My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 593: "Two Men's Journey" released

At the end of March, the screening of the 24th episode of the first season of "Steel Refining" pushed the plot of the entire animation to a climax.

Roy kept snapping his fingers, and the raging flames repeatedly burned Stella's body.

The "strongest spear" among the cyborgs is close to Roy's forehead, but it turns into ashes with the weather.

This scene made the readers and the audience high-spirited. The early stage of "Steel Refining" progressed slowly and methodically, but in this episode, fighting ignited the passion.

Subsequently, "icFuture" hit the iron while it was hot and released the 17th volume of "Steel Refining" comics.

For a time, almost a book is hard to find. The 1.5 million copies of the first edition were forced to be republished again on the fifth day of release.

As the editor in charge of "Steel Refining", Wang Wenhong was also surprised to be speechless when he saw this scene.

The popularity of the comics completely surpassed that of "The Legend of the Dragon King". In the popularity rankings, "Steel Refining" has the advantage of 200,000 people, leaving "Age of Gods" behind.

More importantly, the recent plot of "Steel Refining" is also extremely exciting.

The last cyborg that everyone paid attention to-the ancestor cyborg-finally appeared. And his true identity, most readers did not expect, that is the "son" of President Bradley, a child who seems to be about 10 years old, "arrogant" Pride. In the tunnel, the shadow that can devour people's lives is also his clone.

Pride used the shadow to threaten Roy’s former lieutenant Lisa, so that she did not dare to contact Roy easily, and Kimberly, who was far away in Briguz, had discovered the identity of Skar and contacted Briguz The guards, the Elric brothers, and Wen Li together surrounded and suppressed Skar.

The result of this battle is not only beyond the accident of Kimberly, but also beyond the accident of readers.

Among the four synthetic beasts that came with Kimberly, two betrayed (the other two will be betrayed later). Brothers Wenli and Elric joined forces with Ska and Zhang Mei to stage a bitter trick. Let Skar "hold down" Wen Li and escape Kimberly's siege.

This battle, fighting wits and courage, made readers enjoy it.

After a month, "Steel Refining" is not only a rock solid ranking in the small book, but also on the hot list.

Shen Xin's studio is relaxed.

"Steel Refining" has a good harvest in both magazines and booklets. There was news from the magazine just now that the ratings of episode 24 in 11 districts exceeded 10%, and the ratings in China were also good. At the same time, the weekly sales volume of volume 17 broke. The overall situation of 1 million copies has been decided, it just depends on how many copies will eventually be available.

On the Internet, the popularity of "Steel Refining" leads the second-place "Age of Gods" and even exceeds 200,000 people, which surprised Shen Xin.

The quality of "Steel Refining" is better than "Age of Gods", and, due to the addition of animation, the popularity of comics on the Internet is very high, ranking first for a long time.

There is no doubt about this.

However, "Age of the Gods" is free, and it mainly depends on the app and the Internet.

According to common sense, even if "Steel Refining" is better than "Age of Gods", it is still surprising that it can stably exceed the popularity value of "Age of Gods" of 200,000.

"Brother Xin, come on, the animation is about to begin..."

Xi Muhan came back from Lu Ning early, and sat in front of the TV when "Steel Refining: The Journey of Two" was still 10 minutes away.

Su Han also recommended "The Journey of Two People" on his Weibo and accounts two days earlier. After all, she participated in the creation of this story, so the necessary recommendation is also To be given.

Xi Muhan also recommended it on his Weibo, and the answer below was "Xia Da, I see" and "oroicFuture" has been advertised.

Seeing such a message, Xi Muhan inevitably became nervous.

The quality of the first season of "Steel Refining" is there, and now "The Journey of Two" is released, readers will definitely compare it with the first season of "Steel Refining".

If there is too much difference from the original work, there will definitely be overwhelming bad reviews.

The same subject matter, the same production team, if the reputation is too bad, the responsibility falls on her and Su Han.

No... Xi Muhan knew that she was the real chief writer.

Therefore, other people may not feel the pressure on her.


After Shen Xin took the pen, he stretched out and left the workbench, "You guys, take a short break and take a look at the original animation of "Steel Refining". This is completely different from the comics you participated in."


Gao Hang raised his hand, then stood up, Liu Rui also put away the pressure-sensitive pen, and walked over with Hang Jian following Gao Hang.

Find chairs and sit around the TV.

Xi Muhan rubbed his hands restlessly, watching TV nervously, and then placed his hands on his legs restlessly. Because of the tension, his fingers were slightly shaking inadvertently.

Suddenly, a warmth spread from the back of her hand to her heart-Shen Xin's left hand lightly pressed on the back of her hand.

"No problem, you did a good job, don't forget, I also agree with this script."

At this moment, there seemed to be a warm current rushing to her heart.


Xi Muhan nodded slightly, Rurun did not know when he climbed up from the neck to his cheeks, and then Shen Xin withdrew his hand and looked forward.


Xi Muhan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and there was another loss in his heart.

"The animation has begun."

"Huh? Hmm!"

Xi Muhan responded in a panic, then quickly raised his head and looked at the TV.

The first thing that catches the eye is the logo of "Steel Refining" and a line of small characters below-the journey of two people.

Different from the op of the first two chapters of "Steel Refining", the theme song of "The Journey of Two People" is a soothing tune.

Death, immortality, the fate of the people... these factors are gathered together, revealing a heavy weight.

The soothing and slightly melancholic style enhances the heavy feeling of the whole animation.

Just look at and it is consistent with the theme of "Steel Refining".

Zhang Mei, Xiaomei, Yao Lin, Fu Ye, Lan Fang...these characters involved in "Steel Refining" appear in the op one by one.

At the same time, because it is the same production team as "Steel Refining", both the graphics and quality of "The Journey of Two" are consistent with the first season of "Steel Refining".

This almost guarantees that as long as the story does not collapse, the quality and popularity of the animation will be guaranteed.

In the creation process of "Steel Refining", the contents of Xingguo were revealed one by one, such as clothing and weapons used, so when the characters appeared, there was not much sense of disobedience.

As the protagonist, the first scene of the animation is the encounter between Zhang Mei and Xiaomei.

The reason for choosing this scene is also for a reason. This is a scene that will appear in the comics. The purpose of the opening is to allow readers to smoothly transition to this original animation.

It can be seen that Shoji Uno has also worked hard for the quality of this animation.

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