if this is just an ordinary poster, even if it is given, it should be no problem. "f" did this, there should be a last resort to do so." A reader made another comment.

"what reason?"

"For example, what information is hidden in this picture?" the reader replied.

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