My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 578: Optimistic or not optimistic

"Ms. Shen really said that?"

Yan Fei glanced at the editor-in-chief and team leaders who were meeting behind the glass wall, feeling a little uneasy.

"What are you doing to lie to you? Teacher Shen asked me to tell you privately."

Wang Wenhong, who was standing at Yan Fei's table, lowered his voice and said softly.

Yan Fei rubbed her forehead. She was quite confident about this cartoon. When she heard Wang Wenhong's words from Shen Xin, she suddenly became a little unsure.

"What did Mr. Shen say?" Yan Fei was more anxious.

"I have said a lot... the most important thing is the difficulty of creation." Wang Wenhong pulled a chair from one side. "Mr. Shen said it is also obvious that this comic actually uses actions instead of language. It tests the author's storyboard. Therefore, Mr. Wang gave the storytelling a score of 16. This model is like a pantomime-a good pantomime can easily attract diehard fans, but every word must be expressed by the storytelling instead of language. The difficulty will also increase exponentially."

"One word, two words, three can express it in this way, how about ten words, twenty words, a hundred words? You can't always keep this state, right?"

Yan Fei nodded, "I also know these things, but the most important thing is to get the serialization qualification first."

"That's why Mr. Shen asked me to remind you not to rely too much on a model. A good idea can tell a good short story, but it can't hold up a full-length comic."

Yan Fei weighed the difficulty of creating comics and sighed. I have to say that Shen Xin's comments make sense.

Not only Huaxia, but also the 11th district, there are few long-form comics created with actions and storytelling instead of language. Moreover, in a short period of time, this type really shines, and over time, it will inevitably be bored by readers.

"Ms. Shen's eyes are really poisonous." Yan Fei shook her head.

"That's not right, otherwise, I wouldn't create "Steel Refining"." Wang Wenhong tapped the table twice and stood up from his seat. "By the way, Teacher Shen also asked me to tell you a word."


"The rhythm and style of this comic are very good, he likes it very much." Wang Wenhong grinned.

Yan Fei gave a dry laugh, and Shen Xin approved the comic, only to show that the quality of the comic is good, but it is not certain whether it can be recognized by readers.

The discussion time at this meeting was not too long, because Shen Xin directly scored these works, so the editor-in-chief and team leader of "ComicFuture" and "Young Future" discussed more purposefully.

The final four comics must be related to Shen Xin's judgment, but those scores are not the only basis for judgment.

The reason is that the judges pay more attention to the quality of the work, but the editorial department must consider the market.

Therefore, websites and magazines often publish some heavy routines-don't the editors know that these works are serious?

know. But these works are also really sold for money.

In the final analysis, magazines are still commercial organizations whose primary purpose is to make money.

Yan Fei stared at the computer screen, but his thoughts flew into the conference room.

The people sitting on both sides of the conference table held their own opinions and expounded their own opinions.

Fortunately, there were not too many works that made people feel entangled. The meeting ended after only over an hour. The editors and team leaders of the two magazines came out of the meeting room one after another.

After sending away the editors of "Shoun Future", Shang Haozhi turned around and told Yan Fei that "The Cat Returning to School" will be published in the last issue of "Shoun Future" in December.

The last issue?

Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong looked at each other and were surprised.

The publishing order of these four short comics is based on the order approved by the editorial department.

The editor-in-chief thinks that works that will catch fire will definitely be put in the first position, because the magazine also wants to ask for auspiciousness and make a good start.

So, everyone is not optimistic about "The Cat Back to School"?

"It's not that everyone is not optimistic about this short story, but that the magazine has never had this kind of comics. Because of the maverick taste, if it weren't for Mr. Shen to give the only 80 points, this comic is likely to be abandoned. "Group leader Li Junwen walked to Yan Fei and explained.

After all, it is still not optimistic.

Yan Fei bit her lip and said nothing.

Since you want to judge the pros and cons of comics by readers’ votes, then look at the final votes?

Really good works will not be buried.

Yan Fei was a little angry.


Towards December, also announced the rules of the second "Golden Paintbrush" award.

Taking into account that the first competition was affected by the "votes being swiped" event, the editorial department of was also more attentive when formulating the second rules.

First, the amount of the "Golden Paintbrush" award was lowered from 5 million to 3 million.

When the authors saw this rule, they were all heartbroken.

This dwindling amount of money is equivalent to 2 "Silver Paintbrush" awards.

However, even if it is less than 2 million yuan, the "Golden Paintbrush" award is still the highest award in the country, there is no doubt about this.

Just like "Steel Refining", it won the "Best Feature of the Year" in the "Comic Festival" not long ago, but the money it got was only half a million.

The good news is that the "Golden Paintbrush" award will no longer be vacant, and 3 million awards will be awarded each time.

In addition, the number of "Silver Paintbrush Awards" has also been reduced to three.

The total prize money of the "Golden Paintbrush" award has been reduced by 40%.

The rules for participating in the next event will also be announced.

First of all, the period of one "Golden Paintbrush" award is two years.

From December of the first year to November of the second year, this period is the submission period. During this period, all submitted works are eligible to participate in the "Golden Paintbrush" award; December of the second year The voting period is until September 30 of the third year.

According to the level of the member account, members have 1-3 recommended votes. One ip address can only vote for one work in a month, and the number of votes per month is cleared.

Excluding the months with the highest and lowest votes, the other eight months are averaged. The top ten enters the second stage, and the list of winners will be announced in November.

At the same time, after the deadline of the previous submission period, the next submission period will start accepting submissions, and the follow-up is still the process.

That is to say, the work can be submitted at any time, but it must be serialized for at least a year before you have the chance to win the Golden Brush Award. At the same time, the month with the highest number of votes is removed to avoid swipes. The average number of votes for eight months is to ensure the stability of the work.

After these rules came out, the cartoonists became restless again.

In contrast, the rules for the second edition are more stringent, and at the same time, some authors who want to be opportunistic are eliminated, allowing the participating authors to focus more on the work itself.

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